2017 I NDUSTRY - SCIENCE S URVEY OF H ERRING IN 6 A N Steven Mackinson 1 , Martin Pastoors 2 , Susan Lusseau 3 , Eric Armstrong 3 , Steven O’Connell, Dick de Haan 4 , Dirk Burgraaf 4 , Alexander McClean 5 , Bruce Langlands 5 , Andrew Scott, Alex Wiseman 1 . 1 Scottish Pelagic Fishermen’s Association, Scotland 2 Pelagic Freezer Trawler Association, Netherlands 3 Marine Scotland, Scotland 4 Wageningen Marine Research, Netherlands 5 Scottish Fishermen’s Federation, Scotland Sunbeam (James Duthie), Wiron 5&6 (Jan Melis/ Adrie Hoek), Lunar Bow (AJ Buchan & Alex Buchan) Dirk Dirk (Jaco van Duijvenvoorde), Antares (Lowrie Irvine)
Pla lan Aim To improve the knowledge base for the spawning components of herring in VIa North and 6a South-7b,c, and submit it to ICES to assist in assessing the herring stocks and contribute to establishing a rebuilding plan. In 2017, three SPFA vessels, and three PFA vessels will participate in the survey work. Survey Objectives • Collect acoustic data and information on the size and age of herring to allow estimation of the abundance of spawning components of herring in VIa North • Collect morphometric and genetic data to distinguish whether the 6aN stocks are different from the stocks in 6aS, 7b,c.
Acoustic Survey desig ign Area 4: Hebrides Area 2: East of Cape Wrath Area 3: N. Minch
Timing and area coverage Mon 21-Aug Mon 28-Aug Wed 23-Aug Wed 30-Aug Mon 04-Sep Mon 11-Sep Wed 06-Sep Sun 20-Aug Thu 24-Aug Sun 27-Aug Thu 31-Aug Tue 22-Aug Tue 29-Aug Sun 03-Sep Thu 07-Sep Sun 10-Sep Tue 05-Sep Tue 12-Sep Sat 26-Aug Sat 02-Sep Sat 09-Sep Fri 25-Aug Fri 01-Sep Fri 08-Sep Area 1 Dirk Dirk (Catch sampling) Antares (Biol / Gen / Morphometrics) Area 2 ? Sunbeam (Acoustics) C Dirk Dirk (Biol / Gen / Morphometrics) C Wirons (Acoustics) Antares (Biol / Gen / Morphometrics) Area 3 F F F F F F Sunbeam (Acoustics) C F Lunar Bow (Acoustics) F Dirk Dirk (Biol / Gen / Morphometrics) F Antares (Biol / Gen / Morphometrics) Area 4 C Sunbeam (Acoustics) C Dirk Dirk (Biol / Gen / Morphometrics) Antares (Biol / Gen / Morphometrics)
Sunbeam: 20 Aug to 13 Sep
Lunar Bow: 27 Aug to 7 Sep
Dirk Dirk: 26 Aug- 5 sept
Antares: 4 - 9 Sept
Wiron 5&6: 31 Aug- 6 sept
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1418028631 A brief snippet… 565529&id=156581724376899 full details BBC Scotland ‘Landward’, Friday 6 th October
Data overview Area 1 – 9 hauls Biological Hauls with Area Hauls samples Morhometric samples Genetic samples spawners 2 2 170 93 93 0 3 25 1180 360 701 11 4 6 184 120 120 0 Grand Total 33 1534 573 914 11
Good Could do better ✓ Calibration • Sample size Report card • Clarity on objectives • Vessels suited to task • Notify creel fishermen • Timing and continuity – intel from what is ✓ Each acoustic survey completed happening in the 2x North Sea ✓ Samples of spawning fish collected for genetics ✓ Enough biological samples ✓ (nearly) Every commercial haul sampled ✓ Modified nets ✓ Flexibility to adapt to conditions
Proposed survey in 2017, 6aS, 7bc Mike O’Malley 1 industry vessel - Calibration in Killybegs 10 day survey Transect spacing: 7.5nmi (3nmi in Donegal Bay and zig/zag in Lough Swilly Transect length: 1740nmi Timing: ~ November 10 th
Next • De-briefing and Data collation meeting 30 Oct-1 Nov • 6aS, 7bc survey - November Questions? • For any questions, remarks or suggestions, please contact: • Steven Mackinson (steve.mackinson@scottishpelagic.co.uk) • Martin Pastoors (mpastoors@pelagicfish.eu)
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