board report on parcel tax options

Board Report on Parcel Tax Options November 30, 2016 1 Agenda - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Board Report on Parcel Tax Options November 30, 2016 1 Agenda Planning Process and Recap Background from Past to Present Initial Parcel Tax Options and Directions Reductions Review Outcomes for Tonight Board

  1. Board Report on Parcel Tax Options November 30, 2016 1

  2. Agenda ◼ Planning Process and Recap ◼ Background from Past to Present ◼ Initial Parcel Tax Options and Directions ◼ Reductions Review ◼ Outcomes for Tonight ◼ Board Directions from November 9 and 17, 2016 ◼ Summary of Panorama Survey ◼ Parcel Tax Amounts/Reductions ◼ Timing Options ◼ Proposed Parcel Tax Language ◼ Next Steps/Board Direction 2 Engagement Innovation Leadership Partnership Perseverance

  3. Planning Process Understanding the Financials and Process to Address the Structural Deficit (9/13) Community Input Session 1: 9/27 Report to Board on Potential (Debrief May 3 Parcel Taxes) Reduction options to Address the Deficit (9/20) Staff input Community Input Session 2: 10/24 into reduction (Alternative Options to Reductions) recommendations Discussion and Report to Board on Reduction Options Community Input Session 3: 10/25 and Community Input (10/18) (Alternative Options to Reductions) School Board Directions (11/9) (Assessment of Potential Parcel Tax Timing and Structure) Special Added Board Meeting (11/17) Special Board Meeting (11/30) Special Board Meeting (12/5)

  4. Recap: Background from Past to Present ◼ Long Range Financial Model and Planning ◼ Organizational Review and Budget Reserve Analysis ◼ District’s Financial Stewardship ◼ Enrollment and Educational Value ◼ Framework on Reductions ◼ Funding and Reductions ◼ Keep Perspective 4 Engagement Innovation Leadership Partnership Perseverance

  5. Recap: Reduction Considerations and Process ◼ Considerations ◼ We VALUE all our programs and team members ◼ There simply isn’t a way to get to the level of needed reductions without reducing programs we VALUE ◼ These programs and people matter to our students and their success ◼ Process ◼ Input from District’s Leadership Team, MPEA, CSEA, and District Council ◼ Superintendent Cabinet reviewed input against Framework ◼ Assistant Superintendent lead community input process 5 Engagement Innovation Leadership Partnership Perseverance

  6. Recap: Initial Directions and Parcel Tax Options Presented on 11/9 Financial model with 5 years of financial stability ❖ Maintain reserve levels of 15% through 2021/22 Reductions made ❖ evenly over a 3 year period Savings realized ❖ from taking advantage of reductions in early years Engagement Innovation Leadership Partnership Perseverance

  7. Recap: Initial Reduction List Included 5.67M ❖ Exhaustive reduction assessment ❖ More than necessary 7 Engagement Innovation Leadership Partnership Perseverance

  8. Minimal Reductions Best Maintain the Student Experience Staffing - Admin and Operations Reduction/Increase Educational Services Reductions -$230,000 Business Office Reductions -$80,000 Other Staffing or Program Custodial Reduction 1 FTE -$60,000 Non Staffing Reduce Middle School Mini Courses -$53,000 Reduction of Site Budgets -$50,000 Reduction in Professional Development -$25,000 Reduction in District Instructional Online Subscriptions -$25,000 Sub-total of Additional Reductions -$523,000 Reductions made in 2016/17 -900,000 TOTAL REDUCTIONS -$1,423,000 8 Engagement Innovation Leadership Partnership Perseverance

  9. Revised Complete Reductions List Amount 9 Proposed Additional Reductions (best maintain student experience) -$523,000 Increase Class Size -$1,200,000 Class size: raise K-8 average to 1:24 (core and electives) -$1,200,000 Staffing - Electives, Specialists, Support -$1,323,000 Elimination of TOSA -$250,000 Modified Library program w/ library aide model and one district certificated librarian -$250,000 Replace credentialed art teachers with art aides -$206,000 List of reductions Eliminate Science Aides -$127,000 reflects the Reduction in Instructional Aides except for Kindergarten -$360,000 Non-Staffing Reductions -$377,000 reduction Additional Reduction in Technology Budget -$100,000 framework: The Eliminate Middle School Mini Courses -$27,000 Student Reduction of Site Budgets -$150,000 Reduction in Professional Development -$75,000 Experience Reduction in District Instructional Online Subscriptions -$25,000 Compensation -$770,500 Reduce Teacher work year by 3 days (2 days to remain) -$125,000 Reduce Principal, Director, AP Contract Day by 5 days -$45,500 Slow salary increase (financial impact by year 4) -$600,000 Total Additional Reductions -$4,193,500 Reductions made in 2016/17 -$900,000

  10. Outcomes for Tonight ◼ Review Board Directions from 11/9 and 11/17 ◼ New Directions from the Board on: ◼ Parcel Tax Election Timing ◼ Parcel Tax Size and Term ◼ Input on Parcel Tax Language 10 Engagement Innovation Leadership Partnership Perseverance

  11. Board Directions from 11/9 and 11/18 ◼ Summary of Panorama Survey ◼ Parcel Tax Options with 2-4 Years of Financial Stability ◼ $900K Implemented in 2016/17 ◼ $1.4M ($523K+900K) Reductions ◼ $1.8M ($523K+$377K+900K) Reductions ◼ Develop parcel tax options with a financial model that provides 2 to 4 years of financial stability ◼ Financial stability is defined as meeting minimum requirements of Board Policy 3470 ◼ Reserve levels do not fall below 15% in the 2, 3, or 4 year period ◼ Multi year budget reserve levels can fall below 15% but will require reductions to meet BP 3470 for 10% reserves in multi year budgets 11 Engagement Innovation Leadership Partnership Perseverance

  12. Summary of Panorama Survey ◼ Presented by Assistant Superintendent Erik Burmeister 12 Engagement Innovation Leadership Partnership Perseverance

  13. 13 Parcel Tax Options with Variable Financial Stability Durations ◼ Maintain $900K reductions made in 2016/17 ◼ No new reductions

  14. 14 Parcel Tax Options with Variable Financial Stability Durations ◼ $1.4M Reductions ◼ $900K reductions made in 2016/17 ◼ Additional $523K

  15. 15 Parcel Tax Options with Variable Financial Stability Durations ◼ $1.8M in Reductions ◼ $900K reductions made in 2016/17 ◼ Additional $900K ◼ Reductions made over 2 year period

  16. 16 Parcel Tax Options with Variable Financial Stability Durations ◼ $0.9M Reductions (implemented in 2016/17) ◼ $1.4M Reductions ◼ $1.8M Reductions

  17. 17 Parcel Tax/Budget Reduction Options Next Decision Next Decision Next Decision Parcel Tax Funding/Reductions Funding/Reductions Funding/Reductions Amount Spring 2019 (2 Years) Spring 2020 (3 Years) Spring 2021(4 Years) $2.6M $3.7M $3.9M total $207 ($1.7M Additional) ($2.8M Additional) ($3.0M Additional) reductions $2.0M $3.1M $3.4M $250 ($1.1M Additional) ($2.2M Additional) ($2.5M Additional) additional $1.4M $2.4M $2.8M reductions $300 beyond the ($0.5M Additional) ($1.5M Additional) ($1.9M Additional) $900K for 2016/17 $1.1M $1.8M $2.3M $350 ($0.2M Additional) ($0.9M Additional) ($1.4M Additional) $0.9M $1.25M $1.7M $400 (No Additional) ($0.35M Additional) ($0.8M Additional)

  18. Parcel Tax Timing Options OPTION 1: March 7, 2017 (precinct voting; polls open + absentee ballots) FILING DEADLINE: 12/9/2016 OPTION 2: May 2, 2017 (mail-in ballots ONLY) FILING DEADLINE: 2/3/2017 OPTION 3: June 6, 2017 ( precinct voting; polls open + absentee ballots ) FILING DEADLINE: 3/10/2017 OPTION 4: November 7, 2017 (precinct voting; polls open + absentee ballots) FILING DEADLINE: 8/11/2017 18 Engagement Innovation Leadership Partnership Perseverance

  19. Potential Parcel Tax Language “To protect outstanding public schools, retain high-quality teachers and excellent programs, avoid teacher layoffs, maintain reasonable class sizes, and sustain property values, shall the Menlo Park City School District renew its expiring parcel tax for ___ years at the new rate of $____, adjusted annually for inflation, raising $ ___ million annually to be spent only on teachers and essential educational programs at Encinal, Laurel, Oak Knoll, and Hillview schools with oversight and transparency measures and an exemption for seniors?” 19 Engagement Innovation Leadership Partnership Perseverance 19

  20. Next Steps ◼ Directions from Board on: ◼ Parcel Tax Election Timing ◼ Parcel Tax Size and Term ◼ Input on Parcel Tax Language ◼ Next school Board meeting scheduled for December 5, 2016 ◼ Parcel Tax Resolution ◼ Finalize Reductions Options By 1/31/2017 ◼ With and Without Parcel Tax 20 Engagement Innovation Leadership Partnership Perseverance


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