advanced database systems

ADVANCED DATABASE SYSTEMS Storage Models & Data Layout @ - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Lect ure # 09 ADVANCED DATABASE SYSTEMS Storage Models & Data Layout @ Andy_Pavlo // 15- 721 // Spring 2019 CMU 15-721 (Spring 2019) 2 DATA O RGAN IZATIO N Variable-Length Fixed-Length Index Data Blocks Data Blocks Block Id +

  1. Lect ure # 09 ADVANCED DATABASE SYSTEMS Storage Models & Data Layout @ Andy_Pavlo // 15- 721 // Spring 2019

  2. CMU 15-721 (Spring 2019) 2 DATA O RGAN IZATIO N Variable-Length Fixed-Length Index Data Blocks Data Blocks Block Id + Offset

  3. CMU 15-721 (Spring 2019) 3 DATA O RGAN IZATIO N One can think of an in-memory database as just a large array of bytes. → The schema tells the DBMS how to convert the bytes into the appropriate type. → Each tuple is prefixed with a header that contains its meta-data. Storing tuples with as fixed-length data makes it easy to compute the starting point of any tuple.

  4. CMU 15-721 (Spring 2019) 4 Type Representation Data Layout / Alignment Storage Models System Catalogs

  5. CMU 15-721 (Spring 2019) 5 DATA REPRESEN TATIO N INTEGER / BIGINT / SMALLINT / TINYINT → C/C++ Representation FLOAT / REAL vs. NUMERIC / DECIMAL → IEEE-754 Standard / Fixed-point Decimals TIME / DATE / TIMESTAMP → 32/64-bit int of (micro/milli)seconds since Unix epoch VARCHAR / VARBINARY / TEXT / BLOB → Pointer to other location if type is ≥ 64-bits → Header with length and address to next location (if segmented), followed by data bytes.

  6. CMU 15-721 (Spring 2019) 6 VARIABLE PRECISIO N N UM BERS Inexact, variable-precision numeric type that uses the “native” C/C++ types. Store directly as specified by IEEE-754. Typically faster than arbitrary precision numbers. → Example: FLOAT , REAL / DOUBLE

  7. CMU 15-721 (Spring 2019) 7 VARIABLE PRECISIO N N UM BERS Rounding Example #include <stdio.h> Output int main( int argc, char * argv[]) { float x = 0.1; x+y = 0.30000001192092895508 float y = 0.2; 0.3 = 0.29999999999999998890 printf("x+y = %.20f\n", x+y); printf("0.3 = %.20f\n", 0.3); }

  8. CMU 15-721 (Spring 2019) 8 FIXED PRECISIO N N UM BERS Numeric data types with arbitrary precision and scale. Used when round errors are unacceptable. → Example: NUMERIC , DECIMAL Typically stored in a exact, variable-length binary representation with additional meta-data. → Like a VARCHAR but not stored as a string Postgres Demo

  9. CMU 15-721 (Spring 2019) 9 PO STGRES: N UM ERIC # of Digits typedef unsigned char NumericDigit; Weight of 1 st Digit typedef struct { int ndigits; int weight; Scale Factor int scale; int sign; Positive/Negative/NaN NumericDigit *digits; } numeric; Digit Storage

  10. CMU 15-721 (Spring 2019) 9 PO STGRES: N UM ERIC # of Digits typedef unsigned char NumericDigit; Weight of 1 st Digit typedef struct { int ndigits; int weight; Scale Factor int scale; int sign; Positive/Negative/NaN NumericDigit *digits; } numeric; Digit Storage

  11. CMU 15-721 (Spring 2019) 10 DATA LAYO UT char[] CREATE TABLE AndySux ( header id value id INT PRIMARY KEY , value BIGINT ); reinterpret_cast< int32_t* > (address)

  12. CMU 15-721 (Spring 2019) 11 VARIABLE- LEN GTH FIELDS char[] CREATE TABLE AndySux ( header 64-BIT POINTER value VARCHAR(1024) ); Variable-Length Data Blocks INSERT INTO AndySux LENGTH NEXT Andy has the worst VALUES (" Andy has the worst hygiene that I have ever hygiene that I have ever seen. I hate seen. I hate him so much. " ); LENGTH NEXT him so much.

  13. CMU 15-721 (Spring 2019) 11 VARIABLE- LEN GTH FIELDS char[] CREATE TABLE AndySux ( header 64-BIT POINTER id Andy |64-BIT POINTER value VARCHAR(1024) ); Variable-Length Data Blocks INSERT INTO AndySux LENGTH NEXT Andy has the worst VALUES (" Andy has the worst hygiene that I have ever hygiene that I have ever seen. I hate seen. I hate him so much. " ); LENGTH NEXT him so much.

  14. CMU 15-721 (Spring 2019) 12 N ULL DATA TYPES Choice #1: Special Values → Designate a value to represent NULL for a particular data type (e.g., INT32_MIN ). Choice #2: Null Column Bitmap Header → Store a bitmap in the tuple header that specifies what attributes are null. Choice #3: Per Attribute Null Flag → Store a flag that marks that a value is null. → Have to use more space than just a single bit because this messes up with word alignment.

  15. CMU 15-721 (Spring 2019) 12 N ULL DATA TYPES Choice #1: Special Values → Designate a value to represent NULL for a particular data type (e.g., INT32_MIN ). Choice #2: Null Column Bitmap Header → Store a bitmap in the tuple header that specifies what attributes are null. Choice #3: Per Attribute Null Flag → Store a flag that marks that a value is null. → Have to use more space than just a single bit because this messes up with word alignment.

  16. CMU 15-721 (Spring 2019) 13 DISCLAIM ER The truth is that you only need to worry about word-alignment for cache lines (e.g., 64 bytes). I’m going to show you the basic idea using 64 -bit words since it’s easier to see…

  17. CMU 15-721 (Spring 2019) 14 WO RD- ALIGN ED TUPLES All attributes in a tuple must be word aligned to enable the CPU to access it without any unexpected behavior or additional work. CREATE TABLE AndySux ( char[] id INT PRIMARY KEY , cdate TIMESTAMP , color CHAR(2) , 64-bit Word 64-bit Word 64-bit Word 64-bit Word zipcode INT );

  18. CMU 15-721 (Spring 2019) 14 WO RD- ALIGN ED TUPLES All attributes in a tuple must be word aligned to enable the CPU to access it without any unexpected behavior or additional work. CREATE TABLE AndySux ( char[] 32-bits id INT PRIMARY KEY , cdate TIMESTAMP , id color CHAR(2) , 64-bit Word 64-bit Word 64-bit Word 64-bit Word zipcode INT );

  19. CMU 15-721 (Spring 2019) 14 WO RD- ALIGN ED TUPLES All attributes in a tuple must be word aligned to enable the CPU to access it without any unexpected behavior or additional work. CREATE TABLE AndySux ( char[] 32-bits id INT PRIMARY KEY , 64-bits cdate TIMESTAMP , id cdate color CHAR(2) , 64-bit Word 64-bit Word 64-bit Word 64-bit Word zipcode INT );

  20. CMU 15-721 (Spring 2019) 14 WO RD- ALIGN ED TUPLES All attributes in a tuple must be word aligned to enable the CPU to access it without any unexpected behavior or additional work. CREATE TABLE AndySux ( char[] 32-bits id INT PRIMARY KEY , 64-bits cdate TIMESTAMP , id cdate c 16-bits color CHAR(2) , 64-bit Word 64-bit Word 64-bit Word 64-bit Word zipcode INT );

  21. CMU 15-721 (Spring 2019) 14 WO RD- ALIGN ED TUPLES All attributes in a tuple must be word aligned to enable the CPU to access it without any unexpected behavior or additional work. CREATE TABLE AndySux ( char[] 32-bits id INT PRIMARY KEY , 64-bits cdate TIMESTAMP , id cdate c zipc 16-bits color CHAR(2) , 32-bits 64-bit Word 64-bit Word 64-bit Word 64-bit Word zipcode INT );

  22. CMU 15-721 (Spring 2019) 14 WO RD- ALIGN ED TUPLES All attributes in a tuple must be word aligned to enable the CPU to access it without any unexpected behavior or additional work. CREATE TABLE AndySux ( char[] 32-bits id INT PRIMARY KEY , 64-bits cdate TIMESTAMP , id cdate c zipc 16-bits color CHAR(2) , 32-bits 64-bit Word 64-bit Word 64-bit Word 64-bit Word zipcode INT );

  23. CMU 15-721 (Spring 2019) 15 WO RD- ALIGN ED TUPLES Approach #1: Perform Extra Reads → Execute two reads to load the appropriate parts of the data word and reassemble them. Approach #2: Random Reads → Read some unexpected combination of bytes assembled into a 64-bit word. Approach #3: Reject → Throw an exception Source: Levente Kurusa

  24. CMU 15-721 (Spring 2019) 16 WO RD- ALIGN M EN T: PADDIN G Add empty bits after attributes to ensure that tuple is word aligned. CREATE TABLE AndySux ( char[] 32-bits id INT PRIMARY KEY , 00000000 0000 64-bits 00000000 0000 cdate TIMESTAMP , id cdate c zipc 00000000 0000 00000000 0000 16-bits color CHAR(2) , 32-bits 64-bit Word 64-bit Word 64-bit Word 64-bit Word zipcode INT );

  25. CMU 15-721 (Spring 2019) 17 WO RD- ALIGN M EN T: REO RDERIN G Switch the order of attributes in the tuples' physical layout to make sure they are aligned. → May still have to use padding. CREATE TABLE AndySux ( char[] 32-bits id INT PRIMARY KEY , 000000000000 64-bits 000000000000 cdate TIMESTAMP , id zipc cdate c 000000000000 000000000000 16-bits color CHAR(2) , 32-bits 64-bit Word 64-bit Word 64-bit Word 64-bit Word zipcode INT );

  26. CMU 15-721 (Spring 2019) 18 CM U- DB ALIGN M EN T EXPERIM EN T Processor: 1 socket, 4 cores w/ 2×HT Workload: Insert Microbenchmark Avg. Throughput No Alignment 0.523 MB/sec Optimization #1 11.7 MB/sec Optimization #2 814.8 MB/sec Source: Tianyu Li

  27. CMU 15-721 (Spring 2019) 19 STO RAGE M O DELS N -ary Storage Model (NSM) Decomposition Storage Model (DSM) Hybrid Storage Model COLUMN- STORES VS. ROW- STORES: HOW DIFFERENT ARE THEY REALLY? SIGMOD 2008

  28. CMU 15-721 (Spring 2019) 19 STO RAGE M O DELS N -ary Storage Model (NSM) Decomposition Storage Model (DSM) Hybrid Storage Model COLUMN- STORES VS. ROW- STORES: HOW DIFFERENT ARE THEY REALLY? SIGMOD 2008

  29. CMU 15-721 (Spring 2019) 20 N- ARY STO RAGE M O DEL (N SM ) The DBMS stores all of the attributes for a single tuple contiguously. Ideal for OLTP workloads where txns tend to operate only on an individual entity and insert- heavy workloads. Use the tuple-at-a-time iterator model.

  30. CMU 15-721 (Spring 2019) 21 N SM : PH YSICAL STO RAGE Choice #1: Heap-Organized Tables → Tuples are stored in blocks called a heap. → The heap does not necessarily define an order. Choice #2: Index-Organized Tables → Tuples are stored in the primary key index itself. → Not quite the same as a clustered index.


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