board of trustees retreat

Board of Trustees Retreat Strategic Plan Year Three Update October - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Board of Trustees Retreat Strategic Plan Year Three Update October 2018 Undergraduate Student Success Objective One: Be the University of choice for aspiring undergraduate students within the Commonwealth and beyond, seeking a

  1. Board of Trustees Retreat Strategic Plan Year Three Update October 2018

  2. Undergraduate Student Success Objective One: Be the University of choice for aspiring undergraduate students within the Commonwealth and beyond, seeking a transformational education that promotes self-discovery, experiential learning, and life- long achievement.

  3. Undergraduate Student Success Strategic Initiatives: 1) Enhance the success of our increasingly diverse student body and help ensure timely degree completion and career planning through high-impact, student-centered support systems Enhance students’ learning and their preparation for 2) contributing to a rapidly changing world as leaders and scholars through the provision of new and innovative curricular offerings and state-of-the-art teaching Enrich students’ undergraduate education through 3) transformational experiences of self-discovery and learning

  4. Undergraduate Student Success Baseline AY 2015-16 AY 2016-17 AY 2017-18 AY 2018-19 2020 Goal Retention 1st Year 82.2% 82.7% 81.7% 83.3% 84.5% 90.0% Rates 2nd Year 74.9% 74.9% 74.1% 74.3% 74.6% 85.5% 3rd Year 69.7% 70.1% 69.1% 68.4% 68.3% 82.0% 47.1% Graduation 4-Year 38.5% 40.4% 44.2% 44.8% 53.0% Rates 6-Year 60.2% 61.3% 63.6% 64.6% 65.8% 70.0% Underrepresented Graduation 16.7% 23.5% 13.0% 15.2% 14.2% 9.8% Minority (URM) Rate Gaps First 7.8% 14.1% 16.7% 18.2% 16.7% 8.0% Generation Pell 15.0% 19.1% 16.2% 19.6% 17.1% 8.0% Recipients AY 2018-19 is preliminary

  5. Undergraduate Student Success First-Year Experience Philosophy • Engage students in their transition to University life • Embrace opportunities to promote intellectual and personal growth • Foster a sense of belonging, well-being, and community through curricular, co-curricular, and extracurricular activities • Offer a balance of support and challenges Next Steps • Set first-year learning goals and outcomes • Develop and deliver faculty professional development • Review and assess practices for continuous improvement

  6. Graduate Education Objective Two: Strengthen the quality and distinctiveness of our graduate programs to transform our students into accomplished scholars and professionals who contribute to the Commonwealth, the nation, and the world through their research and discovery, creative endeavors, teaching, and service.

  7. Graduate Education Strategic Initiatives: 1) Recruit and retain outstanding graduate students from all backgrounds 2) Invest in graduate programs that have distinctive synergy with UK’s research priorities and/or whose graduate students demonstrate excellence at the national or global levels 3) Elevate the quality and richness of the graduate student experience and increase the national competitiveness of UK’s graduate programs

  8. Graduate Education Baseline AY 2015-16 AY 2016-17 AY 2017-18 AY 2018-19 2020 Goal Doctoral 25.0% 32.4% 29.4% 30.5% 30.9% 22.0% Program Selectivity Graduate 1,591 1,555 1,548 1,507 1,586 1,639 Degrees Awarded Diversity of African 4.5% 4.6% 4.7% 4.5% 4.6% 7.7% Graduate American/ Enrollment Black Hispanic/ 2.6% 2.4% 2.5% 2.9% 3.3% 2.7% Latino AY 2018-19 is preliminary

  9. Graduate Education Online Graduate Degrees • Online master’s degrees • Master’s in Applied Statistics ranked in top 10 nationally • Master’s in Digital Mapping • Integrating market analysis • Program development • Program improvements Leveraging International Partnerships • FastTrack pathways from bachelor’s to master’s • 3+2 Jilin University in Public Health • Developing new partnerships with the Gatton College of Business and Economics, the College of Engineering, and the College of Arts and Sciences

  10. Outreach and Community Engagement Objective Three: Leverage leading- edge technology, scholarship, and research in innovative ways to advance the public good and to foster the development of citizen-scholars.

  11. Outreach and Community Engagement Strategic Objectives: 1) Renew our institutional commitment to promote the public good through the sustainable application of our expertise and resources to meet challenges and disparities associated with social, economic, environmental, educational, and health issues 2) Deepen student learning through community engagement

  12. Outreach and Community Engagement Baseline 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2020 Goal Unified Reporting Number of 25+ 3 3 3 1 Structure Reporting Structures Available Faculty & Staff Faculty Teaching 14.3% 15.3% 17.4% 25.8% after Nov Delivering Outreach & Courses 2018 Community Engagement Available Staff Teaching 1.4% 1.5% 1.4% 3.3% after Nov 2018 329 Opportunities for Students Community 329 331 337 429 Engagement Courses Under Partnerships Identified 100 7,082 development Partnerships 2017-18 is preliminary

  13. Outreach and Community Engagement Innovative Digital Badges for Student Engagement • Documenting student competencies in Service Engagement, Civic Engagement, and Active Citizenship Peace Corps Prep Partner • New program in development to build student competencies desired by Peace Corps • Sector-specific skills • Foreign language proficiency • Intercultural competency • Professional savvy and leadership • Integrates coursework and hands-on experience • Leads to a certificate issued by Peace Corps

  14. Diversity and Inclusivity Objective Four: Enhance the diversity and inclusivity of our University community through recruitment and retention of an increasingly diverse population of faculty, administrators, staff, and students, and by implementing initiatives that provide rich diversity-related experiences for all to help ensure their success in an interconnected world.

  15. Diversity and Inclusivity Strategic Initiatives: 1) Foster a diverse community of engaged students 2) Improve workforce diversity and inclusion 3) Engage diverse worldviews and perspectives by increasing awareness of diversity and by communications across campus that address these issues

  16. Diversity and Inclusivity Baseline AY 2015-16 AY 2016-17 AY 2017-18 AY 2018-19 2020 Goal Enrollment of URM Undergraduate 14.7% 15.3% 16.1% 16.6% 16.5% 16.2% students Graduate 8.4% 8.9% 10.5% 9.4% 10.3% 11.8% Graduation Rate for Bachelor 45.2% 40.7% 52.4% 51.9% 54.2% 60.2% URM students Masters 70.9% 64.9% 61.8% 67.4% 67.0% 78.0% Doctoral 45.5% 47.1% 38.5% 63.6% 53.8% 68.0% Data available Employment of Women 37.1% 38.0% 38.9% 39.1% 48.2% after Nov 2018 Faculty Data available African American/ 3.4% 3.5% 3.6% 3.7% 6.9% after Nov 2018 Black Data available Hispanic/Latino 3.0% 3.1% 3.2% 3.5% 4.2% after Nov 2018 Data available Employment of Women 48.9% 46.8% 47.4% 47.8% 50.0% after Nov 2018 Executives Data available African American/ 3.5% 4.0% 4.6% 4.5% 7.9% after Nov 2018 Black Data available Hispanic/Latino 0.5% 0.7% 0.5% 0.5% 6.1% after Nov 2018 Data available Employment of Staff African American/ 4.3% 4.6% 4.3% 4.6% 5.1% after Nov 2018 Black Data available Hispanic/Latino 1.1% 1.2% 1.1% 1.0% 1.5% after Nov 2018 AY 2018-19 is preliminary

  17. Diversity and Inclusivity Culture of Conversation: “Exploring Invisible Issues” • Financial need • Food insecurity • Mental health • Sexual assault C ritical Conversations on Race and Teaching • Creating learning communities and fostering belonging • Universal design for learning • Facilitating, managing, and responding to difficult dialogues Faculty Learning Communities • Teaching veterans (14 participants from six colleges) • Teaching for equity (12 participants from five colleges)

  18. Diversity and Inclusivity Leadership Development Programs • Chairs Academy I and II • Bluegrass Higher Education Consortium Academic Leadership Academy • Women’s Executive Leadership Development Program (WELD) • 260 total faculty participants • 62% women, 10% URM Southeastern Conference Academic Leadership Development Program • 33 UK fellows completed the program • 62% women, 19% URM • 76% hold executive positions

  19. Research and Scholarship Objective Five: Expand our scholarship, creative endeavors, and research across the full range of disciplines to focus on the most important challenges of the Commonwealth, our nation, and the world.

  20. Research and Scholarship Strategic Initiatives: 1) Invest in UK's existing strengths and areas of growth in selected focus areas that benefit and enrich the lives of the citizens of the Commonwealth and beyond 2) Recruit and retain outstanding faculty, staff, and students who support our research and scholarship across the range of disciplines at the University 3) Improve the quality of the research infrastructure across campus 4) Strengthen engagement efforts and translation of research and creative work for the benefit of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, the nation, and the world

  21. Research and Scholarship Baseline FY 2014-15 FY 2015-16 FY 2016-17 2020 Goal Total Research & All $328.2 M $331.7 M $349.7 M $378.4 M $364 M Development Expenditures Federal Only $142.3 M $146.5 M $154.6 M $171.3 M $159 M Ranking of Leiden Ranking 51.1% n/a 51.1% 52.0% n/a Doctoral Programs $209 Research Space $/sq foot $191 $197 $209 $300 Licenses Exclusive 100 101 105 106 177 Licenses License Income $3.3 M $1.0 M $6.5 M $2.4 M $3.5 M FY 2016-17 is preliminary

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