wim system integrated with nondestructive

(WIM) System Integrated with Nondestructive Evaluation (NDE) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Next-Generation Wireless Bridge Weigh-in-Motion (WIM) System Integrated with Nondestructive Evaluation (NDE) Capability for Transportation Infrastructure Safety Yang Wang Georgia Institute of Technology Nasim Uddin University of Alabama

  1. Next-Generation Wireless Bridge Weigh-in-Motion (WIM) System Integrated with Nondestructive Evaluation (NDE) Capability for Transportation Infrastructure Safety Yang Wang Georgia Institute of Technology Nasim Uddin University of Alabama Birmingham Laurence J. Jacobs Georgia Institute of Technology Jin-Yeon Kim Georgia Institute of Technology University Transportation Centers Conference for the Southeastern Region April 4, 2013

  2. Outline ● Participants ● Motivation and preliminary research ● Objective and progress ● Next-phase for the future 2

  3. Participants ● Georgia Tech team: wireless sensing and ultrasonic nondestructive evaluation (NDE)  Dr. Yang Wang (PI)  Dr. Laurence J. Jacobs (Co-PI)  Dr. Jin-Yeon Kim (Co-PI)  Dapeng Zhu (Graduate Student)  Canny Fang (Graduate Student)  Kevin Arne (Graduate Student) ● UAB team: bridge weigh-in-motion (WIM)  Dr. Nasim Uddin (Co-PI)  Dr. Hua Zhao (Post-Doctor)  Dr. Zhisong Zhao (Previous Graduate Student)  Li Dong (Graduate Student)  Rahul R Kalyankar (Graduate Student) 3

  4. ASCE 2009 Ratings on America’s Infrastructure Subject GPA Comments ● Poor road conditions cost each US motorist Roads D - $333 per year in repairs and operating costs ● 26% the nation's 600,000 bridges rated C Bridges structurally deficient or functionally obsolete ● 4,000 deficient dams, including 1,819 high Dams D hazard potential dams Highway and bridges (per Year) ● Current spending: $70.3B ● $78.8B needed to maintain current conditions ● $186B needed to improve to good conditions I-35W Bridge Collapse Teton Dam Collapse Minnesota, August 2007 Idaho, June 1976 13 Casualties Damage: $2 billion 4

  5. Current Practice for Bridge Inspection ● Inspection to a bridge is conducted once every two years, as required by Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) ● Current practice is visual inspection using hammers and chisels Basket Lift Extensive Climbing Rigging ● Need for structural systems that can autonomously monitor their conditions 5

  6. Communication Network: from Wired to Wireless  Installation of wired system can take about 75% of total testing time for large structures. (Straser and Kiremidjian, 1998)  $5,000 per sensor channel, half of the cost on cabling and labor. (Celebi, 2002)  Over 1,000 sensors on Tsing Ma Bridge, Kap Shui Mun Bridge, and Ting Kau Bridge. 36 km of copper cable and 14 km of fiber optic cable. Over one year of installation. (Solomon et al ., 2000) Coaxial Cables Embedded Wireless Sensors Sensor Units Central Data Server (CDS) 6

  7. Wireless Ultrasonic NDE for Crack Detection (GT-1) Excitation output amplification board Microprocessor evaluation board Wireless transceiver Receiving signal conditioning board 7

  8. Testing with Steel and Concrete (GT-2) Wireless device Wedge ultrasonic transducer Transmitter Receiver Surface crack Concrete bridge component Diffuse ultrasonic NDE for Steel specimen with various concrete specimen notches mimicking damage 8

  9. Project Background (UAB-1) BWIM shema SiWIM Bridge Weigh-in-motion system 9

  10. Project Background (UAB-2) FAD (free-of-axle- detector) sensors on slab Spider Weighing sensors on girder 10

  11. Project Objective Weigh-in-motion (WIM) sensors Computational Core Sensor Signal Wireless External Communication Digitization Memory Analog-to-Digital 900MHz or 2.4GHz Micro- Conversion Wireless Transceiver Processor Receiving ultrasonic Transmitting Sensor Signal Output Signal transducer ultrasonic transducer Conditioning Amplification Amplification, filtering, Amplification and and voltage-offsetting voltage-offsetting 11

  12. Hardware Development (GT) Hardware design and prototyping finished Hardware design finished; prototyping underway 12

  13. Identified Strain Transducer (GT+UAB) Specification ST350 3 in Gage length ~1 με Strain resolution ± 2000 με Strain range Full Wheatstone bridge with 4 Circuit active 350Ω foil gages 1~10V Supply voltage 1% Full-range linearity error 2 ( μ V/V) / με Sensitivity 13

  14. Ultrasonic NDE (GT) undamaged 0.5mm 1.2mm 2.3mm 3.2mm 3.4 Undamaged 5MHz Steel specimen with 3.2 50MHz different notch depth #2 3.0 #1 2.8 Amplitude(V) 2.6 2.4 2.2 2.0 #3 1.8 #4 1.6 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 Depth of the notches(mm) Amplitude 14

  15. Bridge WIM (UAB) 50 40 30 Percentage error (%) 20 10 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 Single A4+A5 0 GVW A2+A3 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 SiWIM algorithm Proposed algorithm item 15

  16. Future: Wireless Drive-By Inspection Drive-by bridge Portable bridge inspection system weigh-in-motion Bridge safety management 16

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