Year 5 French, week beginning 1 st June L.O.: To be able to describe different types of weather To name the months and seasons
Over the next 2 weeks, we are going to consolidate work on months of the year (last covered in year 3) and seasons and weather (year 4).
Look through this presentation and the word bank and do these activities to practise: • Use the word bank and presentation to revise and learn the vocabulary for the topic: • LOOK at the word • SAY it (use the phonetic pronunciation in purple to help you say it correctly) • COVER up the word and try to remember how to say it • WRITE it down • CHECK - were you right? • Can you say the months in order without looking? How about backwards? • Ask someone to give you a number 1-12, can you say the corresponding month in French? eg 4 = 4 th month = April, so in French = avril • • Practise asking when someone’s birthday is: • Quel est la date de ton anniversaire? Mon anniversaire est le dix septembre • Copy the French words (e.g. month names) onto small bits of paper and write them in English on some other pieces of paper. Turn them over and mix them up – can you turn over 2 at a time and find matching pairs? • Use the same pieces of paper to play ‘Qui manqué?’. Ask someone to take away one of pieces of paper and you have to work out which one is missing.
Il fait beau Il fait mauvais
Il fait chaud Il fait froid
Il y a du soleil Il pleut
Il y a du vent Il neige
Quel temps fait-il? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Quel temps fait-il? Il pleut Il neige Il fait chaud Il fait froid Il y a du soleil Il fait mauvais Il fait beau Il y a du vent
Some more weather terms… foggy Il y a du brouillard lightning Il y a des éclairs showery Il y a des averses thunder Il y a du tonnerre grey/cloudy Il fait gris/Il y a des nuages hailing Il y a de la grêle Il fait orageux/Il y a de l’orage stormy Il y a de la brume misty
C’est quelle saison? L’été Le printemps L’automne L’hiver
C’est quel mois? (months) Le printemps L’été mars juin avril juillet mai août L’automne L’hiver septembre décembre octobre janvier novembre février
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