year end closing procedures overview

Year-End Closing Procedures Overview Calendar Year-End Closing - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

2015 Calendar Year-End Closing Procedures Overview Calendar Year-End Closing Review New field in VENSCN & VENLOAD New extract program for 1099s Different Reference Materials TIN Error document IRS 2108A document TIN

  1. 2015 Calendar Year-End Closing Procedures

  2. Overview  Calendar Year-End Closing Review  New field in VENSCN & VENLOAD  New extract program for 1099s  Different Reference Materials  TIN Error document  IRS 2108A document  TIN document  See supplemental or online 2

  3. USAS Calendar Year End Closing Review 3

  4. VENSCN  New field added in VENSCN & VENLOAD Must specify TIN type (SSN or EIN)   New Extract program  Can be used w/ IRS TIN Name Matching Program (bulk)  Bulletin 2108-A  TIN Type on spreadsheet will be ‘3’ unknown 4

  5. VENSCN  Before and after look of the VENSCN page VENSCN Before: After: 5


  7. Example of TINMATCH Tax ID # Name Vendor # 3; 34xxxxxxx; LEE W BERGER ; 000065 3; 34xxxxxxx; SMITH PETERS A KALAIL CO LPA ; 000358 3; 34xxxxxxx; LYLE PRINTING AND PUBLISHING ; 000444 3; 20xxxxxxx; PITNEY BOWES GLOBAL FINANCIAL ; 000586 3; 34xxxxxxx; RAYMOND CONCRETE FINISHING ; 000609 3; 42xxxxxxx; TERRY L GATRELL ; 000806 3; 37xxxxxxx; G-SPORTS WRESTLING ; 000951 3; 34xxxxxxx; PAUL C ANTRAM ; 001268 3; 34xxxxxxx; SALEM GOLF CLUB ; 001641 3; 26xxxxxxx; SHEILA THOMPSON ; 001844 3; 34xxxxxxx; GAIL C HERRON JR ; 002136 3; 34xxxxxxx; VASCO ASPHALT COMPANY ; 002248 3; 27xxxxxxx; JOHN R MILLER ; 002342 3; 28xxxxxxx; CARRIE MAZZUCCO ; 002350 3; 45xxxxxxx; CUSTOM IMAGES LLC ; 002409 3; 80xxxxxxx; CHAD E ANDERSON ; 002972 3; 25xxxxxxx; S & S PROCESSING INC ; 003872 3; 28xxxxxxx; PHILLIP D DUCKWORTH JR ; 003892 3; 34xxxxxxx; SALEM COMMUNITY FOUNDATION ; 004261 3; 34xxxxxxx; TOM A SCULLION ; 004305 3; 34xxxxxxx; KIMBLE RECYCLING & DISPOSAL ; 004860 7

  8. VENSSN – Verify 1099 Data  Check Data for 1099 Vendors  VENSSN Option 4 or 6  Review carefully! 8

  9. VENSSN - Verify 1099 Vendors  Check that all vendors that should be are flagged  VENSSN Option 5  Review list for any vendors that should get 1099 9

  10. 10

  11. Vendor Names  If the vendor uses a different name for 1099 reporting, the district may enter the 1099 reportable name on the “2 nd Name” field.  Enter the digits 1099: followed by the IRS-1099 name.  The F1099 program will strip off the “1099:” and use the name following it as the primary name on the 1099 reporting form and submission file  Caution – When using TINMATCH 11

  12. To display individual’s name on 1099 but keep business name as the first line on PO, enter 1099:individual’s name on the 2 nd name field of the vendor record. PO will display: The 1099 will exclude the first name, and strip the “1099:” from the second name field, using the 2 nd name as the name on the printed 1099 12

  13. 13

  14. Month-End Closing  Proceed with closing out for the month of December as normal Enter all transactions for the current month  Perform Bank Reconciliation procedures from the USAS User Guide “USAS Useful  Procedures” chapter Examine recommended reports to ensure you are in balance  USAEMSEDT – Cash Reconciliation – Option 1  PODETL  BALCHK  MTD, FTD, YTD expended amounts are identical  MTD, FTD, YTD received amounts are identical  Outstanding encumbered amount agrees with outstanding PODETL encumbered amount. If they  don’t, run FIXENC. Run FINSUMM selecting “Y” to generate FINDET at the same time. The current fund  balances should be identical on each report. Run SM2CALC option (if tracking SM12 figures). Print off and check the resulting  report. 14

  15. Month-End Closing  Run MONTHLYCD/Generate December’s reports  Minimum month-end reports recommended: BUDSUM, APPSUM, REVSUM  DETAILED PODETL – ALL FUNDS  FINDET & FINSUMM  RECLED  DETAILED CHEKPY  CASH RECONCILIATION FROM OPTION 1 OF USAEMSEDT  Generate any additional Calendar Year-End reports desired  Create a copy of the files  Run and generate WORKCOMP report  15

  16. VENHIRE/VHRESET  Run VENHIRE/VHRESET  Resets all vendors flagged as “Reported” to “Reportable”  Vendor will be reported again the next year if they are paid at least $2,500.  VENHIRE documentation 16

  17. Month-End ADJUST  Run ADJUST and select “month - end” You must NOT be running any other programs during this process.  17

  18. Calendar Year-End Closing  Run the program F1099 which creates 1099s for the current calendar year 18 2015

  19. Calendar Year-End Closing  Upon completion, the F1099 generates the following:  F1099.TXT – report of 1099 vendors sorted by miscellaneous income type  F1099.DAT – file containing the 1099 data that is to be used with laser-generated forms  F1099.FRM – file containing vendor 1099 information to be printed on blank pin-fed 1099 forms  F1099.TAP – tape file containing the vendor 1099 information to be sent to the IRS  Print and check F1099.TXT report carefully  Notify ITC that forms are ready to be printed and data submitted to IRS  New TIN ERRORS – See next slide 19

  20. New TIN Error Report 20

  21. Calendar Year-End Closing  Run ADJUST again from your NORMAL account  Select “Year - End” and run for “Calendar”  You must NOT be running any other programs from your normal account during this process  May begin processing for January 21


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