ownership problems

Ownership Problems 23.1 Million parcel in Cadaster Record 32,5 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Ownership Problems 23.1 Million parcel in Cadaster Record 32,5 Million parcel in practice number of farm : 3 million number of parcels per farm : 10 number of land owners : 40 million 40 million owners / 3 million

  1. Ownership Problems • 23.1 Million parcel in Cadaster Record • 32,5 Million parcel in practice • number of farm : 3 million • number of parcels per farm : 10 • number of land owners : 40 million • 40 million owners / 3 million active farm = 1 farm = 13 owners

  2. WHAT IS THE LAND CONSOLIDATION? Ex Ownership Irrigation canals Former and new plots Integration of 7 plots The shape after the consolidation THUS, IRRIGATION RATE HAS EXCEEDED OVER 8 0’S %

  3. initial state 35x1200senors 12Mx200+ Layers xST Index Event Sensor Calculator Computer Sensor initial state Index Event Sensor Calculator Computer Sensor Fusion Scheme

  4. Real Time Mapping for Hourly Precipitation

  5. Real Time Mapping for Leaf Wetness Index

  6. Drought & Risk Management in Turkey Remote Sensing Crop Drought and Risk Management Drought System Pattern (spatio-temporal Data) Monitoring (Spatial Data) Management (subsidy, …) Data Fusion System Crop Decision Administrative Support Monitoring Data Systems Land and Policy Resource Agro-meteo- Management Monitoring pheno (9-Level Monitoring plan) Network

  7. Turksat Yield Verification via harvesting monitors GPS Intranet yield (kg/da, humid., x,y,t)

  8. Sampling & Data e-form and Acquisiton Image assistants Management (4) (8) TARGEL staff mobile T(b, x, y, t, s) Observation network (6) Remote Efficiency Yield Efficiency Sensing satellite indices Estimation constellation calculator (9) (5) Phenological Continous Data Fusion stage Yield Terrestrial monitoring System R i (.) Risk and loss detection sys. Monitoring network Estimation Prediction i=1..8 system (14) and Reporting Risk indices (10) System G(b, x, y, t, s) calculator Yield Monitoring (7) (13) Yield efficiency (11) (2) Trajectory monitoring network Agricultural field Planning Cadastral and regs. DB (1) Harvesting V(x,y,m,t) Yield Efficiency machines YE Computations data acquistion (12) Monitoring (3) devices’

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