adapta daptation an and d resili esilience

Adapta daptation an and d Resili esilience The I e Inuvialu - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Adapta daptation an and d Resili esilience The I e Inuvialu ialuit S it Story Inuvia vialui uit F t Final A l Agreeme ment Preserve Inuvialuit cultural identity and values within a changing northern society 2 Inuvia

  1. Adapta daptation an and d Resili esilience The I e Inuvialu ialuit S it Story

  2. Inuvia vialui uit F t Final A l Agreeme ment “Preserve Inuvialuit cultural identity and values within a changing northern society” 2

  3. Inuvia vialui uit S t Settl tleme ment R t Region 3

  4. Ingilraa raani ni -Time ime I Imme mmemoria ial “ I will tell you stories of the olden days ” Nuligak (Bob Pingos Cockney) 1966 4

  5. Ingilraa raani ni -Time ime I Imme mmemoria ial Beginning of the Eskimo People, Mona Ohoveluk “We value curiosity, resourcefulness, patience, kindness and ability. We appreciate individuals who are successful at whatever they do, who are responsible, who keep their word and who are modest.” Inuvialuit Pitqusiit: The Culture of the Inuvialuit 5

  6. Thule ule C Cultu ulture Spread of Thule Culture circa 1200 AD Doll, Thule Culture, Cape Kellett 6

  7. Adap aptat ation on and and Cha Change Inuvialuit Drawings, Fort Anderson, circa 1865 (MacFarlane Collection) 7

  8. Tan’ngi ngit (Outs Outsiders) Arriv ive Fur Traders North-West Mounted Police Commercial Whalers 8

  9. Disea ease se “ Old village and camp … The shore is lined with ruins of old log-and-sod houses, and the hills covered with graves .” Sept, 21, 1909 9

  10. Chang hanging B ng Beliefs Confirmation class, Herschel Island, 1917 (Anglican Church of Canada) Magic Flight of the Shamans, by Ekkotak 10

  11. Chang hanging P ng Populat ation on Schooner ‘Blue Fox’ near Banks Island, 1930 An’nuk, an Inupiaq from Alaska who accompanied whalers to the Beaufort Sea, circa 1890 11

  12. Go Gover ernmen ent C Cont ntrol ol OS Finnie at Norman Wells, 1921 12

  13. Reje ejecting T Treat eaty Nuligak (Bob Cockney) Mangilaluk 13

  14. Conseq onsequen ences ces Identity Disk W3-308 (Emma Gruben) Margaret Fitzgerald Andreason at All Saints Residential School, Aklavik, 1939 14

  15. Lo Losi sing C ng Cont ntrol o of Ed Educat cation on Textbooks used in the federal day school in Tuktoyaktuk, 1950s Jimmy Komeak drawing an igloo on a chalk board in Aklavik, 1939 15

  16. Apol polog ogy, R Recon onciliat ation on School at Shingle Point, 1929 Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) Northern National Event - Inuvik, 2011 16

  17. Lo Losi sing C ng Cont ntrol o of the La Land nd Drilling at Atkinson Point, 1969 (Imperial Oil Ltd.) 17

  18. Com ommitt ttee F For Ori or Origina nal P Peop oples’ E Enti ntitl tlement (COP (COPE) COPE negotiators Renie Arey, Andy Carpenter and Peter Green at COPE AGM in Tuktoyaktuk 18

  19. Ne Negot otiat ation ons MLAs and COPE President Billy Day (r) discussing NWT boundary COPE negotiators submitting the first regional land claim proposal to the Government of Canada, 1977 19

  20. Inuvia vialui uit F t Final A l Agreeme ment COPE Directors Eddie Gruben and Mark Noksana signing the IFA Peter Green, COPE President, holding up the signatory page of the IFA 20


  22. Person rsonal Na Narrat rative 22

  23. Recor cordi ding ng S Stories es Recording traditional land use information Nellie Cournoyea and Edward Lennie in the CBC studio, Inuvik, 1970 ‘How Qiuraaq Turned Into Stone’ – A book based on an Inuvialuit legend prepared by the Inuvialuit Cultural Resource Centre 23

  24. Wor orking From om T The he Insi nside Nellie Cournoyea being sworn in as Government Leader, 1991 Les Carpenter and Nellie Cournoyea at Inuvialuit Final Agreement signing ceremony, 1984 24

  25. Meet Meeting O Our Goal oals 25

  26. Clima limate Cha Change and Sea I and Sea Ice ce 26

  27. Clima limate Cha Change and W and Wildl dlife Beluga whale hunting camp Tagging a beluga whale with a Tracking beluga whale movements by 27 satellite transmitter satellite

  28. Cult ultur ural R l Revit vitali lization Sewing a parka hood Drummers and dancers perform for the royal couple Ulu knife 28

  29. Drum D Danci ncing ng Young drum dancer, Inuvik Paulatuk Moonlight Drummers and Dancers 29

  30. Tra radi dition onal S Spor orts Arm Pull Blanket Toss One Foot High Kick 30

  31. Revita italiz izin ing I Inuvia ialuktun uktun Inuvialuit graduates from the 2012 Aurora College Aboriginal Language and Cultural Instructor Program 31

  32. Cultu turally y Appr propr priat ate Ed Education New teaching resource: Taimani Young boy learning drum dancing 32

  33. Person rsonal C Connect nnection ons Inuvialuit researchers, youth and elders at the Smithsonian Institution, 2009 Paula Voudrach assisting with archaeological excavations at Kuukpak 33

  34. Person rsonal C Connect nnection ons Voice recording, circa 1914-16 Maternal grandfather - Mike (Siberia) from East Cape, Siberia, 1916 34

  35. In Ingni niryuat at – Smo mokin ing H Hills ills Angusinaoq 35

  36. Quy Quyanain inni i – Tha hank Y You ou 36

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