Work Experience week 2020 Anna Turner
What did i learn I learned how to make and create things in bio render . How to improve my critical thinking. How in science you dont have to down one route or subject
What surprised me most? I am really terrible at handling/using computer programs but somehow i was able to use the bio render. I did realise that GM products that they actually had special traits or uses i thought they were just made/created to end world hunger for example, Golden Rice, which was developed in the hopes of combatting that problem by a team of European scientists in the late '90s, was genetically modified to provide an essential nutrient that white rice lacks: beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in the body. Which would help a vitamin A dificany.
Overall experience I really enjoyed this week it has opened my eyes to many possibilities to my future career and life. It has helped me gather skills and formation that i didn't have but now do. This has been really fun.
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