wildomar crossings retail project pa 16 0134

WILDOMAR CROSSINGS RETAIL PROJECT (PA 16-0134) City Council Meeting - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

WILDOMAR CROSSINGS RETAIL PROJECT (PA 16-0134) City Council Meeting May 9, 2018 PROJECT LOCATION Located at the NWC of Clinton Keith and Stable Lanes. The project site is about 3.4+ acres in size PLANNING COMMISSION REVIEW The

  1. WILDOMAR CROSSINGS RETAIL PROJECT (PA 16-0134) City Council Meeting May 9, 2018

  2. PROJECT LOCATION • Located at the NWC of Clinton Keith and Stable Lanes. • The project site is about 3.4+ acres in size

  3. PLANNING COMMISSION REVIEW  The Planning Commission reviewed the Wildomar Crossings Retail project at its April 18 th PC meeting.  The Applicant provided a presentation regarding the project’s history and community outreach efforts.  There were 12 public speakers whom spoke in favor of, and opposed to the project.  Staff did receive 2 letters a few days prior to meeting which have responded to by the Applicant’s Attorney.

  4. PLANNING COMMISSION REVIEW  The Planning Commission supported the project but believed changes were needed on the architectural design……  Thus, the PC recommended a condition that requires a Substantial Conformance approval by the Planning Director to address design issues.  The Commission also has recommended several staff sponsored edits to the Parcel Map and Plot Plan conditions  These were outlined in the staff report and added to the appropriate Resolutions for Council consideration…..

  5. PROJECT APPLICATIONS The proposed project consists of the following items for Council consideration: 1) Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) 2) Change of Zone from R-R to C-1/C-P to be consistent with the GP land use of Commercial Retail (CR). 3) TPM No. 37311 to subdivide 2 parcels into 4 parcels. 4) Plot Plan to develop a 26,204 square-foot commercial retail project.

  6. CEQA / EIR PROCESS  Draft IS/MND was circulated – 30 day public review from Jan. 31 to March 1, 2018.  The City received 8 comment letters from various agencies and interested persons.  The City prepared detailed responses to each comment letter as part of the Final MND package & MMRP.  Final MND package was sent to commenters 10 days prior to PC meeting in accordance with city policy.  All project related impacts have been mitigated in accordance with CEQA law (29 mitigation measures).

  7. PROPOSED CHANGE OF ZONE The proposed Change of Zone is as follows: 1) The existing zoning of R-R (Rural Residential) is proposed to be changed to C-1/C-P (General Commercial) to accommodate the retail center. 2) The C-1/C-P zone permits the development of commercial retail centers. 3) The C-1/C-P zone is “highly consistent” with the General Plan land use designation of Commercial Retail (CR). 4) The project site has been planned as a retail center since the city’s incorporation in 2008.


  9. TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 37311  The Applicant desires to subdivide the 3.4 acre site into 5 parcels (one parcel is a drainage/detention basin).  Each parcel ranges in size from 0.31 acres to 1.02 acres.  Each parcel meets and exceeds the minimum commercial zoning parcel size outlined in the C-1/C-P zone. L ot/ Pa r c e l Pr opose d Use Pa r c e l/ L ot Size Minimum Me e ts Code Numbe r (Ac .) Sta nda r d Sta nda r ds 1 Auto Zone Stor e 0.64 a c . 0.00 a c . Ye s 2 We ndy’s R e st. 0.54 a c . 0.00 a c . Ye s 3 Multi- T e nant Stor e 0.74 a c 0.00 a c . Ye s 4 Dolla r T r e e Stor e 1.02 a c . 0.00 a c . Ye s 5 Ope n Spa c e / Dr a ina ge 0.31 a c . 0.00 a c . Ye s

  10. PLOT PLAN / RETAIL CENTER  The plot plan will allow development of the 26,240 square-foot retail center with 4 buildings.  The Applicant has secured 3 tenants (i.e., Dollar Tree, Auto Zone & Wendy’s Rest.).  The buildings range in size from 2,600 to 10,000 square feet as follows: Pr opose d T e na nt Building Building Size (s.f.) Numbe r Use r 1 Auto Zone Stor e 7,004 s.f. 2 We ndy’s R e st. 2,600 s.f. 3 Multi- T e nant Stor e 6,600 s.f. (up to 4 “suite s”) 4 Dolla r T r e e Stor e 10,000 s.f. T ota l Building Size 26,204 s.f.

  11. PLOT PLAN / RETAIL CENTER  The development requires 144 parking spaces….plot plan reflects 145 parking spaces which exceeds code standards.  Each parking stall has been designed to meet the minimum stall dimensions, including drive aisles and back-up areas.  A reciprocal access and parking agreement will be recorded concurrently with the final parcel map.  The proposed buildings comply with all C-1/C-P development standards in terms of setbacks, building height, landscaping and lot coverage.

  12. PLOT PLAN / RETAIL CENTER  Primary Access to the site for visitors and employees will occur from Stable Lanes (no left turn northwards for delivery trucks leaving the site).  Secondary access to the site will occur Clinton Keith (right-in & right-out only).  The Project has been conditioned to construct full public improvements along Stable Lanes and Clinton Keith Road.  This includes most importantly a traffic signal at the intersection of Stable Lanes and Clinton Keith Road.

  13. PLOT PLAN / RETAIL CENTER  All roof mounted equipment will be screened in accordance with city standards for retail centers.  Truck deliveries are restricted to the hours of 8am and 8pm to help minimize noise (Planning Condition No. 64).  The site has been designed to provide buffering (i.e., landscaping and walls) along the north & west property lines.  In addition, a condition has been proposed requiring the Applicant to enter into an agreement with North HOA to provide additional landscaping on the HOA southerly slope.  This landscaping will include a variety of 24”-box & 36”-box trees and a variety of shrubs along the slope area.

  14. PLOT PLAN / RETAIL CENTER Proposed Architecture:  The architectural theme for the commercial retail project can be generally characterized as a “modern Craftsman.  Design elements include such things as stucco, wood trellis’s, columns, etc.  The color scheme is earth tone scheme.  Staff worked with the Applicant to achieve an architectural design that is compatible with the design of existing retail centers along the Clinton Keith Corridor.  The following slides reflect the architectural design for each building:

  15. PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS: 1) Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) and Mitigation Monitoring & Reporting Program (MMRP); 2) Approve Change of Zone No. 16-0134; 3) Approve TPM No. 37311, subject to conditions, as amended by the Planning Commission; and 4) Approve Plot Plan No. 16-0134, subject to conditions, as amended by the Planning Commission.


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