Addressing Climate Change: Addressing Climate Change: 24 May 2008 24 May 2008 Masayuki Sasanouchi Acting Chairman, Sub-Committee on Global Environmental Policy, Keidanren
Prof Kaya’s Identity Prof. Kaya s Identity CO2 = emissions emissions Energy Efficiency Carbon Intensity to Energy CO2 Energy Energy GDP emissions Consumption Population × × × Population Population GDP GDP Energy Energy Consumption fundamental rights
KEIDANREN Action Plan -CO2 emissions by 35 Industries CO2 i i b 35 I d t i in the Industrial and Energy Converting Sectors- 550 Decreased by 1.5% cf. fiscal 1990 500 -CO2) (million t- Effect of nuclear power plant shut-down: 10.2 million t-CO2 (2.0%) 450 529.83 512.67 512.03 506.03 505.07 501.86 504.97 504.19 490.92 500 16 500.16 504.48 400 350 1990 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2010 (Fiscal Year) Actual amount Effect of shut-down of nuclear plants Target
What is Differentiated Responsibilities to Achieve 50 by 50 ? Same % of reduction by 100 developed and developing countries 95 90 50 % reduction from 2000 non- By developed countries 85 60 % 60 % 25 % more reduction by 25 % more reduction by m BAU by ies ( % ) 80 developed countries 70 % 75 80 % ction from x I countri 70 70 50 % more reduction 90 % by developed countries 65 100 % 60 60 Reduc Annex Global 55 ▲ 50 % 50 b 2050 by 2050 70 50 55 60 65 75 80 85 90 95 100 Reduction from BAU by Annex I countries ( % ) Should developed countries realize no emission, p , developing countries would still need to reduce 60% from BAU emission in 2050. (Source: Akimoto, RITE, Yamaguchi, Tokyo University)
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