Big Lottery Fund
What is the Big Lottery Fund? Our mission is to bring real improvements to communities and the lives of people most in need We are an ‘outcomes ’ funder – we want to fund projects that can make measurable changes for the better in the lives of people and communities experiencing disadvantage
Big Lottery Fund in the future -mission remains the same: bringing improvements to communities and people most in need - committed outcomes funder driven by the difference our funding makes for individuals and communities - continue to have mixed funding portfolio: small and large grants, open and targeted and place based funding - we will always promote equalities and expect the people we work with to do as well - we will continue to distribute the majority of our funds to the VCS - we will continue to value learning which contributes to the sharing and sustaining of effective practice - projects focusing on people undergoing difficult transitions or experiencing isolation will continue to be a priority
Outcomes You need to think about the difference that your project is trying to make You need to think what would make you say: ‘ We made a difference to that persons life’ You need to use words like ‘changed, improved, reduced’
Need Consultation Consultation Consultation
Beneficiary involvement Think about how you can involve your beneficiaries in: - Designing the project - Delivering the project
Learning and partnership Think about how you will monitor and evaluate your project How can you share that learning with other organisations How can you learn from the work of other organisations Can you deliver more effective outcomes by working in partnership?
Further information and advice Website : Phone : BIG Advice Line 0845 4 10 20 30 Text phone : 0845 6 02 16 59 Jamie Conway: 01223 449023 Other Lottery distributors: Arts Council England: Heritage Lottery Fund: Sport England:
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