oxford cambridge expressway wendlebury annual meeting 16

Oxford-Cambridge Expressway Wendlebury Annual Meeting 16 th May - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Oxford-Cambridge Expressway Wendlebury Annual Meeting 16 th May 2019 David Rogers No Expressway Group Horton-cum-Studley david.rogers@zoo.ox.ac.uk In the beginning. Highways England talked about specific Expressway routes But from

  1. Oxford-Cambridge Expressway Wendlebury Annual Meeting 16 th May 2019 David Rogers No Expressway Group Horton-cum-Studley david.rogers@zoo.ox.ac.uk

  2. In the beginning………. Highways England talked about specific Expressway routes

  3. But from Spring of 2018 Highways Corridor A, the ‘Southern Route’ England talked only of three broad corridors, A, B and C. Stakeholders had very little influence on Corridor choice. Corridor B Corridor C, the ‘Northern Route’

  4. The Anti- Expressway Campaign to date

  5. Information • Travelling pagoda • Leaflets • T-shirts

  6. Events

  7. Networking & reaching out to other organisations and villages Expressway Action Group NEA, No Expressway Alliance

  8. Newspaper Articles


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