We will be discussing all three processes as a whole, because the themes are consistent whatever the rank. The information has been collated from the feedback and outcomes of the panels. If you feel at the end of this presentation that you still do not understand why your application was nto shortlisted we will arrange a one to one session with you, please contact HR Planning. The aim is to have all these sessions prior to the next boards which we anticipate will happen in the Autumn. Policing Professional Framework 2
For Inspectors and Sergeants. NPPF Step 3 : Local selection process and matching to vacancies Allows forces to manage the number of candidates against the number of planned vacancies within the force. It is a competency based assessment, designed and delivered in force under national quality assurance arrangements (NPPF) 3
39 applications for 9 potential posts 4
62 applications for 11 potential posts 5
154 applications for 24 potential postings 6
Whichever element you are looking at we are reviewing against the Policing Professional Framework 7
• Answer the Question was the most common piece of feedback, it’s not just about the quality of your evidence and trying to make it relevant to the question posed. • Give some context, but the best examples did this quickly – in the first couple of sentences they provided a scenario and issues they were facing • Behaviours is secondary but should link naturally to your answer to the question • Quantity: the panels found that the best responses gave one example, it was a strong example and they developed it enough. Where people tried to use more than one example they started to fail to explain how they work and why because their responses became diluted. If someone gave an example of the situation, the context, the challenge, what they did and why, who they worked with and why, what threat risk harm they identified and how they got a good outcome. • Think about the quality of the evidence you are providing – if it is a challenge it may well be a better answer. This doesn’t have to just be an operational challenge but something complex that shows how you have over come an obstacle or barrier. Ideally with a better outcome for the public and service delivery. Don’t just think about how can I evidence that, but what have I done that really addresses the issue they are asking here and how did it improve things, what was the good outcome? • Did I do what any decent person of my rank would do or did I do 8
something at a higher level? • Sometimes the best answers were the simple ones – you did not need to demonstrate examples of a specialism or unusual circumstances to achieve a good mark. The panels were more interested in how you think and problem solve and lead people. 8
Candidates are required to evidence against the Police Professional Framework (PPF) for their current rank www.skillsforjustice-ppf.com/personal- qualities, however where possible you should try and evidence against the Police Professional Framework (PPF) for the rank you are applying for. You should: Ensure that you show your ability to meet the demands of the rank you are applying for, and where possible you should try and evidence against the Police Professional Framework (PPF) for the rank you are applying for Provide evidence of effectiveness in your current role and the potential for future promotion 9
Critical to answer how- and not to jus tsay I argued for more resources. – How to maximise the resources you have 10
Exemplar from external candidate for the Inspectors process. This is not the only way of answering the question but shows one approach. 12
Clear focus to build motivation – on development, theory does show development will help build motivation and his evidence base was staff survey and face eto face to idntieyf this was an issue.Gives a commentary on how he build the forum for innovative ideas and development. Gives direction and states expectations clearly – focusses on Priority Crime. Strategy – project start plans career plans and coaching. Coaching and mentoring 13
Clear focus to build motivation – on development, theory does show development will help build motivation and his evidence base was staff survey and face eto face to idntieyf this was an issue.Gives a commentary on how he build the forum for innovative ideas and development. Gives direction and states expectations clearly – focusses on Priority Crime. Strategy – project start plans career plans and coaching. Coaching and mentoring 14
Clear focus to build motivation – on development, theory does show development will help build motivation and his evidence base was staff survey and face eto face to idntieyf this was an issue.Gives a commentary on how he build the forum for innovative ideas and development. Gives direction and states expectations clearly – focusses on Priority Crime. Strategy – project start plans career plans and coaching. Coaching and mentoring 15
Clear focus to build motivation – on development, theory does show development will help build motivation and his evidence base was staff survey and face eto face to idntieyf this was an issue.Gives a commentary on how he build the forum for innovative ideas and development. Gives direction and states expectations clearly – focusses on Priority Crime. Strategy – project start plans career plans and coaching. Coaching and mentoring 16
1. Time Management is critical in the briefing. You only have a certain amount of time to cover the material you have been given and identify how you are going to deal with it. One of the traps a few people fell into was to overly focus on one incident – which they did well – but which then meant they didn’t have time to cover the other incidents adequately. 2. Demonstrate clear ownership and where others are going to be used or involved, clearly define their role. Those who used NDM well in their decision making – it showed as it gave them a good clear model identifying threat harm risk. Provide effective and realistic decisions. 3. Define the success and outcomes you are looking for as well as how you intend to get there. 4. Demonstrate a review structure to check, monitor and review progress on the actions taken 5. Consider who else you are going to need to involve and refer to, if that’s internally on a staff issue it could be occupational health, federation or HR, or operationally it could be to escalate something if necessary to the department head, ACPO or PCC, or if it’s externally which partners and agencies should you be focussing on. Consider the impact on the different stakeholders. 6. Recognise service recovery opportunities – maybe there has been an impact on the local community, propose a range of actions or solutions always linking clearly to your stated vision of what success will look like 17
7. Keep in mind overall force priorities, values and the Code of Ethics – weave these in – not to repeat them ‘parrot fashion’ but just as a bedrock foundation in your understanding in how you are talking 17
• Ownership - If you are asked about what you have done, for example in terms of leadership, you need to have examples of what actions you have taken, so for example with the question about organisational change or about leadership what are the things you personally did, what approach did you take what were you hoping to achieve. Not just about theory - how do you delegate? • Check and Test - If you are using an example of how you implemented something successfully – how did you know it was successful? How did you check and test that what you communicated was understood? How did you ensure that things landed as you expected? How did you know? • Perspective - Understand what the organisational view and national view is on issues is – e.g. performance - How the candidate understands performance in a broad sense, NDM, code of ethics, HMIC understanding, Service Promise and outcomes for the public then can also bring right down to team and one to ones with individuals. Leadership – Is not about the hero model – make sure you know what is expected of leaders – coaching and developing your teams, enabling your teams, a good job is when the team can do something without you there and you can trust it to be done right. • You should be familiar with the Code of Ethics and you should understand what this means for you in the job you do. Hopefully you will all know this isn’t about just repeating back the code of ethics, however it is at the centre 18
of the NDM and it is absolutely critical to your professional behaviour and that of your teams. Can be tactical – it may be helpful to describe literal examples of what ethics means (not just about listing) e.g. Good leadership, don’t just want to see someone reporting something into PSD, recognition that this is a tricky area, its about reflecting on my own behaviour and the behaviour of others. A good example will go wider than just your own behaviour - Could be about challenging team cultures. This is not about tricking you. If you talk about an ethical decision this could be any decision you have made taking into account the code of ethics, if you are asked about an ethical dilemma this is trickier. The point of a dilemma is that there is no clear cut right answer. 18
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