austin in isd

Austin in ISD FY2019 Preliminar ary Budget th Presentation April - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

1 Austin in ISD FY2019 Preliminar ary Budget th Presentation April 30 th on to Board of Trustees Nicole Conley Johnson on, Attachment 1 Chief Business & Operation ons Officer Travis Zander, Director or of Budget 2 How do we pay

  1. 1 Austin in ISD FY2019 Preliminar ary Budget th Presentation April 30 th on to Board of Trustees Nicole Conley Johnson on, Attachment 1 Chief Business & Operation ons Officer Travis Zander, Director or of Budget

  2. 2 How do we pay TRANSPARENCY: • Provide essential financial information and data on district budget to enable the public to for Austin in ISD? actively participate in the process • Provide ample opportunity for community engagement and feedback EFFICIENCY: • Pursue additional revenue, costs savings and efficiencies • Promote integrated partnerships • Work to reduce investments in programs & initiatives that have not produced sufficient results MISSION CRITICAL: • Instructional Core • Literacy Plan • Customer Service • Whole Child • Technology Attachment 1 • Recruitment & Retention

  3. 3 Austin in ISD Strategic gic Plan “Reinventing the urban school experience” CORE BELIEF ONE: All students will graduate college-, career-, and life-ready. CORE BELIEF TWO: We will create an effective, agile, and responsive organization. CORE BELIEF THREE: We will create vibrant relationships critical for successful students and schools. Attachment 1

  4. 4 Our r Strat rategic Appro roach to Developing the Budget et Our budge get challenge ge provide des the opportunity to realign gn our work to best suppo port schools, , therefore, , the Preliminary Budge dget: • Realigns resources to support Strategic Plan initiatives for: Literacy, school safety, enrollment growth and customer service. Minimizes cuts to instructional core by • reducing central support services first. • Strategically replaces outdated, under- effective programs as district adopts “reinvention” programs into its instructional core. • Leverages and explores external sources to secure other funding needs where Attachment 1 programming needs are aligned.

  5. FY2019 Prel eliminary ary 5 Expen enditu ture e Budget et Assumpti tions State Funding: No changes to school finance laws • Estimates State funding formula per capita rate will increase from $207 per WADA in FY2018 • to $375 per WADA in FY2019 Local Tax Revenue Increase in Net Taxable Value (Preliminary Certified) of approximately 10.07 percent • Property tax collectability rate of 100.0 percent when you account for delinquent collections • No Change to M&O Tax Rate ($1.079 per $100 of taxable value) • Maintains current tax exemptions: • $25,000 Homestead Exemption required by state • Over 65- maintains the local over 65 exemption of $25,000 in addition to the state • required $10,000 Disabled Exemption-maintains the local disabled exemption of $15,000 in addition to the • Attachment 1 state required $10,000 Historical Designated Property Exemption •

  6. 6 FY20 2019 19 Preliminary ry Expenditure Budget Assumptions (Cont.) Enrollment: Enrollment is estimated to decline by 1,600+ students in FY2019 according to cohort • data, with continuing declines in the outyears Adjustments for projected WADA based on trends, i.e. eco dis, bilingual, etc. • Compensation: No budget adjustments to date for employee salary increases(under negotiation) • Maintains District $545 per employee per month contribution towards health plan • Other Sources: Assumes City/County reauthorization of PSSs, Afterschool and FRCs • General Fund Budget proposes use of approximately $27.3 million in reserves to • balance budget shortfall Year-end reserve levels for FY2019 are expected to be within Board policy, • however, out-year levels are projected to be below stipulated policy if no budget Attachment 1 actions are taken

  7. 7 FY20 2019 19 Preliminary ry Budget Tax Rates FY2016 FY2017 FY2018 FY2019 Tax Rates Adopted Adopted Adopted Preliminary M&O $1.079 $1.079 $1.079 $1.079 I&S $0.123 $0.113 $0.113 $0.113 Total Tax Rate $1.202 per $1.192 per $1.192 per $1.192 per $100 of $100 of $100 of $100 of taxable value taxable value taxable value taxable value Attachment 1

  8. 8 FY2019 Prel eliminary ary Budget et Overvi rview of Expenditures res by Fund FY2018 FY2019 Fund $ Change % Change Amended Preliminary (in millions) General Fund $1,332.4 $1,442.9 $110.5 8.3% Food Service $39.9 $40.7 $0.8 2.0% Debt Service $135.8 $128.2 ($7.6) (5.6%) Total $1,508.1 $1,611.8 $103.7 6.9% Less Recapture $546.0 $669.6 $123.6 22.6% Total Operating Expenditures $962.1 $942.2 ($19.9) (2.1%) Due to rounding, numbers presented throughout this document may not add up precisely to the totals provided Attachment 1

  9. 9 FY2019 Prel eliminary ary Budget et All Funds Budgeted Expenditures res Robinhood represents over 1/3 of the district’s total adopted budget . Recapt pture 33% 33% General Fund (Ope perating Expe penses) 56% 56% Debt bt Service ce 8% 8% Attachment 1 Food d Servi rvice ce 3% 3%

  10. FY20 2019 19 Preliminary ry Budget 10 General ral Fund Revenue FY2018 FY2019 Revenue Source $ Change $ Change Amended Preliminary (millions) Budget Budget Local $ 1,208.9 $ 1,313.2 $ 104.3 8.6% State $ 62.6 $ 78.4 $ 15.8 25.2% Federal $ 28.0 $ 24.2 $ (3.8) (13.5%) Total $ 1,299.5 $ 1,415.8 $ 116.3 8.9% Less: Recapture $ 546.0 $ 669.6 $ 123.6 22.6% Operating Revenue $753.5 $746.2 ($7.3) (1.0%) Attachment 1 Due to rounding, numbers presented throughout this document may not add up precisely to the totals provided

  11. 11 FY2019 Preliminary Budget Overview erview General eral Fund Expen enditure FY2018 FY2019 Fund $ Change % Change Amended Preliminary (in millions) Total Revenue $1,299.6 $1,415.8 $116.2 8.9% Less: Recapture ($546.0) ($669.6) ($123.6) 22.6% Net Revenue $753.60 $746.20 ($7.40) (1.0%) Total Operating Expenditures $786.40 $773.3 ($13.1) (1.7%) Net Other (Sources) Uses ($2.10) ($0.30) $1.8 (85.7%) Total Expenditures and Other $784.3 $773.6 ($10.7) (1.4%) (Sources) Uses Budgeted Net Change in Fund ($34.9) ($27.4) $7.5 (21.5%) Balances Projected Hiring Lag and $8.0 $8.0 Unspent at Year End Projected Net Change in Fund ($34.9) ($19.4) $15.5 (44.4%) Attachment 1 Balance Due to rounding, numbers presented throughout this document may not add up precisely to the totals provided

  12. 12 FY2019 Prel eliminary ary Budget et General eral Fund by Objec ject Purchase & Contracted Services 8.7% Supplies 3.4% Other Operating Costs Payroll Costs 1.6% 86.2% Debt Service 0.1% Capital Outlay 0.1% Attachment 1

  13. FY2019 19 Preli limina inary Budget 13 General al Fund By Function (Excluding Chap apter er 41) FY2019 % of Preliminary General Fund Functional Area Budget Budget (in millions) Instruction $434.5 56.2% Instructional Resources & Media Services $11.0 1.4% Curriculum & Staff Development $12.9 1.7% Instructional Administration $15.3 2.0% School Administration $51.2 6.6% Guidance & Counseling Services $25.0 3.2% Attendance & Social Work Services $4.9 0.6% Health Services $8.8 1.1% Pupil Transportation $31.9 4.1% Co-Curricular Activities $15.6 2.0% Attachment 1 Subtotal Instruction and Student Support $611.2 79.0% Due to rounding, numbers presented throughout this document may not add up precisely to the totals provided

  14. 14 FY20 2019 19 Preliminary ry Budget General eral Fund By Function (Excluding Chapter 41) (cont.) General Administration $22.5 2.9% Community Services $7.3 0.9% Subtotal Central & Community Services $29.8 3.9% Plant Maintenance $84.8 11.0% Security & Monitoring Services $13.2 1.7% Data Processing Services $22.3 2.9% Debt Services $0.5 0.1% Facilities Acquisition & Construction $0.1 0.0% Payments-Shared Services Arrangements $4.1 0.5% Other Intergovernmental Charges $7.4 1.0% Subtotal Operations & Infrastructure $132.3 17.1% Attachment 1 Grand Total $773.3 100.0% Due to rounding, numbers presented throughout this document may not add up precisely to the totals provided

  15. 15 FY2019 Prel eliminary ary Budget et Reallocating Within to Fund Strategic Needs Central department budgets were reallocated to ensure support for: • Montessori expansion at Winn Elementary • Continuation of Early College expansion and Career Launch • Dyslexia support at Covington Middle School • Balanced Literacy professional development for 1 st grade teachers • Dual Language MS and HS allocations transferred to ES to eliminate mixed classes • RFP solicitation for nurses released to see if current investment could yield more services from other • providers Identified approx. $3 million in potential budget expenditures that could be reallocated to offset costs • from pending salary negotiation: Transfer $1 million in expenditures to Instructional Materials allotment • Approximately $750k in Federal Title funds could be used to support supplemental needs • currently being funded by Local School lunchroom monitor allocations of $1.2 million • Attachment 1 Investment for PPfT remains ns in budget at $3 million and $1.6 million for proposed bilingual • stipends are being considered thru negotiations


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