board meeting

Board Meeting September 10, 2018 LOCATION PHONE NUMBER WEBSITE - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Board Meeting September 10, 2018 LOCATION PHONE NUMBER WEBSITE FACEBOOK 21 Municipal Drive +1 636 933 2700 Arnold, M O 63010 OUR MISSION To lead in providing quality, comprehensive

  1. Board Meeting September 10, 2018 LOCATION PHONE NUMBER WEBSITE FACEBOOK 21 Municipal Drive +1 636 933 2700 Arnold, M O 63010

  2. OUR MISSION To lead in providing quality, comprehensive healthcare that is affordable and accessible, and to support the dedicated professionals who make caring for the individuals we serve their number one priority.

  3. AGENDA 7:30 AM – Meeting Open CEO Report Approval of Agenda and Minutes Action Items CLOSED SESSION Discussion Items Financials Adjournment Program Highlight

  4. APPROVAL OF AGENDA MOTION: “I, ______, move that the Board approve the, September 10, 2018 Meeting Agenda.”

  5. APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES MOTION: “I, ______, move that the Board approve the August 13, 2018 Meeting Minutes.”


  7. CASH ON HAND $1,346,759.67 ACCOUNT RECIEVABLES MOTION: $2,818,869.82 “ As a member of the Finance Committee, I _________, move that the Board approve the financials for the month of July, FINANCIAL REPORT 2018.”

  8. COMTREA PROGRAM HIGHLIGHT Zero SUICIDE presented by Laura Bilsland, AVP Adult BH  Missouri- Where we stand  What is Zero Suicide?  Clinical changes since implementation  Cultural changes at COMTREA  What can we all do? ZEROSuicide IN HEALTH AND BEHAVIORAL HEALTH CARE

  9. CEO REPORT  FINANCIAL FOCUS UPDATE  Financial Alignment Plan  Growth Report  Financial Status Of Health Center  STATE ASSOCIATIONS  DIVISIONAL UPDATES  HRSA  VOLUNTEERS

  10. FINANICAL ALIGNMENT PLAN August Updates – Performance Monitoring A. Performance Monitoring 8/29/2018 1 MORS a. Monthly for Primary Care, Oral Health & Behavioral Health MORs were held with each of these 3 service lines Mon. 8/27/18. Darlene Herrell presented in the absence of Dr. Turner who was on PTO. PC Alignment Plan A-B-C written updates provided. Stated request to focus on these three items: (1) Look at the provider schedules and move as needed to support patient access needs. For example, more provider hours are needed at Emerson; (2) Focus on production with Open Access, adherence to time slots per patient type (15 min/30 min), (3) Reminder call process to decrease cancellations and allow reschedule options; (4) double-booking as appropriate. Dr. Garland presented for Oral Health and ramp-up dependent on filling the 5 remaining Dental Assistant positions. Overtime authorized as current shortage of support staff has closed several dental chairs. b. Quarterly for all programs Scheduled per plan. 2 C-Team Review (Weekly Review) a. Laser focus on top 3 contributing factors (direct, indirect, no control) C-Team discussion on Mon. 8/27 with extended discussion on the Primary Care Alignment plan, additional support for dental assistants recruitment, and cash flow forecast. b. Coordinated intervention and accountability Per Plan c. Tighter timeframe for low performance and change Adherence to the timeframes as detailed in the A-B-C Alignment Work Plans. 3 Corrective Action Plans a. Essential components include 3-5 interventions, time referenced and Weekly Friday call with Primary Care Operations Manager and Oral Health Director. measurable, and monthly written updates with weekly phone/in-person check-ins b. Primary Care Plan A-B-C 30-day updates provided at 8/27 MORs. i. Performance review time frame is Q.1 2019 FY (9/30/18) ii. Next Steps in process c. Oral Health Plan A-B-C 30-day updates provided at 8/27 MORs. i. Performance review time frame is Q.1 2019 FY (9/30/18) ii. Next Steps in process d. Weekly update and monthly updated report Current on reporting back to CEO and C-Team.

  11. FINANICAL ALIGNMENT PLAN August Updates B Data Review, Trends and Analysis Will discuss with Amy on the opportunity to include on the monthly financial statements. 1 Enhanced Data Reporting a. Monthly Income Statement for revenue producing departments: b. Units of Service (Visit) c. Revenue/Visit d. Cost/Visit Monthly Financials - Inclusion of 12 Months Trending with move from manual to Completed manually for July financial update with other priorities needing resources. 2 automated reporting. C Billing and Accounts Receivable 1 Claim Audits to review documentation support for claims billed a. External: RMC with quarterly reports b. Internal: Ongoing 2 A/R Billing Specialist (in the FY 2019 Budget) a. Identify what reports are available in the EMR Separation to 2 distinct roles including (1) Billing Manager and A/R Manager following CEO and CFO discussion on 8/28/18. Each position will have a daily dashboard reporting on outcomes achieved per key (critical) job role b. Dashboard design for reporting performance on key financial indicators functions. A/R to focus on daily review of denials and timely resubmission following error correction. 3 Credentialing Redesign a. Assess ROI for credentialing software and range of options Credentialing software purchased at cost of $7,000 and covers up to 100 providers. If we relied on MHP to do this, it would cost $25,000 and only cover 35 providers. It was not a good investment. b. Dashboard design to track credentialing days for the top 5 payers

  12. GROWTH REPORT – PRIMARY CARE AUG # of Work Days 23.00 Net Rev Per Visit # DAYS 23 PC 162.00 Weekly GOALS MTD Net Patient Rev/Visit 110.00 101 Actual THRU 8/30 MONTH END FORECAST - PRIMARY CARE REVENUE & BUDGET Schedule 86 Actual PROJ PRIMARY CARE PROJ BUD VAR Schedul 10-Hr 10-Hr VISITS VISITS > 8-Hr Day ACT MTD GOAL % GOAL REV REV REV % VAR e Day Actual Day 91 Dr. Turner 0.38 38.4 9.6 32.7 8.2 6.5 91 150 61% 14,742 263 Dr. Helton 1.00 101.0 25.3 86.0 21.5 17.2 263 396 66% 42,606 203 Ashley Whitley 0.90 90.9 22.7 77.4 19.4 15.5 203 356 57% 32,886 293 Ashleigh McGrath 1.00 101.0 25.3 86.0 21.5 17.2 293 396 74% 47,466 216 Amanda Sherwood 0.75 75.8 18.9 64.5 16.1 12.9 216 297 73% 34,992 152 Dr. Hampton 0.50 50.5 12.6 43.0 10.8 8.6 152 198 77% 24,624 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 #DIV/0! 0 TOTALS 4.53 457.5 114.4 389.6 97.4 77.9 1,218 1,218 1,792 68% 197,316 249,227 -51,911 -20.83% 85% Patient Revenue $133,980

  13. GROWTH REPORT – ORAL HEALTH / DENTIST Net Rev Per OH Visit 169.00 Weekly GOALS Net Patient Rev/Visit 150.00 75 Schedule 62 Actual Actual THRU 8/30 MONTH END FORECAST PROJ VISITS ORAL HEALTH VISITS FTE Schedule 10 Hr Day Actual 10 Hr Day 8-Hr Day ACT MTD GOAL % GOAL PROJ REV 7 Dr Suter 0.10 7.5 1.9 6.2 1.6 1.2 7 29 25% 1,183 60 Dr. Garland 0.50 37.5 9.4 31.0 7.8 6.2 60 143 42% 10,140 135 Dr. Empkey 0.50 37.5 9.4 31.0 7.8 6.2 135 143 95% 22,815 196 Dr. Garrity 1.00 75.0 18.8 62.0 15.5 12.4 196 285 69% 33,124 0 Dr Blattel - Maternity 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 #DIV/0! 0 208 Dr. Landsford 1.00 75.0 18.8 62.0 15.5 12.4 208 285 73% 35,152 0 Dr. Mazuranic - PRN 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 #DIV/0! 0 0 Dr. Puisis -Maternity 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 #DIV/0! 0 9 Dr. Greaves - PRN 0.10 7.5 1.9 6.2 1.6 1.2 9 29 32% 1,521 138 Dr. Emily 1.00 75.0 18.8 62.0 15.5 12.4 138 285 48% 23,322 159 Dr. Taylor 1.00 75.0 18.8 62.0 15.5 12.4 159 285 56% 26,871 108 Dr. Lorenz [7/2 1.0 FTE] 0.50 37.5 9.4 31.0 7.8 6.2 108 143 76% 18,252 102 Dr. Darling [7/16 1.0 FTE] 0.50 37.5 9.4 31.0 7.8 6.2 102 143 72% 17,238 123 Dr. Mazoli [7/16 1.0 FTE] 0.50 37.5 9.4 31.0 7.8 6.2 123 143 86% 20,787 Dr. Shakhnovich [7/16 1.0 0.50 37.5 9.4 31.0 7.8 6.2 158 158 143 111% 26,702 FTE] Dr. Cook [8/13 1.0 FTE; 41 0.25 starting 8.13] 0.25 18.8 4.7 15.5 3.9 3.1 41 71 58% 6,929 1,444 TOTALS 7.45 558.8 139.7 461.9 115.5 92.4 1,444 2,125 68% 244,036 83% Patient Revenue $216,600

  14. GROWTH REPORT – ORAL HEALTH / HYGENISTS Weekly GOALS MONTH END FORECAST # Pts 42 33 THRU 8/30 Schedule Schedule PROJ VISITS OH - HYGIENISTS FTE ACT MTD GOAL % GOAL PROJ REV Schedule 10 Hr Day Actual 10 Hr Day 0 Sandy Holified 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 #DIV/0! 0 83 Suzanne Seawel 0.80 33.60 8.4 26.4 6.6 83 121 68% 14,027 0 Anna Kloeppel - PRN 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 #DIV/0! 0 50 Amanda Govreau 0.80 33.60 8.4 26.4 6.6 50 121 41% 8,450 20 Renee Blanken 0.75 31.50 7.9 24.8 6.2 20 114 18% 3,380 38 Ashley Wegener 0.25 10.50 2.6 8.3 2.1 38 38 100% 6,422 62 Angelica Miller 1.00 42.00 10.5 33.0 8.3 62 152 41% 10,478 35 Tiffany Grant 0.25 10.50 2.6 8.3 2.1 35 38 92% 5,915 28 Kate Poleos (.75 Sept) 0.50 21.00 5.3 16.5 4.1 28 76 37% 4,732 316 TOTALS 4.35 182.7 45.7 143.6 35.9 316 660 48% 53,404 Production w/o VA 79% Patient Revenue $ 47,400 DENTAL REVENUE TOTALS GOAL THRU 8/30 MONTH END FORECAST - DENTAL REVENUE & BUDGET PROJ REV/VIS PROJ BUD #/WK ACT MTD VISITS GOAL IT REV REV VAR REV % VAR Dentists 1,444 1,444 2,125 68% 244,036 Hygienists 316 316 660 48% 53,404 Total 1,760 1,760 2,785 63% 297,440 573,270 -275,830 -48.12% Patient Revenue $264,000





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