What to Expect These lectures are mainly about the process The Game Development of successfully bringing a game from idea to Process: delivery Major "players" in the process Introduction Steps in the development lifecycle Steps in the development lifecycle What makes a good (and bad!) game Presupposed background Not much! 2 Instructor Background Student Background ( Who Am I ?) ( Who Are You ?) 1. School (grad or ugrad) Dr. Mark Claypool (Prof, “Mark") Professor of Computer Science 2. Year (freshman, sophomore, … ) Operating Systems, Distributed Computer Systems, Multimedia, Networks 3. Major (Biology, CS, … ) Director of Interactive Media and Game Development The Game Development Process p 4. Programming: (none) 1 to 5 (master) P i 1 t 5 4 Technical Game Development a) Language? Java, C+ + , Flash… Research interests Networks, Multimedia, Network games, Performance 5. Gamer: (casual) 1 to 5 (hard-core) Like to play RTS (Battle for Middle Earth, Warcraft, … ) 6. Number of Games Built (zero is ok!) Sports (FIFA, Madden, Strikers, … ) FPS (Battlefield, Doom, … ) 7. Other … Adventure (Uncharted, Indigo Prophecy, Fable II… ) 3 4 Course Materials Projects http: / / www.cs.wpi.edu/ ~ claypool/ courses/ osaka-10/ 4 projects Slides Project 1: Making Games in Game Maker On the Web (ppt and pdf) 3 parts Done solo Timeline Planning Pl i Groups! ( 2 is good) G ! 2 i d) Project writeups Project 2: Game Inception and Design Resources Project 3: The Game Game creation toolkits, documentation, etc. Project 4: Play Testing Email: claypool@cs.wpi.edu 5 6 1
Overall Lecture Topics Industry Game Design Before We Proceed … Artistic Content Creation P Programming i Any Questions? 7 8 What Do You Think Goes Into Developing Games? Consider a video game you want to build (or, one you like that has been built) Assume you are inspired (or forced or paid) to engineer the game Take 3-4 minutes to write a list of the tasks Take 3 4 minutes to write a list of the tasks Project 1 Details required Chronological or hierarchical, as you wish Include your name and name of game (I’ll collect and read, but not grade) What do we have? 9 10 The Game Development Process: The Game Industry Game Maker Demo 11 2
Hit-Driven Entertainment Costs Powers of 10 Games are emotional, escapist, fantasy- $50K - cell phone (Bejeweled knockoff) fulfilling, stimulating entertainment $500K – indie (Bomberman Live), nice casual Causes of success or failure are often game (Peggles) intangible (but quality matters a lot) g ( q y ) $5M $5M - “A” (Titan Quest) A (Titan Quest) Consumers are smart $50M - “AAA” title (WoW) Hits come from individuals with skill, WoW – costs and revenue instinct, creativity, and experience (and $50 Million to make some luck), not from marketing 6 Million players @ average of about $12 / month for 2-3 months = $200 million a year (Less the cost of running those servers) 13 14 Roles Development Studios? Developer Publisher (Distributor) Retailer Retailer Service Provider 15 16 Developers Publishers? Design and implement games Responsible for the content Including: programming, art, sound effects, and music Historically, small groups but now often larger Analogous to book authors Sometimes first party (part of publisher) Or third party (independent business) (More later -- most of this class!) 17 18 3
Publishers relationship to Publishers developers “To find the publisher in any deal, look Star developers can bully publishers, for the one who’s got negative cash-flow because publishers desperate for good during development” content Dan Scherlis (Turbine, EtherPlay, … ) But most developers are bullied by Handle manufacturing marketing PR Handle manufacturing, marketing, PR, publishers because developers are publishers, because developers are distribution, support desperate for money Typically specialized in certain markets Publishing swings from big to small and back depending on the market Assume the risk, reap the profits Most publishers also have in-house Might also handle QA, licensing, project developers management 19 20 Distributors Game Retailers? Move software from publisher to retailer Modeled on book distribution Pubs like them because they manage relationship with many small stores Stores like them because they manage relationship with many pubs Compete on price, speed, availability Very low margins (3% ) -- dying breed 21 22 Retailers Service Providers Sell software to end users Sound, Music, Voiceover But really sell shelf space to publishers Artists (2D, 3D, concept) Compete on price, volume of product Shift in 80’s to game specialty stores, especially QA chains (today ~ 25% ) PR PR EB Games GameStop EB Games , GameStop Advertising Shift in 90’s to mass market retailers (today ~ 70% ) Middleware Target , WalMart , Best Buy Retailers earn 30% margin on a $50 game Electronic download of games via Internet still in infancy Big but not huge (today ~ 5% ) 23 24 4
Traditional Model: Traditional Game Development Cross Between Books and Movies Developer creates concept 1 in 10 - less than 10% of published titles Developer builds demo for pitch break even! Developer pitches to publishers Sequels very popular Publisher agrees to fund it (advance against Development costs rising Development costs rising royalty) Self-publishing is nearly suicidal Project gets developed Retail and distribution control access to Publisher boxes it, ships it, markets it customers Publisher collects money Developer MIGHT make more money...if advance is earned out 25 26 Pokémon – Gotta Catch them All Exercise: Allocate Points You have 1 4 points Pikachu Pigeon Allocate 0-6 points for each of the following facets: Raichu Koratta P: Prototype/ Pitch ( not important ) How much effort you place on developing a solid Lizardon Arbok prototype to pitch to publishers Zenigame Zenigame Pippi Pippi D: Development ( important ) D: Development ( important ) How much effort you place on development Caterpie Poppo M: Marketing/ Sales ( not too important ) How much effort you place on marketing your Purin Nyarth project F: Fun ( important ) Cocoon Mew How effective your design is in terms of how much consumers like your product 27 28 Exercise: Roll the Dice! Exercise: How Many are Left? Everyone stand up Yes, luck is a factor (the roll) For each roll of the die, please sit down if You can control it some with skill (knowing which is most important) the number is greater than the points you allocated for that facet and money (getting more points to allocate) P P: Prototype/ Pitch -2 Prototype/ Pitch 2 But there’s never enough of either to D: Development + 1 make it a sure thing M: Marketing/ Sales -1 F: Fun + 1 29 30 5