2017 i ndustry science s urvey of h erring in 6 a n

2017 I NDUSTRY - SCIENCE S URVEY OF H ERRING IN 6 A N Steven - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

2017 I NDUSTRY - SCIENCE S URVEY OF H ERRING IN 6 A N Steven Mackinson 1 , Martin Pastoors 2 , Susan Lusseau 3 , Eric Armstrong 3 , Steven OConnell, Dick de Haan 4 , Dirk Burgraaf 4 , Alexander McClean 5 , Bruce Langlands 5 , Andrew Scott, Alex

  1. 2017 I NDUSTRY - SCIENCE S URVEY OF H ERRING IN 6 A N Steven Mackinson 1 , Martin Pastoors 2 , Susan Lusseau 3 , Eric Armstrong 3 , Steven O’Connell, Dick de Haan 4 , Dirk Burgraaf 4 , Alexander McClean 5 , Bruce Langlands 5 , Andrew Scott, Alex Wiseman 1 . 1 Scottish Pelagic Fishermen’s Association, Scotland 2 Pelagic Freezer Trawler Association, Netherlands 3 Marine Scotland, Scotland 4 Wageningen Marine Research, Netherlands 5 Scottish Fishermen’s Federation, Scotland Sunbeam (James Duthie), Wiron 5&6 (Jan Melis/ Adrie Hoek), Lunar Bow (AJ Buchan & Alex Buchan) Dirk Dirk (Jaco van Duijvenvoorde), Antares (Lowrie Irvine)

  2. Pla lan Aim To improve the knowledge base for the spawning components of herring in VIa North and 6a South-7b,c, and submit it to ICES to assist in assessing the herring stocks and contribute to establishing a rebuilding plan. In 2017, three SPFA vessels, and three PFA vessels will participate in the survey work. Survey Objectives • Collect acoustic data and information on the size and age of herring to allow estimation of the abundance of spawning components of herring in VIa North • Collect morphometric and genetic data to distinguish whether the 6aN stocks are different from the stocks in 6aS, 7b,c.

  3. Acoustic Survey desig ign Area 4: Hebrides Area 2: East of Cape Wrath Area 3: N. Minch

  4. Timing and area coverage Mon 21-Aug Mon 28-Aug Wed 23-Aug Wed 30-Aug Mon 04-Sep Mon 11-Sep Wed 06-Sep Sun 20-Aug Thu 24-Aug Sun 27-Aug Thu 31-Aug Tue 22-Aug Tue 29-Aug Sun 03-Sep Thu 07-Sep Sun 10-Sep Tue 05-Sep Tue 12-Sep Sat 26-Aug Sat 02-Sep Sat 09-Sep Fri 25-Aug Fri 01-Sep Fri 08-Sep Area 1 Dirk Dirk (Catch sampling) Antares (Biol / Gen / Morphometrics) Area 2 ? Sunbeam (Acoustics) C Dirk Dirk (Biol / Gen / Morphometrics) C Wirons (Acoustics) Antares (Biol / Gen / Morphometrics) Area 3 F F F F F F Sunbeam (Acoustics) C F Lunar Bow (Acoustics) F Dirk Dirk (Biol / Gen / Morphometrics) F Antares (Biol / Gen / Morphometrics) Area 4 C Sunbeam (Acoustics) C Dirk Dirk (Biol / Gen / Morphometrics) Antares (Biol / Gen / Morphometrics)

  5. Sunbeam: 20 Aug to 13 Sep

  6. Lunar Bow: 27 Aug to 7 Sep

  7. Dirk Dirk: 26 Aug- 5 sept

  8. Antares: 4 - 9 Sept

  9. Wiron 5&6: 31 Aug- 6 sept

  10. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1418028631 A brief snippet… 565529&id=156581724376899 full details BBC Scotland ‘Landward’, Friday 6 th October

  11. Data overview Area 1 – 9 hauls Biological Hauls with Area Hauls samples Morhometric samples Genetic samples spawners 2 2 170 93 93 0 3 25 1180 360 701 11 4 6 184 120 120 0 Grand Total 33 1534 573 914 11

  12. Good Could do better ✓ Calibration • Sample size Report card • Clarity on objectives • Vessels suited to task • Notify creel fishermen • Timing and continuity – intel from what is ✓ Each acoustic survey completed happening in the 2x North Sea ✓ Samples of spawning fish collected for genetics ✓ Enough biological samples ✓ (nearly) Every commercial haul sampled ✓ Modified nets ✓ Flexibility to adapt to conditions

  13. Proposed survey in 2017, 6aS, 7bc Mike O’Malley 1 industry vessel - Calibration in Killybegs 10 day survey Transect spacing: 7.5nmi (3nmi in Donegal Bay and zig/zag in Lough Swilly Transect length: 1740nmi Timing: ~ November 10 th

  14. Next • De-briefing and Data collation meeting 30 Oct-1 Nov • 6aS, 7bc survey - November Questions? • For any questions, remarks or suggestions, please contact: • Steven Mackinson (steve.mackinson@scottishpelagic.co.uk) • Martin Pastoors (mpastoors@pelagicfish.eu)


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