without over

Without over changed the course of my life. Im now doing NVQ - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Without over changed the course of my life. Im now doing NVQ qualifications which I hope to upgrade to a degree. Gary, Pgack- ITs IT Manager I aint no one no more Carol 9 11/06/2012 And finally . . . A C H A R I T

  1. “Without over changed the course of my life. I’m now doing NVQ qualifications which I hope to upgrade to a degree”. Gary, Pgack- IT’s IT Manager

  2. “I aint no one no more” Carol

  3. 9 11/06/2012

  4. And finally . . . “A C H A R I T Y D O L LA R H A S O N E L I F E , I S U S E D O N C E , A N D T H E N D I E S. A S O C I A L BU S I N E S S D O L LA R I S R E C YC L E D A N D H A S A N U N L I M I T E D L I F E ” . MUHAMMAD YUNUS, GRAMEEN BANK

  5. Establishing the Welsh Social Enterprise Coalition J O H N B E N N E T T , C H I E F E X E C U T I V E

  6. Why was the Coalition launched in Wales?  “We want a representative body for the Welsh social enterprise movement . . . ”

  7. What are the Coalition’s key objectives?  Raise the profile of Welsh social enterprises  Build a membership-led organisation  Build and grow an effective national network  Represent the needs and views of the membership  Develop an operational information portal

  8. Who are the founding and current members?  A mixture of backgrounds but all who support the Coalition’s vision of a world where social enterprise is the usual way of doing business.

  9. When was the Coalition launched?  February 2010

  10. Why was the Coalition necessary?  Social enterprise is growing in profile and importance in Wales, throughout the UK and indeed, globally

  11. What was the Welsh Government’s role?  The Welsh Government played a central role in facilitating the establishment of the Welsh Social Enterprise Coalition by:  Holding two large consultation events  Creating electronic forums  Speaking with business support agencies  Speaking with social entrepreneurs

  12. From whom has the WSEC received support?  Various sources

  13. What are the WSEC’s key activities?  Awareness raising  Campaigning  Proffering advice and support  Signposting to relevant resources  Organising and running events  Representing the views of the WSEC membership  Conducting research to expand the social enterprise evidence base

  14. What has the Coalition achieved since its launch?  Lots!!

  15. What are the future plans for the Coalition?  “We need more businesses in Wales who will not only offer their customers and clients good value but also offer “good values”.

  16. Ingredients for a successful social enterprise  1 very clear purpose and market niche  1 set of matured values  1 team of best quality people (hard-boiled)  1 highly competitive streak (extra strong)  A tonne of hard work  1 good pinch of opportunism  1 heaped spoonful of profit motive  Now mix it up, season well with passion and serve hot  WARNING: This dish requires a strong stomach and a brass neck; not suitable for those allergic to risk or making money


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