AGENDA • Overview of Student Attendance Policy • Attendance Review Committee Responsibilities • Risk Factors Associated with Poor Attendance • Strategies for Increasing Attendance • What Works • Attendance Tools • Principal Viewer of the Electronic Gradebook • Student Portfolio • Other Monitoring Reports • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) • Best Practices • Other Resources • Truancy 2
ATTENDANCE POLICY OVERVIEW The attendance policies are designed with the expectancies that: • School attendance will be taken daily. • Attendance will be monitored with early intervention applied • Students will be present at school each and every day • Students will attend class(es) as scheduled • Students will arrive at school and class(es) on time • Students will demonstrate appropriate behavior and a readiness to learn • The school will provide a rigorous course of study School Board Policy 5200 - Attendance Student Attendance Reporting Procedures Handbook 2015-2016 3
ATTENDANCE POLICY OVERVIEW (CONT.) Official Daily School Attendance (ODSA) must be taken daily and reported daily. The reporting of attendance comes from the Electronic Gradebook. Attendance should be taken within the first hour of the instructional day. School ool Per erio iod Elementary Schools (PK-5) Period HR K-8 Centers PK-5 Period HR 6-8 Period 00 (Advisement) Middle School Period 00 Block Schedule 01 and 02 Senior High Schools Period 00 Straight schedule Period 01 Block Schedule 01 and 02 Block Schedule 03 and 04 Alternative/Special Ed. Ctrs. Will vary based on the grade configurations 4
ATTENDANCE POLICY OVERVIEW (CONT.) DSIS is the official source document for the recording and submission of attendance data to the Florida Department of Education. Official Daily School Attendance (ODSA) must be exported daily from the Electronic Gradebook . The Electronic Gradebook is the source document for instructional staff to record attendance. The ODSA is maintained on the SIS file. All absences will initially be recorded as “U” unexcused absences on the Electronic Gradebook and in the DSIS online system. The school will change the status, if appropriate, to “A” excused on receipt of a valid reason for the absence . 5
TYPES OF EXCUSED ABSENCES Board Policy 5200 -Attendance, defines Excused School Absence as: • A. Personal illness of the student • B. Medical Appointment • C. Death in immediate family. • D. An approved school activity. • E. Other absences with prior approval of the Principal. • F. Attendance at a center under Department of Children and Families supervision. • G. Significant community events with prior permission of the Principal. • H. Observance of a religious holiday or service • I. Military Connected Students • J. Non-School sponsored event or educational enrichment activity, as determined and approved by the Principal • K. Court appearance of the student. • L. Outdoor suspensions. • M. Other individual student absences beyond the control of the parent or student, as determined and approved by the Principal. 6
TYPES OF UNEXCUSED ABSENCES Any absence that does not fall into one of the above excused absence categories is to be considered unexcused: • Vacations, personal services, local non-school event, program or sporting activity • Older students providing day care services for siblings • Illness of others • Non-compliance with immunization requirements (unless lawfully exempt). 7
ATTENDANCE POLICY OVERVIEW (CONT.) • A student accumulating ten (10) or more unexcused absences in an annual course or five (5) or more unexcused absences in a semester course will have quarterly, semester and final grade(s) withheld pending an administrative screening and completion of assigned interventions by the Attendance Review Committee (ARC). • Failure to provide the required documentation within three (3) school days upon the return to school will result in an unexcused absence. 8
ATTENDANCE REVIEW COMMITTEE • The objective of the ARC is to intervene early and review the circumstances surrounding student absences. • The ARC is to be comprised of a minimum of a student services representative and an administrator. • The ARC is charged with the responsibility of prescribing activities designed to mitigate the loss of instructional time and establish a time for completion. • The ARC can recommend that teachers withhold grades. • The ARC can recommend the release of grades. 9
RISK FACTORS Substance Abuse Child Abuse Government & Neglect/ Assistance Abandonment Multiple Domestic Siblings Violence POOR ATTENDANCE Parent Mental Unemployed Illness Single Parent is Mother a Dropout Criminal Background 11
ATTENDANCE INTERVENTION STRATEGIES Schools are encouraged to develop specific intervention strategies and incentives directed to meet the needs of their students and community. The following is a list of standard interventions and incentives recommended for all schools: Intervene early. Do not wait Educate parents on M-DCPS Policies Review monthly Truancy Report Post attendance policy and procedures in highly visible areas Provide attendance workshops for parents, students, and organized school committees Develop an incentive program to promote good attendance Develop a plan to address attendance with teachers 12
STRATEGIES FOR INCREASING ATTENDANCE (CONT .) Strategies to increase parental and community engagement: • Wrap around services • Family involvement • Provide student with academic support via in school and out of school tutoring • Ensure that the Parent Resource Center is accessible for all parents • Utilize services to assist homeless and economically disadvantage families • Home Visits conducted by the Community Involvement Specialist and/or Social Worker • Smaller learning community structures • Mentoring advisory programs, • Maximization and focus on learning time • Service learning • Collaborate with local law enforcement, community organizations, mentoring programs, and social services. 13
EMPLOYEE PORTAL Other Reports accessible through Employee Portal “Reports” tab. 15
ATTENDANCE DASHBOARD Below is a screen shot of what a principal will be able to view. The absences are in descending order by the largest number of absences. Link: board/SCORECARD_MASTER_PAGE_TILE 16
EARLY WARNING SYSTEM INDICATORS The Early Warning System Indicators Report is a report designed to assist school staff in identifying students who are at-risk. Identifies students that have 18+ Absences and Previous Year Absences. 17
TRUANCY REPORT Identifies students that have been flagged as truant. 18
ACTIVE STUDENTS WITH 15 OR MORE UNEXCUSED ABSENCES IN A 90 DAY PERIOD Control-D Report (T0535E0101), Runs every Friday beginning October 2 nd . Identifies students that meet the criteria as truant and Indicates if a student has submitted a Truancy Packet. 19
STUDENT PORTFOLIO 2-3 page student summary of critical indicators including: • Student Demographics • Attendance Information • Home Language Information • Latest FCAT Score • Special Programs • Current and Last Three Years Grades • Prior School Information Accessible through Employee Portal “Reports” tab. 20
ACCESSING STUDENT PORTFOLIO Select the “Reports” tab 21
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PRINCIPAL/TEACHER VIEWER OF THE ELECTRONIC GRADEBOOK The following functions and reports are designed to assist in the monitoring and reconciliation process As needed, the principal may authorize the access to other administrators and staff. 26
DAILY REASON ATTENDANCE LIST Displays the attendance types and total number of occurrences in a date range for each student. 28
DAILY STUDENT ATTENDANCE FOR A DATE RANGE Displays all Attendance Infractions for a date range. Groups by Student and displays the course/section, teacher, period/hour, date, and code for all attendance infractions. 29
DAILY STUDENT ATTENDANCE REPORT BY PERIOD Attendance Report by Period: Displays codes inputted by teachers for each student by period. Attendance Manager can use this report to update daily student attendance and also see if students are skipping. 31
ATTENDANCE TRACKING Attendance Managers select the desired date and periods to track teachers and periods that haven’t taken attendance for the date or date range in question and inform administrators. 33
HOMEROOM TEACHER DAILY ATTENDANCE SCREEN IMAGE The Daily Reason should match the daily attendance code selected by Home Room Teacher. Teacher should click on the code and off again if it doesn’t appear. 36
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