yoga in schools

Yoga in Schools Yoga Alliance Webinar May 5, 2020 Sat Bir S. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Brigham & Womens Hospital Harvard Medical School Yoga in Schools Yoga Alliance Webinar May 5, 2020 Sat Bir S. Khalsa, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School Director of Yoga Research, Yoga Alliance Director of

  1. Brigham & Women’s Hospital Harvard Medical School Yoga in Schools Yoga Alliance Webinar May 5, 2020 Sat Bir S. Khalsa, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School Director of Yoga Research, Yoga Alliance Director of Research, Kundalini Research Institute Editor in Chief, International Journal of Yoga Therapy Research Associate, Benson Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine Research Affiliate, Osher Center for Integrative Medicine

  2. U.S. Adult Yoga Demographics From: Clarke TC, Barnes PM, Black LI, Stussman BJ, Nahin RL.Use of yoga, meditation, and chiropractors among U.S. adults aged 18 and older. NCHS Data Brief, no 325. Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics. 2018. From: Yoga in America Market Study, Yoga Journal, 2008

  3. Youth Challenges

  4. National Youth Risk Behavior Survey, 2017 Percentage of High School Students Who Were Bullied on School Property 22.7 22.3 21.5 20.3 19.0 20 18.3 16.3 Percent 15.6 14.0 13.2 0 Total Male Female 9th 10th 11th 12th Black Hispanic White

  5. National Youth Risk Behavior Survey, 2017 Percentage of High School Students Who Ever Drank Alcohol 71.7 66.4 64.7 62.6 61.7 60.4 58.1 58.0 60 51.3 47.7 Percent 40 20 0 Total Male Female 9th 10th 11th 12th Black Hispanic White

  6. National Youth Risk Behavior Survey, 2017 Percentage of High School Students Who Ate Vegetables One or More Times Per Day 62.8 60.8 60.8 60.4 59.4 59.4 59.3 60 56.1 56.1 49.4 40 Percent 20 0 Total Male Female 9th 10th 11th 12th Black Hispanic White

  7. National Youth Risk Behavior Survey, 2017 Percentage of High School Students Who Were Physically Active at Least 60 Minutes Per Day on 5 or More Days 60 56.9 54.1 48.7 46.5 45.1 45.0 44.9 42.0 41.4 40 36.8 Percent 20 0 Total Male Female 9th 10th 11th 12th Black Hispanic White

  8. National Youth Risk Behavior Survey, 2017 Percentage of High School Students Who Described Themselves As Slightly or Very Overweight 40 37.5 37.1 33.8 32.3 31.5 30.5 29.9 29.7 28.1 25.3 Percent 20 0 Total Male Female 9th 10th 11th 12th Black Hispanic White

  9. Stress is Taking a Physical and Emotional Health Toll on Children …parents are underestimating how much stress their children experience and the impact their own stress has on their children. …children as young as eight years old are reporting that they experience physical and emotional health consequences often associated with stress.

  10. Majority of seriously impairing and persistent conditions have child- adolescent onsets and high comorbidity Need for treatment of largely untreated child-adolescent disorders

  11. Child-Adolescent Psychiatric Disorders “…10.06% of youths experience [serious emotional disturbance] with substantial impairment in one or more functional domains…” “…large numbers of youth and families affected… underscore the need for comprehensive and effective prevention and treatment services.” From: Prevalence of Serious Emotional Disturbance Among U.S. Children: A Meta-Analysis. Williams NJ, Scott L, Aarons GA, Psychiatric Services, 69:32-40, 2018. “…overall prevalence for at least one [subthreshold] disorder in the past year of…almost 16%...” “One in four adolescents had either…disorder with impairment.” From: Estimating the burden of psychiatric disorders in adolescence: the impact of subthreshold disorders. Roberts RE, Fisher PW, Turner JB, Tang M. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 50:397-406, 2015. “The most consistent factors involve indicators of stress…” “Personal resources (e.g. mastery) enhance resilience to onset” From: One-year incidence of psychiatric disorders and associated risk factors among adolescents in the community. Roberts RE, Roberts CR, Chan W., Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. 50:405-15, 2009.

  12. …the striking feature of the present data high the rates of early psychiatric disorders are. Most likely, the lifetime prevalence of psychiatric problems by age 21 well exceeds 80%, suggesting that the From: Cumulative prevalence of psychiatric disorders by young adulthood: a prospective cohort experience of analysis from the Great Smoky Mountains Study, psychiatric illness is Copeland W, Shanahan L, Costello EJ, Angold A, Journal of the American Academy of Child and nearly universal. Adolescent Psychiatry, 50:252-61, 2011.

  13. National Youth Risk Behavior Survey, 2017 Percentage of High School Students Who Seriously Considered Attempting Suicide 22.1 20 17.5 17.3 17.4 17.3 17.2 16.4 16.3 14.7 Percent 11.9 0 Total Male Female 9th 10th 11th 12th Black Hispanic White

  14. Adolescent / School Challenges l Stress (developmental, family, social, academic, societal) l Mental Health (depression, anxiety, substance abuse, trauma) l Behavior (apathy, violence, social skills, bullying, absenteeism) l Academics (grades, dropouts) l Physical Health (obesity, diabetes) l Attention (ADD, ADHD)

  15. Yoga Practices Postures, Breathing, Relaxation, Meditation Self-Regulation Awareness Spirituality Fitness ↑ Flexibility ↑ Attention ↑ Unitive State ↑ Stress Regulation ↑ Strength ↑ Emotion Regulation ↑ Mindfulness ↑ Transcendence ↑ Coordination/Balance ↑ Resilience ↑ Concentration ↑ Flow ↑ Respiratory Function ↑ Equanimity ↑ Cognition ↑ Transformation ↑ Self-Efficacy ↑ Self-Efficacy ↑ Meta-cognition ↑ Life Meaning/Purpose Global Human Functionality ↑ Physical & Mental Health, ↑ Physical Performance ↑ Stress & Emotion Regulation, ↑ Awareness/Mindfulness, ↑ Meta-cognition ↑ Positive Behavior, ↑ Wellbeing, ↑ Values, ↑ Life Purpose & Meaning, ↑ Spirituality

  16. Yoga for Children/Adolescents




  20. Research Outcomes l Physiological - Physical Functioning l Psychological - Behavioral Functioning l Cognitive Performance

  21. Yoga in Schools

  22. … the health and welfare of a child will … be regarded as one of as much importance as arithmetic and geography… From: The Hygiene of the School Child, LM Terman, 1914.

  23. Center for Disease Control Collaborative for Whole School, Academic, Whole Community, Social and Emotional Whole Child Model Learning (CASEL)


  25. Yoga in Schools Research



  28. Systematic Review of Yoga in Schools RCT’s From: Are There Benefits from Teaching Yoga at Schools? A Systematic Review of Randomized Control Trials of Yoga-Based Interventions, Ferreira-Vorkapic C Feitoza, Marchioro M, Simões J, Kozasa E, Telles S, Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Article ID 345835, 2015.

  29. Research Outcomes l Physiological - Physical Functioning l Psychological - Behavioral Functioning l Cognitive Performance

  30. Adolescent / School Challenges l Stress (developmental, family, social, academic, societal) l Mental Health (depression, anxiety, substance abuse, trauma) l Behavior (apathy, violence, social skills, bullying, absenteeism) l Academics (grades, dropouts) l Physical Health (obesity, diabetes) l Attention (ADD, ADHD)

  31. Yoga for Social Emotional Learning From: School-based yoga intervention increases adolescent resilience: a pilot trial. Felver JC, Razza R, Morton ML, Clawson AJ, Mannion RS, Journal of Child and Adolescent Mental Health, 17:1-10, 2020 (preprint).

  32. Yoga for Cognitive Performance From: Self-Esteem and Performance in Attentional Tasks in School Children after 4½ Months of Yoga. Gulati K, Sharma SK, Telles S, Balkrishna A, International Journal of Yoga, 12(2):158-161, 2019.

  33. Yoga for Cognitive Performance From: Comparison of Yoga versus Physical Exercise on Executive Function, Attention, and Working Memory in Adolescent Schoolchildren: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Vhavle SP, Rao RM, Manjunath NK, International Journal of Yoga, 12:172-173, 2019.

  34. Yoga for Academic Outcomes From: Yoga May Mitigate Decreases in High School Grades, Butzer B, van Over M, Noggle Taylor JJ, Khalsa SBS, Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine Volume, Article ID 259814, 2015.



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