Greedy On-Line Planning Greedy On-Line Planning - abstract overview: what is greedy on-line planning? Part 1: - greedy on-line planning makes planning tractable example: greedy localization Sven Koenig Part 2: - greedy on-line planning is reactive to the current situation (plus other advantages) example: greedy mapping example: moving a robot to goal coordinates in unknown terrain Part 3: - fast replanning for greedy on-line planning example: replanning of shortest paths example: moving a robot to goal coordinates in unknown terrain example: greedy mapping example: symbolic planning Collaborators: heuristic search-based replanning Craig Tovey, Maxim Likhachev, calculating the heuristics for heuristic search-based planning David Furcy, Yaxin Liu, Yuri Smirnov (Additional Programming: Colin Bauer, William Halliburton) Greedy On-Line Planning; (c) Sven Koenig; Georgia Tech; January 2002. Greedy On-Line Planning; (c) Sven Koenig; Georgia Tech; January 2002. SA3 - 1 of 141 SA3 - 2 of 141 Nondeterministic Planning - The Problem Nondeterministic Planning - A Solution Agent-Centered Search [Koenig; 2001] planning in nondeterministic domains is time consuming planning in nondeterministic domains is time consuming due to the many contingencies due to the many contingencies agent-centered search makes it more efficient by interleaving planning with limited lookahead and plan execution goal goal start start goal goal [Nourbakhsh, 1997] state space can even become deterministic Greedy On-Line Planning; (c) Sven Koenig; Georgia Tech; January 2002. SA3 - 3 of 141 Greedy On-Line Planning; (c) Sven Koenig; Georgia Tech; January 2002. SA3 - 4 of 141
Nondeterministic Planning - A Solution Nondeterministic Planning - Another Solution Agent-Centered Search Assumption-Based Planning planning in nondeterministic domains is time consuming planning in nondeterministic domains is time consuming due to the many contingencies due to the many contingencies agent-centered search makes it more efficient by assumption-based planning makes it more efficient by interleaving planning with limited lookahead and plan execution making assumptions about the outcomes of action executions traditional search planning plan execution goal agent-centered search start desired trajectory goal goal small (bounded) planning time between plan executions (depends on search area) small sum of planning and execution time actual [Nourbakhsh, 1997] trajectory state space can even become state space can even become deterministic deterministic Greedy On-Line Planning; (c) Sven Koenig; Georgia Tech; January 2002. Greedy On-Line Planning; (c) Sven Koenig; Georgia Tech; January 2002. SA3 - 5 of 141 SA3 - 6 of 141 Nondeterministic Planning: Nondeterministic Planning: Greedy On-Line Planning Robot Navigation under Incomplete Information Sensor-Based Planning [Choset and Burdick, 1994] both agent-centered search and assumption-based planning are robot knows the map but not its location greedy planning methods - localization because they make simplifying assumptions to make planning tractable robot knows its location but not the map on-line planning methods - mapping - goal-directed navigation in unknown terrain because they interleave planning and plan execution Note: without additional assumptions, it is not guaranteed that greedy on-line planning methods achieve the goal! Greedy On-Line Planning; (c) Sven Koenig; Georgia Tech; January 2002. SA3 - 7 of 141 Greedy On-Line Planning; (c) Sven Koenig; Georgia Tech; January 2002. SA3 - 8 of 141
Greedy Localization short-range sensor Part 1 discretized space The robot is always in exactly one cell.* Greedy On-line Planning The robot has a compass on board. makes Planning Tractable The robot has no sensor or actuator uncertainty and knows the map. The robot initially does not know where it is. The robot can move to one of the four adjacent empty cells. The robot always senses which of the four adjacent cells is empty. The task of the robot is to find out where it is with a shortest travel distance in the worst case (that is, for the worst possible start location) or detect that this is impossible. (Example: 5 moves) * We also have results for continuous terrain that are similar to the ones presented in the following for discretized terrain. Greedy On-Line Planning; (c) Sven Koenig; Georgia Tech; January 2002. Greedy On-Line Planning; (c) Sven Koenig; Georgia Tech; January 2002. SA3 - 9 of 141 SA3 - 10 of 141 Hardness of (Approximately) Optimal Localization Hardness of (Approximately) Optimal Localization To prove the theorem, we reduce set cover problems to our localization problems. Theorem [Tovey and Koenig, 2000] It is in NP to determine whether there exists a valid localiza- Set Cover S 1 e 1 tion plan that executes no more movements than a given value. e 2 e 4 number of elements x = 5 e 3 number of sets y = 3 It is NP-hard to find a localization plan in gridworlds of size S 2 y * = 2 number of sets that form a smallest set cover × m n whose worst-case number of movements to localiza- ( ( ) ) e 5 tion is within a factor log of optimum, even in O mn Theorem connected gridworlds in which localization is possible. S 3 contrast with: [Dudek, Romanik, Whitesides, 1995] It is NP-hard to find a set cover whose number of sets is ( ( ) ) within a factor log of optimum (for sufficiently O x small constants). [Lund and Yannakakis, 1994] Greedy On-Line Planning; (c) Sven Koenig; Georgia Tech; January 2002. SA3 - 11 of 141 Greedy On-Line Planning; (c) Sven Koenig; Georgia Tech; January 2002. SA3 - 12 of 141
start Hardness of (Approximately) Optimal Localization start x 3 replications for a total of m = 3x 3 y+1 cells signature and so on S 3 S 2 (We leave out some small technical details.) S 1 e 0 e 1 e 2 e 3 e 4 e 5 horizontal = row vertical = column Whenever e i ∈ S j , S 1 e 1 we make the corresponding horizonal corridor i cells shorter. e 0 e 2 e 4 e 3 To localize, S 2 the robot has to visit e 5 all the horizontal corridors that correspond to a set cover. S 3 xy cells n = (xy+2)(x+1) cells Greedy On-Line Planning; (c) Sven Koenig; Georgia Tech; January 2002. Greedy On-Line Planning; (c) Sven Koenig; Georgia Tech; January 2002. SA3 - 13 of 141 SA3 - 14 of 141 Hardness of (Approximately) Optimal Localization Cost of (Approximately) Optimal Localization Consider the following localization plan: Find the closest signature (= gives the robot its current column). Then move into all vertical corridors that correspond to a smallest set cover (= gives the robot its current row). Theorem [Tovey and Koenig, 2000] The number of movements of this localization plan is at most 3y * xy. × For every gridworld of size , there exists a valid local- m n Thus, the number of movements of an optimal localization plan is at most 3y * xy. ( ) ization plan that executes O mn movements to localization ( ) and that can be found in time . Thus, the number of movements of a localization plan whose worst-case number of move- O mn ments to localization is within a factor O(log(mn)) of optimum is at most O(log(mn)) 3y * xy = O(log(x)) 3y * xy ≤ O(3x 3 y). This result is the best possible in the sense that there exist × gridworlds of size in which every valid localization m n Thus, such a plan cannot leave its current east-west corridor and can only localize by mov- Ω mn ( ) plan must execute movements to localization and ing into all corridors that correspond to a set cover. Let y’ denote the cardinality of this set Ω mn ( ) cover. Then, the number of movements is at least (2y’-1)(xy-x-1). can only be found in time . Thus, the number of movements is at least (2y’-1)(xy-x-1) and at most O(log(x)) 3y * xy, implying that y’ = O(log(x)) y * and thus that the set cover is within a factor O(log(x)) of minimum. However, it is NP-hard to find a set cover whose number of sets is within a factor O(log(x)) of minimum. qed Greedy On-Line Planning; (c) Sven Koenig; Georgia Tech; January 2002. SA3 - 15 of 141 Greedy On-Line Planning; (c) Sven Koenig; Georgia Tech; January 2002. SA3 - 16 of 141
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