planning for a successful parcel tax measure

Planning For a Successful Parcel Tax Measure Portola Valley School - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Planning For a Successful Parcel Tax Measure Portola Valley School District August 14, 2019 Sabrina Kochprapha, Senior Consultant TBWB Strategies TBWB Parcel Tax Process Step 1: Feasibility Poll Political landscape Election timing

  1. Planning For a Successful Parcel Tax Measure Portola Valley School District August 14, 2019 Sabrina Kochprapha, Senior Consultant TBWB Strategies

  2. TBWB Parcel Tax Process

  3. Step 1: Feasibility  Poll  Political landscape  Election timing  Competing issues  Tax rate  Potential controversy  Programs

  4. Step 2: Build Consensus  Inform and engage internal school community  Parents  Staff  Students  PTO  Foundation  Inform and engage external community  Elected leaders  Neighborhood leaders  Business leaders

  5. Step 3: Build a Strong Measure  Resolution calling election  Ballot question  Rate/Duration/Exemptions  Uses of Funds  Board vote

  6. Step 4: Campaign  Private fundraising  Phone banks  Social/Digital  Lawn signs strategies  Direct mail  GOTV  Endorsements

  7. March 2020 Election Planning Timeline Build a Advocacy Feasibility Build Strong Campaign Study Consensus Measure  Poll  Political  Write resolution  Private  Phone banks  Election Landscape  Ballot question fundraising  Lawn signs timing  Competing  Non-advocacy  Direct mail  GOTV  Tax Rate issues communication  Website  Programs  Potential  Consensus building  Endorsements controversy  Board vote

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