Air Quality and Related Health Research: Air Quality and Related Health Research: Particulates and Co-Pollutants Particulates and Co-Pollutants EMEP Project Activity and Road Map Ellen Burkhard, NYSERDA Ellen Burkhard, NYSERDA
The Clean Air Act’s Requirements The Clean Air Act’s Requirements NSR Permits for new sources & modifications that increase emissions Note : Dotted lines indicate a range of possible dates. Designate 1-hr Severe Marg- 8-hr Assess Moderate 1 Further action on ozone would be considered based Ozone on the 2007 assessment. areas for Area inal 8-hr Ozone Effectiveness 8-hr 2 The SIP-submittal and attainment dates are keyed off Ozone Attain- 8-hr Ozone Attainment of Regional Ozone 1-hr Serious the date of designation; for example, if PM or ozone are NAAQS Date NAAQS ment Ozone NAAQS Area Attainment designated in 2004, the first attainment date is 2009 Attain- Demon- Strategies Attainment Date EPA is required to update the new source performance ment stration Date standards (NSPS) for boilers and turbines every 8 years SIPs due Date Possible OTC Regional NO x NO x NO x NO x Reductions ? SIPs Serious 8-hr Ozone Trading SIP (SIP call II) 1 Due NAAQS attainment Call Date 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 99 Compliance for Mercury Proposed Final Compliance Compliance for BART BART Sources Determination Utility Utility with Utility sources under the MACT MACT MACT Trading Program Second Regional New Fine PM NAAQS Designate Areas Latest attainment Phase II Haze SIPs due for Fine PM NAAQS Implementation Plans date for Fine PM Acid Rain NAAQS 3 Compliance Interstate Transport Rule to Address Regional Haze SIPs due In developing the timeline of current CAA requirements, it was necessary for EPA to make assumptions about SO 2 / NO x Emissions for Fine PM rulemakings that have not been completed or, in some NAAQS and Regional Haze case, not even started. EPA’s rulemakings will be conducted through the usual notice-and-comment Acid Rain, PM 2.5 , Haze, Toxics process, and the conclusions may vary from these assumptions.
Where are we going? Where are we going? Increase understanding Increase understanding of primary and primary and of secondary pollutants secondary pollutants related to electricity related to electricity generation, generation, Identify effective Identify effective strategies strategiesfor mitigating for mitigating the impacts of energy the impacts of energy production and use, and production and use, and Develop and deploy Develop and deploy mitigation technology. mitigation technology.
What do we need to do to get there? What do we need to do to get there? Aerosol characterization Aerosol characterization Sourc Source echaracterization and apportionment characterization and apportionment Modeling and analysis of ozone and PM2.5 Modeling and analysis of ozone and PM2.5 Health effects studies related to PM2.5 Health effects studies related to PM2.5 R&D of pollution monitoring and control R&D of pollution monitoring and control technologies technologies
Aerosol Characterization Aerosol Characterization NY Supersite (SUNY Albany) Acidic Organic Aerosols in NYC (Rutgers) UFP Monitoring in Rochester (Clarkson U.)
Source Characterization Source Characterization Formation and Transformation of Particles in Motor Engine Exhaust (SUNY Fine/Ultrafine Particulate Albany) Emissions Profiles (GE-EER)
Source Apportionment Source Apportionment New York State (Clarkson U.) New York City (NYU, NYSDOH) NYS D YS DE EC C A Ai ir M r Monito ors & N onit rs & St S tud udy y A Ar rea Zip Codes in ea Zip Codes in Bronx and Manhattan Bronx and Manhattan - Air Monitoring Location 10456 Hudson River 10459 10451 1 0 4 5 5 10474 10454 MS 52 South Bronx Study Area IS 155 10020 10036 1 0 0 1 8 10017 1 0 0 0 1 Mabel Dean Bacon HS 10016 1 0 0 1 1 10014 10003 10010 0 1.5 3 10012 10009 Manhattan Study Area Miles
Ozone and co-pollutants Ozone and co-pollutants Assessing the Effects of Assessing the Effects of Transboundary Transboundary Pollution on Pollution on New York’s Air Quality (SUNY Albany) New York’s Air Quality (SUNY Albany) Modeling and Analysis of Ozone and Fine Particulate Modeling and Analysis of Ozone and Fine Particulate Matter in the Northeastern United States (SUNY Albany) Matter in the Northeastern United States (SUNY Albany)
Health-Effects Studies Health-Effects Studies Fine Particulate Constituents and Acute Fine Particulate Constituents and Acute Asthma in Urban Areas (NYSDOH) Asthma in Urban Areas (NYSDOH) Clinical Studies of Exposure to Clinical Studies of Exposure to UFPs UFPs (University of Rochester) (University of Rochester) Health & Source Apportionment Workshop Health & Source Apportionment Workshop (NYU) (NYU)
R&D of pollution monitoring and R&D of pollution monitoring and control technologies control technologies • R&P SES • R&P Differential Monitor • Turbulent Mixing CNC • Portable Emissions Monitor for Hydrocarbons • Fuel Sulfur Monitor • Electric Aerosol Sizer • Regenerative Particulate Trap for Diesel Exhaust
Mitigation: PM and Precursors PM and Precursors Mitigation: Clean Air School Bus Low S heating oil Clean Air School Bus CHP Truck Stop Electrification Ferry Emission Reduction
Air Quality Studies: Future Directions Air Quality Studies: Future Directions Data analysis and interpretation ongoing Data analysis and interpretation ongoing C ontinue to support strategic health Continue to support strategic health studies and monitoring studies and monitoring Keep an eye on multi-pollutant interactions Keep an eye on multi-pollutant interactions PM Assessment in NYS? PM Assessment in NYS? Get more PM and PM precursor ( Get more PM and PM precursor (NO NOx , SOx , x, SOx, Organics) control technology into the Organics) control technology into the market market
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