pccd planning and budgeting council may 27 2016 8 30 a m

PCCD Planning and Budgeting Council May 27, 2016 8:30 a.m. 12:30 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

PCCD Planning and Budgeting Council May 27, 2016 8:30 a.m. 12:30 p.m. AGENDA Time Agenda Topic 2015- 16 PBC Goal PCCD 2015- 16 Strategic Presenters Goals and Institutional Objectives 8:30 I. Agenda Review Facilitator 8:35

  1. PCCD Planning and Budgeting Council May 27, 2016 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. AGENDA Time Agenda Topic 2015- 16 PBC Goal PCCD 2015- 16 Strategic Presenters Goals and Institutional Objectives 8:30 I. Agenda Review Facilitator 8:35 Facilitator II. Review of April 29, 2016 Meeting Minutes 6. Develop and monitor III. Facilities Projects Update: D. Strengthen 8 :40 VC Ikharo Progress in the Integrated Accountability, Innovation  Status of 2014-15 and 2015 Planning and Budgeting and Collaboration – 16 Projects Calendar  Status of 1% Allocation D.2. Institutional  Deliberation that led to the Leadership and Governance: 1.5% Figure D. 3 Institutional Effectiveness IV. Accreditation Reports: 7. Review monthly progress D. Strengthen VC Ikharo (TCO) 9:00 reports on resolution of the Accountability, Innovation  District TCO Guidelines Vanesse Metcalf (Staffing Plan)) eight District accreditation and Collaboration  District Staffing Plan recommendations and review Annette Dambrosio (District  District Functions Map D.2. Institutional periodic progress reports from Functions  College Reports Leadership and the colleges in resolution of Governance College Representatives: the colleges’ accreditation  BCC recommendations.  COA  Laney  Merritt

  2. V. District 2016-2019 Equal D. Strengthen HR Director Vanesse Metcalf 9:50 Opportunity Employment Plan Accountability, Innovation and Collaboration D.2. Institutional Leadership and Governance VI. 2016-17 Tentative Budget 6. Develop and monitor E. Develop and Manage VC Little 10:00 Progress in the Integrated Resources to Advance Our Planning and Budgeting Mission Calendar E.3 Fiscal Oversight Budget Director Aaberge VII. Task Force Reports: 1. Evaluate the Budget D. Strengthen 10:30 Allocation Model (BAM), (Purchasing) Accountability, Innovation  Purchasing consider recommendations and Collaboration  BAM Cleavon Smith (BAM) with respect to improvements,  RATF – Classified Staffing D. 3 Institutional and create a three-year plan Yashica Crawford (RATF) Effectiveness for full implementation. E. Develop and Manage 2. Update Purchasing Resources to Advance Our Guidelines Mission E.3 Fiscal Oversight VIII. District Academic Senate 5. Evaluate Continuous D. Strengthen Cleavon Smith 11:00 Recommendations: Improvement of the PBIM Accountability, Innovation Process and Collaboration  Distance Education  Common Assessment: D. 3 Institutional DAS recommends that an Effectiveness institutional researcher at the district be assigned immediately to work with Nathan in order to

  3. transitions as the lead researcher associated with common assessment. 11:10 IX. Annual Program Update 6. Develop and monitor E. Develop and Manage Program Review Task Force Template for the Colleges Progress in the Integrated Resources to Advance Our Planning and Budgeting Mission Calendar E.3 Fiscal Oversight X. Administrative Procedures 3. Review and Recommend D. Strengthen Joseph Bielanski 11:20 Board Policies and Accountability, Innovation Administrative Procedures and Collaboration D.2. Institutional Leadership and Governance XI. Self-Evaluation of the PBC Facilitator 11:30 2015-2016 Goals XII. Dialogue With the Chancellor Chancellor Laguerre 11:50

  4. Merritt College Accreditation Follow-Up Report 1 DISTRICT PLANNING AND BUDGETING COUNCIL MEETING FRIDAY, MAY 27, 2016 8:30 A.M. TO 12:30 P.M.

  5. Merritt College Accreditation Follow-Up Report 2 OVERVIEW T h e M e r r i t t C o l l e g e R o a d t o E x c e l l e n c e • A c c r e d i t a t i o n F o l l o w - U p R e p o r t P r o g r e s s R e p o r t • When?: Timeline & Accomplishments • How?: Process and Results • What?: College Recommendation Focus Areas • Who?: AFR Team & College Stakeholders • Where: Information for Preparation • N E X T S T E P S & Q U E S T I O N S •

  6. 3 Accreditation Follow-Up Report 2016

  7. 4

  8. Merritt College Accreditation Follow-Up Report 5  July to August 2015  Pre-Planning  Dissemination of ACCJC Action Letter, June 29, 2015 & External Evaluation Team Report, May 8, 2015  College Leadership Team meetings  Review requirements  Disseminate information  August College Flex Day Program  AFR Core Team Formed

  9. Merritt College Accreditation Follow-Up Report 6  September to December 2015  September to December 2015  Action Period — Response and  Action Period — Response and Initial Drafting Initial Drafting  AFR Core Team Formed  Rad Tech Accreditation Visit  AFR Core Team, Evidence  Initial IEP Visit Collection Coordinator, and  AFR Core Team Meets with AFR Webpage Coordinator Job President bi-weekly Descriptions  AFR Steering Committee  AFR Presentation to Key Meetings, Wednesdays, twice a Shared Governance month Committees  AFR Sub-Committee Meetings  AFR Core Team Framework  AFR Webpage Developed  AFR Monthly Newsletter  College Recommendation Sub-  District Lead Coordinator Visit Committee Workgroup Meeting  Documentation and Archival of CR Evidence  AFR College Wide Meeting  1 st Drafts Completed

  10. Merritt College Accreditation Follow-Up Report 7 January to May 2016  January to May 2016  Refinement & Modification  Refinement & Modification  AFR Core Team Meets with  January Flex Day Program President bi-weekly  Integrated Planning & Budgeting  Educational Master Planning  AFR Steering Committee  Student Learning Outcomes Meetings, Wednesdays, twice a Assessment month  Use of Data in Planning and Decision  AFR Sub-Committee Meetings Making  February 19 th World Café  AFR Webpage  March 2 nd Chancellor’s Meeting  AFR Monthly Newsletter with AFR Steering Committee  Documentation and Archival of  College Recommendation CR Evidence Edited Drafts  1 st Drafts Completed  AFR College wide Meetings  District Lead’s Meetings  AFR Validation & Finalization  Proof Reading

  11. Merritt College Accreditation Follow-Up Report 8  District Accreditation Timeline District Narrative Draft to PBC, April 29, 2015 and Again May • 2016 All College AFRs Completed by May 2016 • District Recommendation Writing May Continue in Summer • AFRs Presented at Fall District and College Flex Days • PCCD Board Approval of AFRs, September 13, 2016 • Delivery of College AFRs to ACCJC, Friday, September 30 •

  12. Merritt College Accreditation Follow-Up Report 9  June to September 2016 and October 2016 • Board Approval • District AFR Draft Update To Board, July 2016 • AFR Final Board Approval, September 2016 • Submission to ACCJC, September 30, 2016 • ACCJC Team Site Visit, October 2016 • ACCJC Commission Decision, January 2017

  13. CR 1 10 A D M I N I S T R A T I V E S U P P O R T D R . L I L I A C H A V E Z A N D R A C H E L A N T R O B U S ( F O R M E R D E A N ) C O - L E A D S C H R I S G R A M P P ( F A C U L T Y C O - L E A D ) K I N G A S I D Z I N S K A ( C L A S S I F I E D C O - L E A D ) S U B C O M M I T T E E M E M B E R S A N T H O N Y P O W E L L , T A N Y A L L A R D E , E L A I N E W A L L A C E , T H O M A S R E N B A R G E R , W A A D U D A K A R I M , D R . S T E V E P A N T E L L , L A W R E N C E L E E , D A R A J A W A G N E R , F E R E S H T E H M O F I D I

  14. College Recommendation 1 11 In order to meet the Standard the Team recommends that the College develop and implement policy and procedures for systematically reviewing the college mission statement.

  15. CR 2 12 A D M I N I S T R A T I V E S U P P O R T R A C H E L A N T R O B U S C O - L E A D S S H E I L A M E T C A L F - T O B I N ( F A C U L T Y C O - L E A D ) D O R I S H A N K I N S ( C L A S S I F I E D C O - L E A D ) S U B C O M M I T T E E M E M B E R S M A R I L B U L L , C A R L O S M C L E A N , D R . J O N M U R P H Y

  16. College Recommendation 2 13 In order to increase institutional effectiveness, the Team recommends that the College implement an evidence-based process that links institutional planning and decision- making to the College mission.

  17. CR 3 14 A D M I N I S T R A T I V E S U P P O R T D R . D A T I V A D E L R O S A R I O & D R . T I N A V A S C O N C E L L O S C O - L E A D S A N I T A B L A C K ( F A C U L T Y C O - L E A D ) W A L T E R J O H N S O N ( C L A S S I F I E D C O - L E A D ) S U B C O M M I T T E E M E M B E R S D R . R A Y C H A M B E R L A I N , A L E X I S A L E X A N D E R , M A R Y L O U S E Z E R N I C K E , N G H I E M T H A I , R O N N E L S O N , D R . M A R I O R I V A S , C Y N T H I A A L V A R A D O , R O S E A L L E N , C H A R L O T T E V I C T O R I A N , L O R N A P A S C U A L


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