sharpen your pitchforks

Sharpen your pitchforks the internet is wrong #GamerGate Pro tip - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Sharpen your pitchforks the internet is wrong #GamerGate Pro tip If your movement is named by Alec Baldwin, its time to abandon your movement. t t o c S n o s n o r a A Whats common?

  1. Sharpen your pitchforks … the internet is wrong

  2. #GamerGate

  3. Pro tip “If your movement is named by Alec Baldwin, it’s time to abandon your movement.”

  4. t t o c S n o s n o r a A

  5. What’s common?


  7. People say racist, homophobic, sexist things

  8. but…

  9. …is public shaming the best way to deal with it?

  10. What can we do about it? Technical? Legal? Mobs vs mobs? Self - censorship?


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