a solid state physicist s journey to the centers of

A solid-state physicist's journey to the centers of planets Sandro - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

A solid-state physicist's journey to the centers of planets Sandro Scandolo (ICTP, Trieste, Italy) Physics Colloquium @ Univ. Pavia, April 2020 Diamond Graphite P ~ 14 GPa (room T) P ~ 6 GPa (2000 K) How do diamonds form? Sca Sca

  1. A solid-state physicist's journey to the centers of planets Sandro Scandolo (ICTP, Trieste, Italy) Physics Colloquium @ Univ. Pavia, April 2020

  2. Diamond Graphite P ~ 14 GPa (room T) P ~ 6 GPa (2000 K)

  3. How do diamonds form?

  4. Sca Sca Scandolo & Scandolo & & Je Jeanloz, & Je Jeanloz, z, Ame Ameri z, Ame Ameri rica can Sci rica Scientist can Sci Scientist st 2003 st (2 (2003) )

  5. Exoplanets Earth-like Neptune-like Jupiter-like H. Rauer (TU Berlin) Queloz & Mayor, Nobel Physics 2019

  6. Sca Scandolo & & Je Jeanloz, z, Ame Ameri rica can Sci Scientist st (2 (2003) )

  7. High pressure: the early days 1946: 1955: Nobel to Percy Bridgman The first man-made diamonds General Electrics

  8. High pressure: today Shock waves Diamond anvil cell

  9. Sca Scandolo & & Je Jeanloz, z, Ame Ameri rica can Sci Scientist st (2 (2003) )

  10. Quantum m si simu mulations: s: The “st “standard rd mo model” “Mo “Molecu cular r dyn ynami mics” cs” for r atoms ms Ma = F = -dE/dR Schro Sch roedinger r equation for r elect ctro rons s H ψ = E ψ R. Cohen Electron charge density in SiO 2 stishovite “Ab-i “Ab -initio” ” mo molecu cular r dyn ynami mics cs = = Classi ssica cal mo molecu cular r dyn ynami mics cs in the potential energ rgy y su surf rface ce genera rated by y the elect ctro rons s in their r quantum m gro round st state

  11. Density-functional theory Walter Kohn (1923-2016) The energy E[ ρ (x)] of a collection of electrons is a unique functional of Nobel prize in Chemistry 1998 the electron density ρ (x) (for work done in the 60’s)

  12. Ab-initio molecular dynamics http://www.quantum-espresso.org !

  13. Graphite-Diamond transition F.P. Bundy, Physica A 156, 169 (1989) Transformation path from graphite to hex diamond uncovered by ab-initio molecular dynamics Scandolo et al, Phys. Rev. Lett. 1995 !

  14. Non-molecular CO 2 CO 2 SiO 2 !

  15. Non-molecular CO 2 Serra, Cavazzoni, Chiarotti, Scandolo, Tosatti, Experimental Science 284, 788 (1999) confirmation of silica-like CO 2 Yoo et al, Science 283, 1510 (1999) Molecular CO 2 Candidate theoretical structures for silica-like CO 2 + Molecular CO 2 tranforms into a silica-like crystal at about 50 GPa Disappearance of molecular peaks + Silica-like phases of CO 2 predicted to be Formation of C-O-C ultrahard bonds

  16. Non-molecular CO 2 : β -cristobalite confirmed IR spectroscopy X-ray diffraction 20 GPa Sample laser-heated with CO 2 laser Santoro, Gorelli, Bini, Haines, Cambon, Levelut, Montoya, Scandolo, PNAS 2012 !

  17. Water and methane at planetary conditions

  18. 60% molar fraction

  19. phase diagram of water from first principles C. Cavazzoni et al., Science 283, 44 (1999) Experimental confirmation (?) of superionic phase: A. Goncharov et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. (2006)

  20. C. Cavazzoni et al., Science 283, 44 (1999) Superi Su rionic c Water r P P = = 150 GPa Pa T = = 2500 K K Proton diffusion by hopping Oxygen sublattice remains crystalline

  21. Sca Scandolo & & Je Jeanloz, z, Ame Ameri rica can Sci Scientist st (2 (2003) ) H 2 O+CH CH 4 +NH 3 Marvin Ross, “Diamonds in the sky” Methane was found to Nature (1981) dissociate under a shock wave

  22. Dissociation of methane at extreme (planetary) conditions F. Ancilotto et al., Science 275, 1288 (1997) Compressed methane Compressed methane after heating to 4000 K L.R. Benedetti et al., Science 283, 100 (1999)

  23. 92% molar fraction

  24. CH 4 / H 2 O mixtures at extreme conditions 92% of the Uranus and Neptune ice layer Fluid inclusions, abiogenic formation of methane Prototype of hydrophobic interactions How corrosive is ionized water? Methane hydrate clathrates SIMULATIONS: 26 CH 4 + 38 H 2 O at 4 different P-T

  25. Methane / water mixture at 50 GPa Fast proton diffusion by proton hopping between adjacent molecules Methane “attacked” by ionized water Occasional formation of C-O bonds No formation of longer hydrocarbons (C-C bonds) M.-S. Lee and S. Scandolo, Nature Comm. 2011

  26. >90% molar fraction

  27. E. E. Wigner r and H.B. B. Huntington “O “On the possi ssibility y of a me metallic c mo modifica cation of hyd ydro rogen” ” J. J. Chem. m. Ph Phys. ys. 3, 764 (1 (1935) ) Heml mley y and Ma Mao, Rev v Mo Mod Ph Phys ys

  28. ? ?

  29. ? • At At which ch depth does s hyd ydro rogen beco come me an elect ctri rica cal co conduct ctor? r? • Is s me metalliza zation acco ccomp mpanied by y a sh sharp rp densi sity y ch change?

  30. Mo Molecu cular r to non-mo -molecu cular r tra ransi sition S. S. Sca Scandolo, Pro Proc. c. Natl. Aca Acad. Sci Sci. USA, SA, 2003

  31. Metallic hydrogen January 2017 Silvera et al, PRB 2016, PNAS 2016 2004 2002 2010 X

  32. Take-home message “Ab-initio Molecular Dynamics” is the most powerful theoretical tool to study atomic dynamics Atomic diffusion, vibrations, phase transitions, chemical reactions, structural determination, thermal transport, etc… Advantages: ✔ any chemical species, with chemical accuracy ✔ availability of open source codes Limitations: ✖ a few hundred atoms, up to 100 picoseconds ✖ large computational resources

  33. ! Thanks! @sandro.scandolo


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