AGENDA Board Introductions and Review of Chairs / Committee Roles � Strategic Plan Goals and Status � Wine Festival Funds Allocation for Charitable Foundation � Grants Summary � New Business � New Honorary Members � Service Event – Town Clean Up Day May 17, 2019 (in lieu of Meeting on May 15 th ) � Social Event Ideas � Election: President Elect Nominee for 2019-2020 � Volunteer: Programming Co-Chair and/or Committee Members � New Venue Options � Review and Approval of Draft Bylaw Changes � Centennial Project Options �
Julie Ann Woods President ROTARY Rob Cairncross Past-President Tom Fridstein President Elect CLUB Alinio Azevedo President Elect Nominee (PEN) BOARD Peter Goergen Secretary Gary Hartman Treasurer MEMBERS: George Hart Sergeant at Arms Matt Dube Membership Chair
OTHER MEMBERSHIP CHAIRS Lindsay Cagley & Tucker V. Burton PR Co-Chairs Randy Woods Wine Festival Chair Trent Palmer & Martha O’Keefe Programming Co-Chairs Sherri Goodwin Community Grants Chair George Hart International Grants Martha O’Keefe Vocational George Hart Snowmass Rotary Charitable Foundation Rob Cairncross Community Service Chair
STRATEGIC PLAN GOALS AND STATUS As of March 13, 2019 How many total members does your club want by the end of the Rotary 1. year? 40 of 46 – 40 members, 6 Honorary How many members will participate in club service activities during the 2. Rotary year? 42 of 38 – 27 @ Winefest, 10 Thanksgiving potluck, 5 Dictionary Distribution How many members will attend your district conference? 1 of 1 - Martha 3. How many of your club's committee chairs will attend the district training 4. assembly? 3 of 2 – Martha, Tom, Peter How much money will be contributed to The Rotary Foundation Annual Fund 5. by your club and its members during the Rotary year? $2100 of $8000 How much money will be contributed to The Rotary Foundation PolioPlus 6. Fund by your club and its members during the Rotary year? ? of $2000
STRATEGIC PLAN GOALS AND STATUS As of March 13, 2019 (cont’d) How many service projects will your club complete during the Rotary year? 1 7. of 1 – Nature Trail bridge staining How many Rotary Youth Exchange students will your club host during the 8. Rotary year? 2 of 1 - Angelica de La Torre and Kelsey McHugh Does your club have an up-to-date strategic plan? YES 9. 10. Does your club's online presence accurately reflect its current activities ? YES 11. How many social activities will your club hold outside of regular meetings during the Rotary year? 2 of 3 - Holiday Party, X-C Ski Event 12. Arrange for the club’s members to talk with the media to tell your club’s, and Rotary’s, story. YES – Wine Festival and Grants 13. Did your club work on a project with a corporate or government partner this Rotary year? YES – Thanksgiving Potluck
WINE FESTIVAL 2018 Save the Date: Sept. 13-14, 2019 : Sponsor Contributions $46,550.00 Wine Festival Dinner Net Income $7,777.14 Wine Festival Grand Tasting Net $41,168.45 Income Maintenance Fee for Condo -$681.00 Total Net Income - Charitable $94,814.59 Foundation (FYE 6/30/18) Charitable Foundation Grant Allocations $2,010.81 unspent (FYE 6/30/18) Cash Basis Net Income from Club $0.00 General Operations (FYE 6/30/18) Total: $96,825.40
2018-19 BUDGET FOR CHARITABLE FOUNDATION Budget for Charitable Foundation Budget Actual Difference (FYE 6/30/19) Community 40% $38,730.16 $ $38,730.16 Charities Community 5% $4,841.27 $ $4,841.27 Service Projects International 23% $22,269.84 $ $22,269.84 Charities Vocational 27% $26,142.86 $ $26,142.86 Charities Endowment Fund 3% $2,904.76 $ $2,904.76 G&A for Charitable 2% $1,936.51 $ $1,936.51 Foundation Budget for $96,825.40 $96,825.40 Charitable Foundation (FYE 6/30/18)
GRANTS TO NON-PROFITS 19 Organizations - $38,000 2018-19 Recipients Snowmass Chapel Caring Aspen Family Connections Buddy Program Connections Aspen Hope Center Challenge Aspen Response Aspen Strong Christmas Wish Roaring Fork Conservancy Art Base GlenX Career Spring Expo Stepping Stones HomeCare & Hospice of the WindWalkers EAL and Aspen Youth Center Valley Therapy Center Bridging Bionics Little Red School House YouthEntity YouthZone
NEW BUSINESS � New Honorary Members – Sarah Hart and Steve Sewell � Service Event – Town Clean Up Day May 17, 2019 (in lieu of Meeting on May 15 th ) Rob Cairncross –Chair � Volunteer Opportunities: DAV and Trail Work � Need new President Elect Nominee for 2019-2020 � Need Programming Co-Chair and/or Committee Members - Martha (Thanks to Trent) � Presidential Citation Award – Pending Goals Achievement � Draft Bylaw Changes to be Reviewed and Approved � Centennial Project Options – Randy, Gus, Pete
DRAFT BYLAWS - KEY CHANGES � Article 3 Board of Directors - Clarified the Vice President is aka President Elect Nominee and added Sergeant-at- Arms as Board Director � Article 6 Membership – Clarified that members are encouraged to attend at least 60% of meetings; a club member on leave still pays dues but not breakfast fee; � Article 6.5 Corporate Membership - Added new language � Article 8 Special Guest of SV Club, Transferring Members, and Honorary Members – Clarifies that Honorary membership is renewable on Jan. 1 each year and are exempt from paying dues but pay for breakfast when they attend.
DRAFT BYLAWS - KEY CHANGES (cont’d) � Article 9 Club 85 Members – age in years + years in Rotary = 85; pay dues but only breakfasts that are attended (No change) � Article 12 Meetings – Clarifies that regular meeting notice can be given either through ClubRunner or by e-mail � Article 15 Committees and Foundations – Cleaned up to reflect what current committees are and clarifies that Social committee may (instead of shall) organize the invocation and/or prayers for each meeting
CENTENNIAL PROJECT � Money Available: $11,039 (includes $6876.92 carryover) � Town Hall site � Base Village site � Other?
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