8/10/2016 CityCouncil B Session Briefing on 2012 &2017 Bond Programs August 10, 2016 Presented by: Mike Frisbie, P .E., Director/City Engineer AGENDA 2012 2017 BOND PROGRAM BOND PROGRAM 2 1
8/10/2016 2012 BOND PROGRAM PARKS, LIBRARY, STREETS, DRAINAGE & PUBLIC SAFETY BRIDGES & FLOOD RECREATION & MUSEUM & FACILITIES OPEN SPACE CULTURAL SIDEWALKS CONTROL AFFAIRS $337.44 M $128.03 M $87.15 M $29.03 M $14.35 M 41 PROJECTS 17 PROJECTS 3 PROJECTS 68 PROJECTS 11 PROJECTS 3 2012 BOND PROGRAM 140 Projects totaling $596 million Improving streets, bridges, sidewalks, drainage facilities, parks, libraries and other facilities. 4 2
8/10/2016 2012 BOND PROGRAM 5 2012 BOND PROGRAM 92% CHAPTER 02 I NSE RT YO UR T E XT HE RE PROJECT STATUS Under Construction or Completed Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and Funding typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's Agreements Design STATUS SUMMARY: standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown 9% 6% YOUR QUESTION? COMPLETE (78) printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type (FACT) YOUR ANSWER specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also CONSTRUCTION (40) Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially Complete DESIGN (9) Construction the printing and typesetting industry. unchanged. It was popularized in the 1960s with the release of 56% 29% FUNDING AGREEMENTS (13) Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more This is a text placeholders This is a text placeholders standard dummy text ever since the recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker 1500s. Note: 11 of 13 Funding Agreements are including versions of Lorem Ipsum. Under Construction. 6 3
8/10/2016 2012 BOND PROGRAM DASHBOARD 7 95 % 5 % On ‐ Time Off Schedule 133 PROJECTS 7 PROJECTS 8 4
8/10/2016 9 TRI-CHAIRS Eddie Aldrete Senior Vice President, IBC Bank Carri Baker Chief of Operations, Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson, LLP Darryl Byrd Co ‐ Chair, SA Tomorrow 10 5
8/10/2016 PROGRESSTO DATE Coordinate with Council Offices, City Departments and Agencies Attend Community Meetings Council Members Identifying Committee Members 11 2017GUIDING PRINCIPLES Support SA Tomorrow Growth Plan Coordinate with Other Agencies SA TOMORROW ALIGNMENT Increase Connectivity Leverage Funds Project Continuation Investment in Major Corridors Improve & Support Vision Zero Complete Streets Environmental Sustainability Operating & Maintenance Budget Impact Rough Proportionality 12 6
8/10/2016 2017 –2022 BOND PROGRAM $850 Million DRAINAG E & ST REET S, BRIDG ES PARKS & NEIG HBO RHO O D FAC ILIT IES FLO O D C O NT RO L & SIDEWALKS REC REAT IO N IMPRO VEMENT S $460 Million $145 Million $115 Million $100 Million $30 Million 4% 54% 17% 12% 14% Current Estimates By Category 13 SIDEWALKS SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENTS PEDESTRIAN MOBILITY SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENTS TOTAL Dedicated Sidewalk Sidewalks Included In Improvements Streets & Drainage Projects 14 7
8/10/2016 AREAS OF EMPHASIS CITYWIDE IMPACT | TRANSFORMATIONAL 15 Zona Cultural Streets $ 43 M Zona Cultural Area Streets: Commerce (St. Mary’s to Santa Rosa) Commerce (Santa Rosa to Frio) Santa Rosa (Cesar Chavez to Houston) San Saba (Dolorosa to W. Martin) 16 8
8/10/2016 Alamo Plaza $ 22 M Alamo Plaza Public Areas 17 Convention Center Area Streets $ 10 M South Alamo Street (Market to Cesar Chavez) 18 9
8/10/2016 Hemisfair $ 26 M Hemisfair Internal Steets Phase II Hemisfair Civic Park Improvements 19 Brackenridge Park $ 19 M Brackenridge Park Improvements Zoo Parking Garage 20 10
8/10/2016 Hardberger Park $ 15 M Hardberger Park Land Bridge 21 World Heritage $ 37 M Streets & Sidewalks Parks Cultural Arts Center 22 11
8/10/2016 San Pedro Creek & Area Streets $ 36 M Main & Soledad Street (Pecan to Navarro) San Pedro Creek Connection to Houston Street (Cameron Street ‐ Fox Tech HS) San Pedro Creek (Drainage, Park & Facility) 23 San Antonio Port Authority $ 24 M Aerospace Complex Drainage Channel 24 12
8/10/2016 Brooks City Base $ 23 M Brooks City Base Streets: Research Plaza to South Presa Louis Bauer to Research Plaza South New Braunfels to Lyster Road 25 Broadway Corridor $ 43 M Complete Street Construction (Houston to Mulberry) Complete Street Design & Amenities (Mulberry to Hildebrand) 26 13
8/10/2016 Neighborhood Improvements (Affordable Housing & Sidewalks in Blighted Areas) $ 30 M 27 Affordable Housing Bond Background Under current Charter, City may not issue general obligation bonds for housing Alternatives were explored to include affordable housing program component in 2017 Bond Program City can issue Bonds for affordable housing if it utilizes its Urban Renewal Agency (URA) to execute housing program 28 14
8/10/2016 Affordable Housing Program Requirements City Council must declare areas slum or blighted City must prepare an Urban Renewal Plan Bond proceeds can be expended by URA to prepare land and infrastructure for development URA can sell land to developer for fair value single or multi ‐ family housing Program can include rehabilitation of existing structures if property is rented to other parties Relocation assistance permitted 29 Housing Commission Recommendations for Housing Bond Under current Charter, City may not issue general obligation bonds for housing City Charter can be amended to address the limiting language (November 2017) Alternatives were explored to include affordable housing program component in 2017 Bond Program 30 15
8/10/2016 2017 BOND TIMELINE MAY JAN. – FEB. AUG . – SEPT . O C T . – DEC . MAR. – JUL. JUN. – JUL. 2017 2017 2016 2016 2016 2016 Project Scoping Committee Project Community Mayor & City Public & Cost Recommendations Appointments Meetings Council Action Vote Estimating 31 NEXT ST EPS Community Committee Community Member Appointees Committee Meetings 32 16
8/10/2016 CityCouncil B Session Briefing on 2012 &2017 Bond Programs August 10, 2016 Presented by: Mike Frisbie, P .E., Director/City Engineer 17
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