Y Gymraeg? / The Welsh Language?
a) tua 200,000 a) about 200,000 b) tua 600,000 b) about 600,000 c) tua 1,000,000 c) about 1,000,000
a) 3-15 oed a) 3-15 years old b) 25-37 oed b) 25-37 years old c) 65 oed ac uwch c) 65 years and over
3,345 3,092 42.2% ( aged 10 – 14 oed) 5,459 5,732
They have enough trouble learning English and living their life and getting their job. Learning Welsh is not really going to do anything . I wouldn’t say the students ever enquire about the Welsh language. They are stimulated when we go to the St. David’s Day celebrations... but taking the time to actually learn the language — they are not so enthusiastic
I think that would be quite preventative. Especially when you are talking about asylum seekers - they have such a limited amount of money. They won’t pay for English lessons either so I can't see them paying for a Welsh class. I don't speak Welsh and I manage my life without speaking Welsh. I think if they lived somewhere that wasn't Cardiff, where they would hear more Welsh. If they have to choose to learn Welsh or English, they need to concentrate on their English. Sorry.
It is important for me to speak with local When we had our child, I people in their own language. Acceptance thought we should learn the will be much easier, that's what I feel. language...it makes sense for him to learn the languages of this country. For me, English is my 3rd language, and Welsh my 4th. Someone said …’we are ashamed…you have a lot of children, it’s not your first language and you still want to try to learn!’ But my point of view is not like them. I I am in this country, sooner or later I will encourage them. Why not do that? They are be a citizen of this country…I want to living all life here. learn Welsh. Even if it's only for my pride, it is good enough. But it's not the case. It's about business. Some jobs require Welsh .
“ I did think to myself, are they really going to go for this? Because I presumed, we have got enough troubles with English but they really enjoyed it - they come from multilingual societies themselves and they kind of 'get that'. Do you know what I mean?" ESOL Teacher
Mae hi’n bosib integreiddio It is possible to integrate in mewn mwy nag un iaith. more than one language. Does dim rhaid It isn’t essential bod yn rhugl. to be fluent. Many of these Mae llawer o’r learners already speak dysgwyr hyn eisoes yn several languages and amlieithog ac felly nid yw therefore learning one more dysgu iaith arall yn broblem. isn’t a problem.
Cyllido prosiectau/ Funding projects Dysgu Cymraeg Caerdydd Dysgu Cymraeg Gogledd Ddwyrain Dysgu Cymraeg Gwent
“ Recognising and understanding that there are two languages in use in Wales is very important. In addition to supporting social integration, the Welsh language can also be a valuable skill in the workplace. Providers help learners to understand by integrating the Welsh language into their lessons. ESOL Policy, Welsh Government (November 2019)
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