year 4 s

Year 4s Curriculum Presentation Date 17 th September 2019 Meet the - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Welcome to Year 4s Curriculum Presentation Date 17 th September 2019 Meet the staff 4DA 4H Miss Davies- Class Teacher Miss Howlett- Class Teacher Mrs Keohane (TA) Mrs Keohane (TA) Mrs Ogilvie (LSA) Mrs Maloney (LSA)

  1. Welcome to Year 4’s Curriculum Presentation Date 17 th September 2019

  2. Meet the staff 4DA 4H  Miss Davies- Class Teacher  Miss Howlett- Class Teacher  Mrs Keohane (TA)  Mrs Keohane (TA)  Mrs Ogilvie (LSA)  Mrs Maloney (LSA)  Miss Lauff (LSA)  Mr Phillips (LSA)  Mrs Johnston (LSA)

  3. Communication  Catch us on the playground at the END of the day.  Ring the school and leave a message.  Email the office and it will be forwarded on.  Write us a letter.  Parents Evening- Autumn and Spring Term.

  4. Medical Matters  PLEASE KEEP US INFORMED!  We need to know of any allergies (use of epipens- please ensure they are in date)  Please provide inhalers and make sure they are in date  IF YOUR CHILD IS UNWELL, THEN PLEASE KEEP THEM AT HOME AND RING THE SCHOOL OFFICE. ALLOW 48 HOURS FOR SICKNESS AND TUMMY UPSETS  Please inform us if your child will be at a medical appointment during school hours.  Your child will be expected to do PE unless stated otherwise.

  5. Expectations  Behaviour- Use of behaviour chart, Team points, Table Points and Golden Time.  Equipment needed- Classroom essentials are provided. However , please replenish over the year (particularly glues and white board pens!) Ensure that any equipment is named. They can have a pencil case but this will be kept in their tray not on tables.  E-safety – Importance of children being aware of how to use the internet responsibly.

  6. Homework  Homework- will consist of English (reading, writing and spellings), Maths and occasionally Topic.  Reading Comprehension, Maths and Spellings will be set on Tuesday.  This homework will then be due in the following Tuesday, thus giving the children a week to complete all 3 pieces. We will test the children on their spellings on the Tuesday.  If the homework books are lost it will have to be replaced.

  7. PE Day Wednesday Tuesday- Autumn Term will be swimming at Donyngs Wednesday- Mr Osbourne In the Spring Term, the children will be taking part in the daily mile as part of their PE lessons. Equipment needed:  Navy Shorts  Team Colour Shirt  Trainers  White sports socks  Navy or Black jogging bottoms for Winter NO JEWELLERY - CHILDREN MUST BE ABLE TO TAKE OUT THEIR OWN  EARRINGS LONG HAIR MUST BE TIED BACK 

  8. Routines  In th the e morning rnings, , there is always work for children to be getting on with. It can be a range of different activities. Register ster is t s tak aken en at t 8: 8:55 55am am  Brea eak-time time – Year 3 and 4 share playtimes. They can have a healthy snack. This must only be fruit and vegetables. No nuts.  En End of th the e school ol day – 3:15pm. If someone different is picking up your child, please let us know so we are aware.

  9. RE  4DA Assembly – Thursday 3 rd October @ 9am  4H Assembly – Thursday 17 th October @ 9am RE Topics Autumn  IOW Assembly – Thursday 4 th June @ 9am People Called  School creed – Practiced at the start of every Judaism Gift RE lesson Spring Community  Hymn books- Please ensure your child has a hymn book. These can Giving and Receiving be purchased at the school office if they haven’t currently got one. Self Discipline Summer New Life Islam Building Bridges God’s People

  10. Our School Creed This is our school, Let peace dwell here, Let the school be full of contentment, Let love abide here, Love of our school, Love of one another, Love of mankind, Love of life itself And love of Jesus. Let us remember That as many hand built our school, So many hearts make our school. Amen.

  11. Pr Presentat esentation ion Expecta xpectations tions  All children have a copy of the presentation expectations stuck into their Mathematics and English books.  We will be monitoring their work to ensure that all children work neatly.  Hopefully when you view their books, you will notice lots of effort being put into presentation! Ha Hand ndwriti writing ng  Handwriting practice once a week.  Please continue to support your child at home

  12. Curriculum urriculum Ove verview rview Reading  Children should be reading every ry day!  It is extremely important that children are reading at home daily and are being questioned to check their understanding  There are lots of opportunities for children to read during school  Class Story

  13. Writing iting  Children will be writing in a variety of styles this year  Stories  Newspaper Reports  Persuasive Writing  Explanation Texts  Recounts  Diary Entries  Increasing their level of vocabulary  SPaG lessons integrated within the lessons  Please continue to support your child at home with spellings and using a range of high level vocabulary

  14. Ma Maths ths  This year in Maths, we are continuing with our Maths for Mastery approach. A lot more questioning  More reasoning and problem solving tasks   We will be using a lot more resources where appropriate, to support children in their learning and deepen their understanding with a range of different concepts.  Please, where possible, support your child in their maths at home.  Children are encouraged to ask for help! Some areas of learning in Year 4 Rounding numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000  Add and subtract numbers up to 4 digits using formal methods  Multiply 2 digit and 3 digit numbers by 1 digit numbers  Recognise and use factor pairs  Identify decimal and fraction equivalents  Use and apply a range of strategies for problem solving 

  15. Ma Maths ths Time  Please support your child in learning to tell the time! Times Tables Rockstars  Times tables are so important and crucial in all aspects of the maths curriculum.  This year, it is compulsory for children in Year 4 to take a Multiplication Check.  We will practice daily during school, however children can use TTRS at home. Please encourage this! Even practicing with your children in the car for five minutes on the way to school makes a massive difference!

  16. Creative Curriculum Areas of Learning in Science Areas of Learning in Humanities States of Matter Romans   Electricity Anglo-Saxons and Vikings   Animals, including humans Physical and Human Geography (UK and   world case studies) Living things and their habitats  Map reading  Sound  Some Areas of Learning in Art/DT Cornerstones curriculum topics Patterns (Art) – Lino prints  I am warrior (History focus) Mosaics (Art) USA Road Trip (Geography focus)  Traders and Raiders (History focus) Seasonal stockings (DT)  Burps, bottoms and bile (Science Focus) Blue Abyss (Geography Focus) Potions (Science Focus)

  17. Assessment How we assess pupils work at St Joseph’s  Against NC learning objectives for each subject  Children need to be meeting a certain amount of objectives in order to be Meeting ARE expectations by the end of the academic year.  Children’s progress is tracked and discussed at progress meetings.  Evidence from children’s books.  Formative – AFL ( questioning, checking understanding, thumbs up, etc..). Marking policy and symbols used  Summative – tests and tasks  Data drops – Autumn term, Spring term, Summer term- reported to parents at parents evenings and on end of year reports.  All children are working towards (W) at the beginning of the year as each year group curriculum expectations are different.

  18. Trips/ Visits/ Residential.  World Book Day – Thursday 5 th March 2020  IOW (27 th April – 1 st May 2020) Final messages…  Swimming starts on 24 th September- We need your slips back please!  Thank you to everyone that has volunteered already to help with swimming. We will confirm later in the week which dates we need your help. We still need helpers for the 8 th October and the 22 nd October.  IOW Meeting – Thursday 19 th September @7 in Lower hall

  19. Any questions?

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