write less do more who am i datamapper what is jquery

write less. do more. who am I? DataMapper what is jquery? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

write less. do more. who am I? DataMapper what is jquery? unobtrusive h1 { color: #999; } css h1 { color: #999; } h1 { color: #999; } UJS With jQuery $(h1).click(function() { $(this).fadeIn(); }); Why do we like CSS?

  1. write less. do more.

  2. who am I?

  3. DataMapper

  4. what is jquery?

  5. unobtrusive

  6. h1 { color: #999; } css

  7. h1 { color: #999; }

  8. h1 { color: #999; } UJS With jQuery $(“h1”).click(function() { $(this).fadeIn(); });

  9. Why do we like CSS?

  10. reusable styles

  11. change-once, change-everwhere

  12. We got over <font>

  13. why should you like UJS?

  14. same reasons

  15. application-wide behavior

  16. change-once, change everywhere

  17. we’re over onclick=

  18. in short... if you like CSS, YOU’ll like UJS

  19. javascript can be fun!

  20. jquery’s core philosophy

  21. get some elements. do some stuff.

  22. some people* call it DOM-SCRIPTING. * Jeremy keith

  23. some people* call it DOM-SCRIPTING. * Jeremy keith

  24. some people* call it call it DOM-SCRIPTING. DOM-SCRIPTING. in his book: * Jeremy keith dom-scripting

  25. get some elements. but how?

  26. did i mention CSS?

  27. CSS 3 plus

  28. CSS 3 plus • div • div:first • div:header • div:last • div:animated • div#foo • div:not(#foo) • div:contains(txt) • div.class • div:even • div:empty • div, p, a • div:odd • div:has(p) • div p • div:eq(1) • div:parent • div > p • div:gt(1) • div:hidden • div + p • div:lt(1) • div:visible • div ~ p

  29. CSS 3 plus

  30. CSS 3 plus

  31. CSS 3 plus • div[foo] • :last-child • :reset • div[foo=bar] • :only-child • :button • div[foo!=bar] • :input • :file • div[foo^=bar] • :text • :hidden • div[foo$=bar] • :password • :enabled • div[foo*=bar] • :radio • :disabled • :nth-child(2) • :checkbox • :checked • :nth-child(even) • :submit • :selected • :first-child • :image

  32. CSS 3 plus

  33. get some elements.

  34. $(“table tr:nth- child(even) > td:visible”)

  35. do stuff.

  36. $(“div”) Returns jquery object

  37. $(“div”).fadeIn() Returns jquery object

  38. $(“div”).fadeIn() .css(“color”, “green”) Returns jquery object

  39. we call this chaining

  40. Crazy chains

  41. Crazy chains $(“ul.open”) // [ ul, ul, ul ] .children(“li”) // [ li, li, li ] .addClass(“open”) // [ li, li, li] .end() // [ ul, ul, ul ] . fi nd(“a”) // [ a, a, a ] .click(function(){ $(this).next().toggle(); return false; }) // [ a, a, a ] .end(); // [ ul, ul, ul ]

  42. 5 parts of jquery dom events effects ajax plugins

  43. dom

  44. dom traversal $(“div”).parent(); $(“div”).siblings(); $(“div”).next(); $(“div”).nextAll(“p”); $(“div”).nextAll(“p:first”); dom

  45. dom

  46. $(“div”) <body> <div> <div> <pre> <p> <p> <p> <p> <p> <p> dom

  47. dom

  48. $(“div#foo”).siblings() <body> <div id='foo'> <div> <pre> <p> <p> <p> <p> <p> <p> dom

  49. dom

  50. $(“div”).next() <body> <div> <div> <pre> <p> <p> <p> <p> <p> <p> dom

  51. dom

  52. $(“div”).nextall(“p”) <body> <div id='foo'> <p> <p> <pre> <p> dom

  53. dom

  54. $(“div”).nextall(“p:first”) <body> <div id='foo'> <p> <p> <pre> <p> dom

  55. dom

  56. find $(“div pre”) $(“div”).find(“pre”) dom

  57. dom

  58. $(“div pre”) <body> <div> <div> <pre> <p> <pre> <pre> <p> <pre> <p> dom

  59. dom

  60. $(“div”).find(“pre”) <body> <div> <div> <pre> <p> <pre> <pre> <p> <pre> <p> dom

  61. dom

  62. filter $(“div:contains(some text)”) $(“div”).filter(“:contains(some text)”) $(“div”).filter(function() { return $(this).text().match(“some text”) }) dom

  63. dom

  64. andself() $(“div”).siblings().andSelf() $(“div”).parent().andSelf() dom

  65. dom


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