A Yoga-Based Social Emotional Program for Schools
BalancED Learning Jennie Young, RYT200 Kasey Peyton, RYT200 Founder and Co-Founder and Curriculum Author BalancED Learning Pro
Social-Emotional Success Five Core Social-Emotional Skills for Student Success Self Awareness Self Management Social Awareness Relationship Skills Responsible Decision-Making Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning
Yoga - Not Just Poses
Yoga Guidelines
Yoga Addresses SEL Skills Self- Self- Social Relationship Responsible Awareness Management Awareness Skills Decision-Making ❖ ❖ ❖ Kindness ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Truthfulness ❖ ❖ ❖ Generosity ❖ ❖ ❖ Self-Control ❖ ❖ ❖ Gratitude ❖ ❖ ❖ Self-Esteem ❖ ❖ ❖ Contentment ❖ ❖ ❖ Self-Discipline ❖ ❖ ❖ Self-Awareness ❖ ❖ ❖ Respect
Mindfulness Defined “The quality or state of being conscious or aware of something.”
Mindfulness Defined “Mindfulness shows us what is happening in our bodies, our emotions, our minds, and in the world. Through mindfulness, we avoid harming ourselves and others.” -Thich Nhat Hahn
Mindfulness and the Brain Mindfulness and the Brain by Blissful Kids
Benefits of Breath Breathing exercises improve physical, mental, and emotional health. ● Physical - The body responds to emotions and stress. Using controlled breathing helps to slow the physical responses (heart rate, body temperature, blood pressure, and nervous system). ● Mental – Using your breath to slow down mental chatter helps increase focus on the task at hand. 1 ● Emotional – Slowing the physical responses and mental chatter allows the brain time to respond vs. react which is the key factor in emotional regulation.
Breath in the Classroom ● 10 different breathing techniques are learned throughout the year. ● Each breath has a different purpose. ● Once learned, the teacher can employ them for a variety of situations. ● Teachers report these as very effective. ● Students use them at home with siblings.
Emotional Elements Awareness of Emotions ○ Identify the emotions. ○ Body’s responses. ○ Self-acceptance of all emotions. Self-Regulation ○ Learning to control your emotions so your emotions don’t control you. 2 ○ Creating resiliency to handle tough situations. ○ Eliminating emotional outbursts that take away from teaching time 2, 3 Reaction vs. Response ○ Utilizing breathwork and mindfulness ○ Moving from reactive state to responsive state
Emotions in the Classroom Awareness of Emotions ○ Journaling ○ Literature Connections ○ Group Sharing Self-Regulation ○ Scenario Rehearsal ○ Readers Theater Reaction vs. Response ○ Role Playing ○ Group Games
Mindfulness Matters Mindfulness of Self Self Awareness Increases focus, attention span, Self Management and memory 7, 8 Responsible Decision Making Decreases worry and anxiety 9 Improves executive function 2, 10, 13 Mindfulness of Others Social Awareness Creates empathy Develops gratitude, respect, Relationship Building Skills and kindness Builds community 14
Mindfulness in the Classroom Mindfulness of Others Mindfulness of Self ○ Readers Theatre ○ Senses Activities ○ Interactive Games ○ Breath Training & Journaling ○ Gratitude Notes and Journals ○ Guided Imagery ○ Random Acts of Kindness ○ Literature Connections
Self-Esteem and Community Go Hand in Hand The best way to become a better 'helper' is to become a better person. But one necessary aspect of becoming a better person is via helping other people. - Abraham Maslow ● Students with higher self-esteem have confidence which leads to better performance. 1 ● Higher self-esteem in children will build community in the classroom. 5 ● Community creates a safe place for children and helps eliminate bullying. 4 ● Better relationships in the classroom lead to less stress and more learning. 6
Self-Esteem and Community in the Classroom ● Identifying Strengths ● Celebrating Differences ● Giving & Receiving Compliments ● Random Acts of Kindness ● Literature Connections ● Team Building Activities ● Partner Poses
Movement Motives ● Exercise helps reduce anxiety and stress levels and improves mood and self-esteem. 11 ● Certain poses and sequences can have calming or energizing effects. ● Yoga improves mental, social, and physical well-being and daily behavior. 12 ● Breathing with movement increases oxygen flow to the brain. ● Physical development through yoga improves executive function. 13
Movement in the Classroom Tree Rag Doll Flower Start standing with your feet hip width apart. Fold Find an object or place to stare to help with focus. forward and let your head and arms hang down Lift the left leg and place the heel on the ankle, towards your feet. You can allow your knees to bend while the toes remain on the floor. Turn the knee as much as you need for the backs of the legs to be out to the side and bring the arms to heart center. comfortable. Relax your neck and shoulders Once balanced, extend the arms out like branches completely. To come out of the pose, bend your of a tree or extend above the head. You can also knees deeply and roll up slowly with your head being bring the foot up to the inside of the opposite calf the last thing to come up. but not the knee. Repeat with opposite leg. Bring the bottoms of your feet together. Hold onto the bottoms of your feet and lift your feet off the floor, balancing on your bottom. Use your breath and find a focal point to balance.
Movement in the Classroom Poses ○ Balance to increase focus ○ Strength to energize ○ Flexibility to calm Sequences and Games ○ Get the wiggles out ○ Boost concentration ○ Improve left and right brain hemisphere balance Partner poses and student led activities ○ Build trust ○ Leadership opportunities ○ Foster connection
Teacher Benefits Positively changes teacher-student interactions. 14 Mindfulness improves teacher mood, satisfaction and sleep. 15 Improves mental and emotional well-being and reduces stress. 16 Reduces test stress and anxiety. 17 HAPPY TEACHER happy kids
Program Overview BalancED Classroom Professional Learning Pro Curriculum Development ● ● ● Teacher Directed Program Objectives Regular class visits ● ● ● 30 weeks - Sept - April Research Based Movement-based ● ● ● Flexible Scheduling Demo Curriculum Ongoing Support and ● Newsletters for family Components Education OUR MISSION BalancED Learning provides curriculum and resources to achieve emotional, mental, and physical balance for both students and teachers. Through yoga and mindfulness techniques and principles, the program combines knowledge of body, mind, and emotions to empower students by building self-esteem, teaching social-emotional skills, and constructing community within the classroom.
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