Who are Communities & Wellbeing? � Part of Adults and Communities � Libraries � Museums � Record Office � Arts � Adult Learning
What is our relevance to the HWB agenda? � Issues � Ageing population � Health inequalities � Increased social isolation � Increased levels of mental ill health including dementia � Context � Local Authority responsibility for improving health outcomes � Emphasis on early intervention and prevention
What is our relevance to the HWB agenda? � 5 steps to wellbeing � Specific projects � Building a National Offer
Findings Good evidence of links between reading and health and wellbeing outcomes: � Reading can reduce stress levels by up to 67% � Reading can reduce the risk of dementia by 35% � Bibliotherapy and Books On Prescription increases self management ability, mental agility and health literacy � Social activities based on reading reduce social isolation
Findings continued Libraries can support the health & wellbeing agenda by providing: � Network of local community hubs � Non stigmatised, non clinical community space � Health related self help reading resources � Outreach expertise, local knowledge and access to vulnerable groups � Supported online access � Signposting � Social and recreational activities � Volunteering and community engagement opportunities
National Public Library Health Offer � Books on prescription Endorsed by Department of Health � Seed funded by Arts Council England Library � Development Initiative � Standardised self help library book collections � Mood boosting book collections � Opportunity to join local reading groups � Signposting
Leicestershire offer � Report taken to Staying Healthy sub group of the Leicestershire Health & Wellbeing board � Logic model produced aligning the offer to the strategic outcomes of Leicestershire Together � Proposals: � Localise national offer in Leicestershire � Implement Books on Prescription scheme � Implement the ‘Get into Reading’ scheme � Evaluate outputs and produce a national case study
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