2012 bond project update

2012 Bond Project Update Capital Planning Committee June 12, 2017 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

San Francisco Recreation & Parks Department 2012 Bond Project Update Capital Planning Committee June 12, 2017 I n s p i r e , C o n n e c t , P l a y ! 1 2 0 0 8 SF C le a n & Sa fe Ne ig hb o rho o d Pa rks Bo nd SFRPD Allocation

  1. San Francisco Recreation & Parks Department 2012 Bond Project Update Capital Planning Committee June 12, 2017 I n s p i r e , C o n n e c t , P l a y ! 1

  2. 2 0 0 8 SF C le a n & Sa fe Ne ig hb o rho o d Pa rks Bo nd SFRPD Allocation 99% Expended Expended, $152M Issued Funds Avail, $2M 2 Inspire, Connect, Play!

  3. C o m p le te d 2 0 0 8 Bo nd Pro je c ts Cayuga Playground 3 Inspire, Connect, Play!

  4. C o m p le te d 2 0 0 8 Bo nd Pro je c ts Betty Ann Ong Recreation Center 4 Inspire, Connect, Play!

  5. C o m p le te d 2 0 0 8 Bo nd Pro je c ts Sunset Recreation Center Playground 5 Inspire, Connect, Play!

  6. C o m p le te d 2 0 0 8 Bo nd Pro je c ts Palega Playground 6 Inspire, Connect, Play!

  7. C o m p le te d 2 0 0 8 Bo nd Pro je c ts Cabrillo Playground 7 Inspire, Connect, Play!

  8. 2 0 1 2 SF C le a n & Sa fe Ne ig hb o rho o d Pa rks Bo nd Schedules Angelo J. Rossi Playground Balboa Park Pool Building Garfield Square Pool Building George Christopher Playground Gilman Playground Glen Canyon Rec Center Hyde & Turk Mini Park Joe DiMaggio Margaret S. Hayward Moscone Rec Center Mountain Lake Potrero Hill Rec Center South Park Willie “Woo Woo” Wong Playground Nov 2019 All projects complete 8 Inspire, Connect, Play!

  9. C o m p le te d 2 0 1 2 Bo nd Pro je c ts Joe DiMaggio Playground 9 Inspire, Connect, Play!

  10. C o m p le te d 2 0 1 2 Bo nd Pro je c ts South Park 10 Inspire, Connect, Play!

  11. C o m p le te d 2 0 1 2 Bo nd Pro je c ts Gilman Playground 11 Inspire, Connect, Play!

  12. C o nc e p t De sig n 2 0 1 2 Bo nd Pro je c ts Mountain Lake Park Playground 12 Inspire, Connect, Play!

  13. C o nc e p t De sig n 2 0 1 2 Bo nd Pro je c ts George Christopher Playground 13 Inspire, Connect, Play!

  14. C o nc e p t Pla ns 2 0 1 2 Bo nd Pro je c ts Willie “Woo Woo” Wong Playground 14 Inspire, Connect, Play!

  15. C o nc e p t De sig n 2 0 1 2 Bo nd Pro je c ts Garfield Square Pool Building 15 Inspire, Connect, Play!

  16. 2 0 1 2 SF C le a n & Sa fe Ne ig hb o rho o d Pa rks Bo nd SFRPD Allocation $161 M Citywide Programs, $41 M Citywide Parks, $21 M Neighborhood Parks, $97 M Issuance, $2 M 16 Inspire, Connect, Play!

  17. 2 0 1 2 Bo nd Ne ig hb o rho o d Pa rk ( NP) Fund s 80% of Issued NP Funds Expended Expended Issued Funds Avail $16M $14M $12M $10M $8M $6M $4M $2M $0M 17 Inspire, Connect, Play!

  18. 2 0 1 2 Bo nd C ity W id e Fund s City-Wide Projects Expended Issued Funds Avail $10M $9M $8M $7M $6M $5M $4M $3M $2M $1M $0M COF Forestry Trails Let's Play SF Water Citywide Parks Citywide Parks Issuance GOBOC AUDITS GoBOC audits & Conservation and Programs & Controller’s CONTROLLER'S audit services AUDITS SVCS 18 Inspire, Connect, Play!

  19. 2 0 1 2 SF C le a n & Sa fe Ne ig hb o rho o d Pa rks Bo nd Leveraged Funds Add 27% More Capacity to Bond Program Leveraged G.O. Bond Funds $0M $50M $100M $150M $200M $250M 19 Inspire, Connect, Play!


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