addressing climate change in the urban systems

Addressing Climate Change in the Urban Systems Presentation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Building Climate Resilience through Urban Plans and Designs: Ormoc City Orientation & Workshop 9-10 November 2017 By: Laids Mias-Cea UN-Habitat Addressing Climate Change in the Urban Systems Presentation Objective Understand terms

  1. Building Climate Resilience through Urban Plans and Designs: Ormoc City Orientation & Workshop 9-10 November 2017 By: Laids Mias-Cea UN-Habitat Addressing Climate Change in the Urban Systems

  2. Presentation Objective • Understand terms and context relative to “Building Climate Resiliency Through Urban Plans and Designs” • Discuss “Adaptation” • Discuss why “Urban Planning and Design” is the focus • Present and Discuss the Project Conceptual Framework • Introduce Options Identification and Decision Making tools for Adaptation

  3. Definition of Terms • Let’s unpack the project terminologies: Building Climate Change Climate Change Resilience through Urban Plans and Designs

  4. Let’s unpack the project terminologies: Resilience to what & why ( hazardous event or • trend or disturbance) ? Figure: the results of higher global temperatures (i.e. climate change impacts) on urban areas Climate Change

  5. Goal 11: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable

  6. Let’s unpack the project terminologies: Resilience Definitions • Open-ended Intergovernmental Expert Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Working Group on indicators and terminology Change (IPCC) Fifth Assessment Report relating to disaster risk reduction ( OIEWG) Report to GA 2017 The ability of a system, community or society The capacity of social, economic and exposed to hazards to resist, absorb, environmental systems to cope with a accommodate, adapt to, transform and hazardous event or trend or disturbance , recover from the effects of a hazard in a responding or reorganizing in ways that timely and efficient manner, including maintain their essential function, identity through the preservation and restoration of and structure, while also maintaining the its essential basic structures and functions capacity for adaptation, learning and through risk management. transformation . Adopted definition of RA 10121 (DRRM Act of 2010) (**no definition of resilience in RA 9729 and 10174 (CC Act)

  7. Let’s unpack the project terminologies: Resilience: “… maintaining the capacity for adaptation, learning, and • transformation . “Adaptation” Defined IPCC AR5: UNFCC: The process of adjustment to actual or expected Adaptation refers to adjustments in ecological, climate and its effects. In human systems, social, or economic systems in response to actual adaptation seeks to moderate or avoid harm or or expected climatic stimuli and their effects or exploit beneficial opportunities . In some natural impacts. It refers to changes in processes, systems, human intervention may facilitate practices, and structures to moderate potential adjustment to expected climate and its effects damages or to benefit from opportunities associated with climate change (IPCC 2001, TAR) Philippines RA 9729: Adaptation refers to adjustments in natural and human systems in response to actual or expected climatic stimuli and their effects which moderates harm or exploits beneficial opportunities Bottom- line is to act on Climate change related risks, trends, and possible opportunities

  8. Let’s unpack the project terminologies: Adaptation is a means to achieve resilience • – Anticipatory To address vulnerabilities and increase adaptive Reactive – capacities Urban adaptation actions that delivers mitigation co-benefits is a • powerful, resource efficient means to address CC and to realize the development goals Urban Adaptation provides opportunities for incremental & • transformative development via – Effective Multi-level governance, alignment of policies and incentives, strengthened LGUs and communities, synergies with private sector, appropriate financing and institutional development Urban Adaptation can enhance economic comparative advantage • Source: IPCC AR5 (Urban, chapter 8)

  9. Let’s unpack the project terminologies: Adaptation is a means to achieve resilience •

  10. Urban Adaptation Adaptation in urban areas depends on the competence and capacity of • local governments and locally rooted iterative process of learning about risks and opportunities, identifying and evaluating options, making decisions, and revising strategies with a range of actors. learning about risks and opportunities identifying and Local evaluating Plans/Strategies options revising strategies with a making decisions range of actors

  11. Let’s unpack the project terminologies: Urban (Areas): • No standard international definition – Can be defined by: administrative/political boundary; threshold of – populations size; population density; economic function; or the presence of urban characteristics (e.g., paved streets, sewerage) Cities, Towns, Suburban/Peri-urban areas – Philippines Definition (2004): If a barangay has a population size of 5,000 or more , or – If a barangay has at least one establishment with a minimum of 100 employees , or – If a barangay has 5 or more establishments with a minimum of 10 employees, and 5 or more – facilities within the two-kilometer radius from the barangay hall , All barangays in the National Capital Region are automatically classified as urban and all highly urbanized cities would be subjected to the urban-rural criteria in order to determine its urban- rural classification. All other barangays are therefore classified as rural.

  12. Let’s unpack the project terminologies: Urban Systems • ü The sustainable functioning of an urban area goes beyond its boundary ü Approach: From “rural-urban dichotomy” to “rural-urban continuum” Image: WB 2009 report ü Is a network of interdependent places, infrastructure, built environment, administration and human services Ø Significant change in one would have impact/consequence to the other

  13. Let’s unpack the project terminologies: • Urban Plans and Designs ü Urban Planning leads to forward looking, comprehensive, integrated, inclusive approaches in enhancing resilience ü Urban Design introduces a process that provides more quality details towards resilience building “Urban design is an inter-disciplinary subject that unites – all the built environment professions, including urban planning, landscape architecture, architecture, civil and municipal engineering”. “Urban design address the larger scale of groups of – buildings, of streets and public spaces, whole neighborhoods and districts, and entire cities, to make urban areas functional, attractive, and sustainable”. – “Urban design is about making connections between people and places, movement and urban form, nature and the built fabric”.

  14. Project Conceptual Framework (basic) Challenges Resilient Urban Climate Change Planning Design & Opportunies Systems Issues Driver/Trigger Action (means) Goal ("end game")

  15. Philippine Development Plan Nationally Determined Contribution National Climate Change Action Plan Phil. New Urban Agenda & National Urban Development and Housing Framework Economy & Finance Policies Guidelines Regulations Challenges Resilient Urban Climate Change Planning & Design Opportunities Systems Issues Driver/Trigger Means (Action) Goal ADAPTATION Mitigation Co-benefits: Entry points (urban systems) Competency Social Approaches - Places Economic Tools environmental - Infrastructure - Built environment - Administration and human services

  16. Adaptation decisions at what scale? Building, Parcel Block, Neighborhood, Barangay, District Municipality/City/Province Region, Bio-region, Mega-Region 16

  17. Source:

  18. Source:

  19. Urban Heat Island Phenomenon whereby urban areas experience • warmer temperature than their rural surroundings Caused by developments that altered the radiative • and thermal properties of the area – Reduced Vegetation; – Urban Materials – Urban Geometry – Anthropogenic heat emissions Occurs on the surface and atmosphere of the area • Results into Local climate change, (impacts/effects • are limited to the local scale) Influenced by cities geographic location & local • weather patterns Studies/Research: urban-induced precipitation and • thunderstorm events are mainly initiated by the UHI

  20. Adaptation Processes & Approaches for Decision Making

  21. Some points to consider… • Usual/traditional “predict & plan” decision making process may not work for adaptation planning due to uncertainties • Science offers a range of multiple future scenario

  22. Planning for Climate Change at the local level requires downscaled information on scenarios (range of plausible future)

  23. Considering “Uncertainties” in adaptation decision making • Adaptation options will need to consider multiple future scenarios and high level of uncertainty • Even under a specific scenario of future emissions, the range of possible impacts is large How? • Developing decision making criteria (e.g flexibility, robustness, safe-fail) • Flexible measures is so important especially for actions that would have long-term implications – like infrastructure!

  24. Deciding on Options • Take off from assessment of risks, impacts and vulnerability • Planners should remember that increasing risk resilience and decreasing vulnerability is not always straightforward • Clarity of the problem/issue statement should be made • What should be decided on (scope of decision) should be clear


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