bruckner sheridan expressway bruckner sheridan expressway

Bruckner-Sheridan Expressway Bruckner-Sheridan Expressway - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Bruckner-Sheridan Expressway Bruckner-Sheridan Expressway Interchange Reconstruction and Interchange Reconstruction and Hunts Point Peninsula Access Hunts Point Peninsula Access Environmental Impact Statement Environmental Impact Statement

  1. Bruckner-Sheridan Expressway Bruckner-Sheridan Expressway Interchange Reconstruction and Interchange Reconstruction and Hunts Point Peninsula Access Hunts Point Peninsula Access Environmental Impact Statement Environmental Impact Statement NYSDOT PIN: X730.39 NYSDOT PIN: X730.39 Stakeholder Committee Meeting July 17, 2008

  2. Agenda Agenda � Welcome and Introductions � Project Update & Scoping Alternatives � Draft Design Report & EIS Process � Preliminary Design � Discussion � Design Working Groups � Next Steps � Adjourn BSE HPA EIS

  3. Project Milestones Project Milestones � DR/EIS Start Summer 2002 � Notice of Intent February 2003 � Scoping (9 Alt) March 2003 � Qualitative Screen (5 Alt) March 2004 � Quantitative Screen (4 Alt) Early 2007 � DR/DEIS Early 2010 � Public Hearing Middle 2010 � DR/FEIS/ROD Late 2010 � Final Design 2011-2014 � Start Construction 2014/2015 BSE HPA EIS

  4. Issue Identification Issue Identification � Bruckner - Sheridan Interchange � Poor Geometric Configuration � Hunts Point Peninsula � Lack of Direct Access to Peninsula � Combined Effect of Two Issues Lead to: � Regional and Local Congestion � Trucks on Local Streets � Increase in Air Pollutant Emissions � High Accident Locations BSE HPA EIS

  5. Bruckner - Sheridan Interchange Bruckner - Sheridan Interchange BSE HPA EIS

  6. Heavy Truck Traffic Heavy Truck Traffic BSE HPA EIS

  7. Scoping Alternatives Scoping Alternatives

  8. Proposed Improvements – Expressway (All Alternatives) Proposed Improvements – Expressway (All Alternatives) Sheridan Expressway Sheridan Expressway B B r r o o n n x x R R i i v v e e r r A A Bruckner Expressway Bruckner Expressway v v e e n n u u e 3 Lanes EB/WB e 3 Lanes EB/WB 6-Lane High Level Bruckner Expressway 6-Lane High Level Bruckner Expressway Lead Market Track Lead Market Track Edgewater Road Edgewater Road N BSE HPA EIS

  9. Proposed Improvements – Ramps (All Alternatives) Proposed Improvements – Ramps (All Alternatives) Sheridan Expressway Sheridan Expressway B B r r o o n n x x R R i i v v e e r r A A Bruckner Expressway Bruckner Expressway v v e e n n u u e 3 Lanes EB/WB e 3 Lanes EB/WB Off Ramp Off Ramp Off Ramp Off Ramp On Ramp On Ramp No On Ramp No On Ramp Lead Market Track Lead Market Track Edgewater Road Edgewater Road N BSE HPA EIS

  10. Proposed Alternatives 1A and 1B Proposed Alternatives 1A and 1B Alternative 1A Alternative 1B KEY KEY N N BSE HPA EIS

  11. Proposed Alternatives 2C and 2D Proposed Alternatives 2C and 2D Alternative 2C Alternative 2D KEY KEY N N BSE HPA EIS

  12. Design Refinement Process Design Refinement Process

  13. The DR/DEIS Process The DR/DEIS Process Problem Public Identification Hearing Prepare and Publish Draft DR / EIS Draft Goals and Objectives Initial Alternatives Publish FEIS Design Analysis Environmental Analysis and Select Preferred Public Scoping Alternative Preliminary Constructability Design Refine/Add: Goals and Objectives/ Alternatives Traffic NEPA Record Operations Completed of Decision Current Screen and Future Evaluate Alternatives BSE HPA EIS

  14. Preliminary Design: Preliminary Design: Comparison of Existing Condition with Comparison of Existing Condition with Alternatives 1A and 2C Alternatives 1A and 2C

  15. Video Video

  16. Discussion Discussion � Bronx River Crossing � Leggett Avenue Interchange BSE HPA EIS

  17. Design Working Group Design Working Group � Purpose of Design Working Group: � Stakeholders Become Part of Design Development Process � Members Provide Input and Insights BSE HPA EIS

  18. Design Working Group Membership Design Working Group Membership � Community Board 1 � Assemblyman Ruben Diaz, Jr. � Assemblyman Michael � Community Board 2 Benjamin � Community Board 3 � Congressman Joseph � Community Board 6 Crowley � Community Board 9 � Hunts Point Chamber of � Borough President Adolfo Commerce Carrion � Hunts Point Produce Co-Op � Councilmember Maria del � South Bronx River Watershed Carmen Arroyo Alliance (SBRWA) � Senator Ruben Diaz, Sr. � Regional Plan Association � Congressman Jose Serrano BSE HPA EIS

  19. Design Working Group Responsibilities Design Working Group Responsibilities DWG members will be Project Ambassadors to NYSDOT and the Project Team by: � Understanding and Conveying to their Respective Constituents Project Details and Status � Providing a Channel of Communication to Include Public’s Input and Feedback on the Design Elements of the Project � Providing Input on the Project Designs BSE HPA EIS

  20. Design Working Group Charter Design Working Group Charter Charter and Operating Protocols for the Charter and Operating Protocols for the of the of the Stakeholder Design Working Group o Stakeholder Design Working Group o Bruckner Sheridan Interchange Reconstruction Bruckner Sheridan Interchange Reconstruction & Hunts Point Peninsula Access & Hunts Point Peninsula Access Environmental Impact Statement Environmental Impact Statement The Design Working Group (DWG) will provide a forum for project team members to provide team members to provide Design Working Group Mission Design Working Group Mission ongoing, timely information relating to the design and refinement of project alternatives. The DWG t of project alternatives. The DWG The Design Working Group (DWG) will provide a forum for project will also provide the Project team with feedback and assist NYSDOT in developing an understanding OT in developing an understanding ongoing, timely information relating to the design and refinemen to considering all ideas that arise of public and interest group perspectives. NYSDOT is committed to considering all ideas that arise will also provide the Project team with feedback and assist NYSD from DWG meetings, but is under no obligation to incorporate them into the overall design of the m into the overall design of the of public and interest group perspectives. NYSDOT is committed from DWG meetings, but is under no obligation to incorporate the Project. Project. BSE HPA EIS

  21. The DR/DEIS Process The DR/DEIS Process Problem Public Identification Hearing Prepare and Publish Draft DR / EIS Draft Goals and Objectives Initial Alternatives Publish FEIS Design Analysis Environmental Analysis and Select Preferred Public Scoping Alternative Preliminary Constructability Design Refine/Add: Goals and Objectives/ Alternatives Traffic NEPA Record Operations Completed of Decision Current Screen and Future Evaluate Alternatives BSE HPA EIS

  22. Next Steps Next Steps � Continue Refining Alternatives � Design Working Group Meetings � 11 th Stakeholder Committee Meeting � Update on Alternatives � Traffic Simulation Workshop BSE HPA EIS

  23. Bruckner-Sheridan Expressway Bruckner-Sheridan Expressway Interchange Reconstruction and Interchange Reconstruction and Hunts Point Peninsula Access Hunts Point Peninsula Access Environmental Impact Statement Environmental Impact Statement NYSDOT PIN: X730.39 NYSDOT PIN: X730.39 Stakeholder Committee Meeting July 17, 2008


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