yellow bin soiled waste infectious waste swabs

Yellow Bin Soiled waste, Infectious waste Swabs, Incineration - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Color of Bin Waste Treatment Yellow Bin Soiled waste, Infectious waste Swabs, Incineration Gauze, Bandages, Linen, Body parts, Discarded Medicines etc Red Bin Infected plastics Autoclaving & recycling Catheters, tubing's, IV bottles,

  1. Color of Bin Waste Treatment Yellow Bin Soiled waste, Infectious waste Swabs, Incineration Gauze, Bandages, Linen, Body parts, Discarded Medicines etc Red Bin Infected plastics Autoclaving & recycling Catheters, tubing's, IV bottles, Gloves, Blood Bags etc White Bin Needles with or without syringes, Autoclaving & scalpels, blades etc recycling to foundries Blue Bin broken glass, vials & ampoules etc Autoclaving and recycling

  2. 1. establish a Bar- Code System for bags or containers containing bio-medical waste to be sent out of the premises or place for any purpose by 27.03.2019.(Rule 4i) 2. Maintain and update on day to day basis the bio-medical waste management register and display monthly record on its website (Rule 4n) 3. Make available the annual report on its website by 27.03.2018. (Rule 4p).

  3. 1. establish a Bar- Code System for handling of Bio Medical Waste by 27.03.2019 (Rule 5c) 2. Maintain a log book for each of its treatment equipment according to its wait of batch, category of waste treated; time, date and duration of treatment cycle and total hours of operation (Rule 5j) 3. Make available the annual report on its website by 27.03.2018. (Rule 5l).

  4. Need for Bar Code System i. Tracking of BMW ii. Daily check on occupier & CBWTF iii. Preventing pilferage of BMW at Occupier and CBWTF iv. Keeping record of visit of CBWTF to the Occupier v. Identification of source of generation of BMW in case of improper disposal vi. Create real time monitoring of waste generation, collection, transportation, treatment and disposal vii. Quantification of Bio Medical Waste generated handed over to CBWTF, waste collected by CBWTF and waste disposed by CBWTF.

  5. A. Color Mark of size 7mm X 7mm B. Unique no. of the HCF for e.g. ALLIN110029DLBH00578, wherein ALLIN are the first 5 character of the name of the hospital, 110029 is the area Pin-code, DL is the state code, BH stands for bedded hospital, 00578 is the unique no. assigned to the hospitals. C The Bar Code/QR should black in color with white background D. Bar codes should be tamper proof, water proof, not to be faded in due course of time. E. Bar should not have any traces of heavy metal and objectionable chemical. F. Bar code should be of good quality preferably of avery chromo paper. G. The adhesive of bar code should be pressure sensitive, tear sensitive.

  6. • Mobile App Serves for HCF & CBWTF to comply with their duties for implementation of Bar Code System

  7. • Pre Printed QR Codes (As per Guidelines) Bar-Code Sequence No 7mm X 7mm Color Coding 6 digit Unique Sr. No. of HCF 2 digit 1 st five digit of 6 digit Pincode Type of HCF Name of HCF 2 digit State Code

  8. • The QR Code can be Scanned OFFLINE without any Network and so NO issue of Network Availability. • The QR Codes supplied are Water Proof • The QR Codes Supplied Not carry any Hazardous Chemicals. • The QR Codes are Advanced Technology over the Traditional Bar Codes. Multi-Directional Uni-Directional Scanning Scanning

  9. • The Data is Stored for 5 Years. • The details of BMW collected by CBWTF instantaneously acknowledged through SMS and through E-mail. • Daily Report as per format of guidelines emailed to HCFs.

  10. • PCB can generate any report for a period from app itself. • The various report option has been given for PCB 1.) Collection Report for a period 2.) Daily Report on format for the state/HCF 3.) Summary Report for a period 4.) Missing Report (HCF not handing over BMW over a period of 3/7/15/30 days.) 5.) HCF Data for the State/District wise 6.) HCF Data - Type of hospital wise 7.) The Variation in BMW collected by CBWTF and received at facility of CBWTF is highlighted .

  11. • The Cost also includes the storage of data for HCFs for 5 years, Daily and Annual BMW Reports, which are mandatory, generated by the App itself’, app handling by IT team on day to day basis


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