the texas air quality study

The Texas Air Quality Study: Improving the State of the Science of - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The Texas Air Quality Study: The Texas Air Quality Study: Improving the State of the Science of Air Quality in Improving the State of the Science of Air Quality in Texas and Informing Public Policy Decisions Texas and Informing Public Policy

  1. The Texas Air Quality Study: The Texas Air Quality Study: Improving the State of the Science of Air Quality in Improving the State of the Science of Air Quality in Texas and Informing Public Policy Decisions Texas and Informing Public Policy Decisions David Allen David Allen Department of Chemical Engineering, and Department of Chemical Engineering, and Center for Energy and Environmental Resources Center for Energy and Environmental Resources University of Texas University of Texas

  2. The Houston-Galveston area is a severe ozone non- attainment area The current State Implementation Plan (SIP) calls for significant NOx emission reductions (approximately 70% of the projected 2007 inventory; 90+% for point sources) SIP also calls for VOC emission reductions (approximately 25% of the projected 2007 inventory) Costs and benefits of controls have been estimated to be ~5 billion/yr

  3. Texas Air Quality Study -2000 Texas Air Quality Study -2000 (TEXAQS - 2000) (TEXAQS - 2000) Provide scientific basis for air quality management Provide scientific basis for air quality management strategies in Eastern and Central Texas strategies in Eastern and Central Texas (www. (www.utexas utexas. .edu edu/research/ /research/ceer ceer/ /texaqs texaqs/) /) (www. (www.utexas utexas. .edu edu/research/ /research/ceer ceer/ /texaqsarchive ) texaqsarchive)

  4. TEXAQS - 2000 TEXAQS - 2000 : : Study overview Study overview Study conducted from approximately „ „ Study conducted from approximately August 15 - September 15 August 15 - September 15 Approximately 300 investigators „ Approximately 300 investigators „ 5 aircraft „ 5 aircraft „ 5 major ground chemistry sites „ 5 major ground chemistry sites „ Approximate budget: $20 + 10 million $20 + 10 million „ Approximate budget: „

  5. Policy Relevant Scientific Findings from Policy Relevant Scientific Findings from TexAQS TexAQS Emission inventories: Da „ Emission inventories: „ Data TexAQS suggest suggest tafrom from TexAQS that the VOC emission inventory is low by a factor of 3- that the VOC emission inventory is low by a factor of 3- 10 10 Chemical and physical processes in the „ Chemical and physical processes in the „ atmosphere, particularly those leading to atmosphere, particularly those leading to localized rapid and efficient ozone localized rapid and efficient ozone formation: Elevated concentrations of highly formation: Elevated concentrations of highly reactive hydrocarbons from industrial sources were reactive hydrocarbons from industrial sources were responsible for all of the observed rapid and efficient responsible for all of the observed rapid and efficient ozone formation events ozone formation events „ Regional air quality modeling Regional air quality modeling Existing „ Existing regulatory models have been unable to replicate critical regulatory models have been unable to replicate critical observations observations

  6. How did our improved scientific How did our improved scientific understanding get incorporated into understanding get incorporated into the regulations? the regulations? Accelerated Science Evaluation (initially „ „ Accelerated Science Evaluation (initially mandated by consent decree – once initiated it has mandated by consent decree – once initiated it has continued) continued) TCEQ commissioners to decide whether „ TCEQ commissioners to decide whether „ to stay with existing plan or to craft a to stay with existing plan or to craft a “mid-course correction” “mid-course correction” For updates, see the web site: „ „ For updates, see the web site: (www. (www.utexas utexas. .edu edu/research/ /research/ceer ceer/ /texaqsarchive ) texaqsarchive)

  7. Actions taken by the TCEQ Actions taken by the TCEQ Based on the data from TexAQS , which „ „ Based on the data from TexAQS, which indicate that VOC emissions from indicate that VOC emissions from industrial facilities are underestimated, industrial facilities are underestimated, new rules have been proposed for new rules have been proposed for emissions of reactive hydrocarbons emissions of reactive hydrocarbons from flares, cooling towers and fugitive from flares, cooling towers and fugitive sources sources

  8. Critical factors for successfully integrating Critical factors for successfully integrating scientific findings into air quality policies scientific findings into air quality policies „ Timely scientific summaries, written for policy Timely scientific summaries, written for policy „ makers makers „ Leadership at the state environmental agency Leadership at the state environmental agency „ that actively encourages scientific input that actively encourages scientific input „ Continuous interaction with EPA and the state Continuous interaction with EPA and the state „ environmental agency at multiple levels environmental agency at multiple levels „ Communication, communication, „ Communication, communication, communication communication

  9. Benefits of TexAQS TexAQS Benefits of More effective SIP „ „ More effective SIP More confidence by policy-makers in the „ „ More confidence by policy-makers in the decision making process decision making process Demonstration of the value of timely scientific „ Demonstration of the value of timely scientific „ analyses analyses Demonstration of the value of federal/state „ Demonstration of the value of federal/state „ scientific partnerships scientific partnerships „ New expectations about the level of scientific New expectations about the level of scientific „ understanding that will be required for understanding that will be required for environmental decision-making environmental decision-making


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