attendance area committee proposed attendance area

Attendance Area Committee Proposed Attendance Area Proposed - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Attendance Area Committee Proposed Attendance Area Proposed timeline Community Informational Meetings Heritage Middle School Cafeteria, 7 pm Wednesday, September 27 Eagle Middle School Cafeteria, 7pm Monday, October 2 Attendance

  1. Attendance Area Committee Proposed Attendance Area

  2. Proposed timeline Community Informational Meetings Heritage Middle School Cafeteria, 7 pm – Wednesday, September 27 Eagle Middle School Cafeteria, 7pm – Monday, October 2 Attendance Committee Meetings Monday, October 9 Monday, October 16 Monday, October 23 Monday, October 30 Monday, November 6 Monday, November 13 Monday, November 27 Monday, December 4 Public Presentations of Attendance Area Proposal Eagle Middle School Cafeteria, 7 PM – Monday, December 18 Heritage Middle School Cafeteria, 7 PM – Wednesday, December 20 Star Middle School Gymnasium, 7 pm – Monday, January 8 Presentation to Board of Trustees Tuesday, January 16

  3. What the committee worked on? • Propose an attendance area for Star Middle School • Attendance area will go into effect fall 2018 • The committee considered the best solution for kids without restricting or limiting its best efforts to find that solution • For example, it became necessary to consider changes at other levels that might be needed to keep peers together as they transition from one level (elementary, middle, high) • Balancing enrollment and reducing over-enrollment was the primary goal o Reduce Heritage Middle School’s enrollment to get enrollment under the building’s capacity (1000 students) o Reduce Eagle Middle School’s enrollment to get Enrollment under the building’s capacity (1000 students)

  4. Creating Attendance Boundaries: Considerations • Balance enrollment and reduce overcrowding •Neighborhood continuity •The committee worked to keep subdivisions in the same attendance area •Safety issues (busy roads, canals, etc) •Several roads – Chinden and Eagle in particular – create safety busing zones, although some areas are close enough to walk if it wasn’t for these hazards •Distance (walking students, busing, etc) •Some solutions weren’t viable because changes in the attendance zone would have required busing students who currently walk, limiting some options

  5. Creating Attendance Boundaries: Considerations •Current students versus future growth •The committee used approved residential lot counts by geographic area to calculate future growth. Using census data, student growth was calculated using the following formula to calculate the number of students per grade: Number of plats X .8 students per household / 13 grades / 10 years for current plats to be built, sold, and occupied •“Bouncing” students •The committee considered the location of future schools at the elementary, middle and high school levels to try to anticipate future attendance area changes. •Feeder schools (middle school attendance zones) •Solving feeder schools proved to be one of the biggest challenges while creating an attendance area for Star Middle School

  6. Facility Parameters • Star Middle School will have enrollment capacity of 1000 students Middle School Enrollment and Capacity SMS Capacity Enrollment Eagle Middle 1000 1289 Heritage Middle 1000 1341 Meridian Middle 1250 1061 Lake Hazel Middle 1000 960 Lewis and Clark Middle 1000 1113 Victory Middle 1000 853 Sawtooth Middle 1000 1050 Lowell Scott Middle 1100 1063

  7. High School Capacity and Enrollment 3000 2500 2410 2400 2292 2042 1942 2000 1900 1836 1800 1800 1800 1500 1000 500 0 Centennial Eagle Meridian Mountain View Rocky Mountain Capacity Enrollment

  8. Creating Attendance Areas: Locating Students Geographically • The Committee worked with numbers exported from PowerSchool and mapped using ARCGis. • The numbers are displayed by grade level and geographic area: • E = elementary students in that square mile or portion of the square mile • M = middle school students in that square mile or portion of the square mile • H = high school students in that square mile or portion of the square mile

  9. Creating Attendance Areas Calculating Future Students Based on Platted Subdivisions • Number of platted home sites X .8 (the 2010 census calculation of students per home) • Divide resulting number by 13 (the number of grades K through 12) Multiply resulting number by the number of • students at each level (6, 3 or 4) • Divide resulting number by 10 (10 is an assumed number of years that it will take a new subdivision to reach completion) Committee members also spoke with local • developers to get a better understanding of construction and sales rates • Committee members scouted subdivisions to determine the percent of construction already completed.

  10. A note on interpreting the following attendance area maps On the following colored maps, the proposed attendance areas are drawn over the existing middle school attendance areas. Here is a key to the colors and the middle schools they represent: • Blue: Eagle Middle School • Purple: Meridian Middle School • Green: Heritage Middle School • Orange: Sawtooth Middle School The map that follows the color-coded map is drawn to identify the roads that the attendance area follows. On the maps showing the proposed changes at the elementary level, the proposed change is drawn over the existing elementary attendance areas. The affected area is labeled to indicate the proposed change.

  11. Proposed Star Middle School Attendance Area • The eastern boundary follows Linder Road to State Street then follows the current Eagle Elementary attendance area to the south fork of the Boise River (this line is the same as the current Star Elementary attendance area) • The attendance area turns south at Meridian Road to Chinden Road • The attendance area goes west on Chinden Road to Ten Mile • The southern boundary is Ustick Road Resulting Star Middle School Enrollment Capacity: 1000 Year Enrollment 2018 601 2019 687 2020 773 2021 860 2022 946

  12. Proposed Star Middle School Attendance Area

  13. Proposed Star Middle School Attendance Area

  14. Proposed Eagle Middle School Attendance Area • The western attendance area line follows Linder Road (the current attendance area line between Star Elementary and Eagle Hills Elementary • The southern attendance area line follows the current Eagle Middle attendance area line Resulting Eagle Middle School Enrollment Capacity: 1000 Year Enrollment 2018 875 2019 911 2020 946 2021 981 2022 1017

  15. Proposed Eagle Middle School Attendance Area

  16. Proposed Heritage Middle School Attendance Area The area proposed to be included in the Star Middle School attendance zone: • follows the current Heritage Middle School attendance area on the north (the south fork of the Boise River). • The southern attendance area line of this area is Chinden Road The eastern attendance area line is Meridian Road • The area proposed to attend Meridian Middle is the following square mile (Eagle/McMillan/Ustick/Locust Grove). Resulting Heritage Middle School Enrollment Capacity: 1000 Year Enrollment 2018 1102 2019 1115 2020 1129 2021 1142 2022 1155

  17. Proposed Heritage Middle School Attendance Area

  18. Proposed Heritage Middle School Attendance Area

  19. Balancing Middle School Enrollment • The next middle school could open in fall 2022 or 2023 at the earliest • Because of different rates of residential development in each of the proposed attendance areas, school enrollment will balance over time with the arrival of new students Projected Future Middle School Enrollment Capacity School 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 1000 Eagle 875 911 946 981 1017 1052 1000 Star 687 773 860 946 1032 1118 1000 Heritage 1115 1129 1142 1155 1169 1182 1000 Sawtooth 1167 1177 1186 1196 1205 1214 1250 Meridian 1186 1208 1230 1252 1274 1296

  20. Proposed Willow Creek Elementary Attendance Area • The proposed change in the Andrus attendance area adds the western portion of the current and Andrus attendance area to Willow Creek • The proposed eastern attendance area line is Linder Road • The light blue area on the map is the current Willow Creek attendance area Resulting Willow Creek Elementary Enrollment Capacity 2018 2019 2020 724 649 665 682

  21. Proposed Paramount Elementary Attendance Area • The proposed change to the Andrus Attendance area adds the area between Linder Road and Locust Grove to the current Paramount attendance area • The pink area on the map is the current Paramount attendance area Resulting Paramount Elementary Enrollment Capacity 2018 2019 2020 724 683 692 702

  22. Proposed River Valley Elementary Attendance Area • The proposed change to the Andrus Attendance area adds the area between Locust Grove and Eagle Road Road to the current River Valley attendance area Resulting River Valley Elementary Enrollment Capacity 2018 2019 2020 650 513 525 537

  23. Proposed Andrus Elementary Attendance Area • The Andrus attendance zone remains the same other than the areas now proposed to attend other schools. • For Andrus Elementary, the change prevents the school from over- enrolling in the near future. The yellow areas on the map • are approved residential subdivisions Andrus Capacity: 650 Year Enrollment 2018 446 2019 478 2020 511 2021 543 2022 576 2023 608 2024 640

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