zonta international centennial celebrations

Zonta International Centennial Celebrations 100 Years of Empowering - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Zonta International Centennial Celebrations 100 Years of Empowering Women 2018 - 2020 Empowering Women A central idea that allows for honoring the past while focusing our actions on Zontas future Derived from our mission to empower

  1. Zonta International Centennial Celebrations 100 Years of Empowering Women 2018 - 2020

  2. Empowering Women A central idea that allows for honoring the past while … focusing our actions on Zonta’s future Derived from our mission to empower women through service and advocacy

  3. District 16’s Centennial Activities

  4. D16 Centennial Activities D16’s focus is around: 1. ZI District Centennial Recognition Award 2. ZI Club Centennial Champion Award 3. ZI Club Centennial Community Award 4. D16 Women of Achievement Award 2019 5. 8 November 2019 events

  5. D16 Centennial Activities 1. Every Club to nominate at least 1 woman for Women of Achievement Award 2019 2. Every Club to recognise at least:  1 Centennial Champion Award; and  1 Centennial Community Award 3. Every Club to hold an event on 8 Nov 2019 4. Every Club to make a donation to the Centennial Endowment Fund

  6. Centennial Champion Award  To recognise an outstanding individual in the Club’s city/community who has contributed significantly to empowering women  To honour one or more individuals – can be high-profile or hidden champions  Should focus on someone outside of Zonta  Can award these throughout 2019-2020

  7. Centennial Community Award  To recognise an outstanding individual or business / organisation / agency in the Club’s city/community with a proven record of empowering women  One or more awards can be made  Can award these throughout 2019-2020  Obvious organisations to consider are: • the Club’s local projects (past and present) • local Women’s Refuge, Teen Parent School

  8. District 16’s Women of Achievement Award

  9. Women of Achievement 2019 WoA to recognise another 50 New Zealand women + Adding to 50 recognised in 2016 = 100 New Zealand women

  10. Criteria Same as for 2016 Women of Achievement 1. Women living or alive on or after 1.1.1966 2. NZ citizen or resident 3. Demonstrate evidence of: • Volunteerism , Leadership , and • Making/made a significant contribution to empowering girls and women

  11. Who can make nominations Zonta Clubs Zonta members Other Members of organisations general public

  12. Who to nominate?  Women in the Club’s local area  Any other women throughout NZ  Members of their own Zonta Club  Past Zonta members  Club award winners JMK, YWPA  Quiet achievers and household names  Think strategically ! 2016 recipients are not eligible for 2019 Award

  13. Women of Achievement 2016 ZONTIANS ZONTA INTERNATIONAL Julie Ainsworth* HONORARY ZONTIANS Dame Silvia Cartwright Dame Silvia Cartwright Sonia Faulkner Dr Marilyn Waring Phillippa Jacobs Lynn McKenzie Helen Clark Cherry Raymond Dame Margaret Sparrow Beverley Shore-Bennett Barbara Stewart Barbara Thompson Maxelyn Tudman *joined after receiving award

  14. Women of Achievement 2016 OTHERS Lynne Anderson Gretl Bass Deborah Bush Rachel Callander Steve Chadwick Marina Charlton Vi Cottrell Sandra Curd Lynn Dawson Dame Miriam Dell Vanisa Dhiru Lesley Elliott Dr Jilly Evans Professor Emrita Jean S Fleming Nicola Gavey Fiona Harnett Catherine Hollister-Jones Heather Henare Joan MacDonald Holly Mathieson Diane Maxwell Louise Nicholas Dr Farah Palmer Win Parkes Sharmila Pathak Kerry Petrie Julie Raine Terry Scott Dame Jenny Shipley Anthea Simock Tracey Swanberg Joan Swift CeliaWade-Brown Angela Warren-Clarke Janet Williams Adrienne Wylie Beatrice Yates

  15. WoA Timeframe 19 Sept 2018 30 April 2019 Nominations Nominations Open Close 8 November 2019 WoA announced

  16. Opportunities Fundraising Membership PR

  17. PR Opportunities PR  Engage with community  Tell them about the Award  Encourage other organisations to make nominations – this is an opportunity to build and strengthen relationships  Local media – advising nominations open  Feature a 2016 recipient living locally  Feature what Zonta is doing locally

  18. Membership Opportunities  WoA raises awareness of Zonta  Nominees / recipients may join  Their friends may join  Re-engage former members Membership  Also applies to the ZI Club Centennial Champion Award & Centennial Community Awards

  19. Fundraising  Common Centennial action date  8 November 2019 Fundraising  Hold an event to: • Celebrate Zonta International’s Centennial • Invite organisations in community to attend • Recognise your WoA recipients • Recognise/invite Club Centennial Champions • Raise funds for the Centennial Endowment Fund • Could link into Zonta SAYS No campaign

  20. Encourage Clubs :  to be a star  to be brave and to think strategically about nominations and awards

  21. Zonta International Centennial Anniversary Grants

  22. Centennial Anniversary Grants • One application per Club • Each grant up to US$5,000 • Applications close 31.3.2019 • Applications are made through the Club • Submitted online

  23. Centennial Anniversary Grants Criteria applies to the organisation: • Must be a registered charity / not-for-profit • Must have a high reputation for its work • It’s mission doesn’t conflict with Zonta’s • Must comply with diversity policy, health ans safety standards • Project meets at least one of ZI’s objects • Project must be delivered in the Clubs local community

  24. Centennial Anniversary Grants • Applications are made through the Club • Submitted online • An organisation may only make one application per country • If organisation is a national organisation CHECK whether another club is engaging with them for a Centennial Anniversary Grant • Materials available on ZI website

  25. Zontians make a difference Tell people about what we do Invite them to take part CELEBRATE the Centennial

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