cs 451 software engineering

CS 451 Software Engineering Yuanfang Cai Room 104, University - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

CS 451 Software Engineering Yuanfang Cai Room 104, University Crossings 215.895.0298 yfcai@cs.drexel.edu 1 Drexel University Project Management - Topics Schedules And Gantt Charts Project Milestones How to Organize Your Team

  1. CS 451 Software Engineering Yuanfang Cai Room 104, University Crossings 215.895.0298 yfcai@cs.drexel.edu 1 Drexel University

  2. Project Management - Topics  Schedules And Gantt Charts  Project Milestones  How to Organize Your Team  Surgical or Democratic Team? 2 Drexel University

  3. Schedules And Gantt Charts 3 Drexel University

  4. Schedules And Gantt Charts  What is a schedule?  A schedule is:  A listing of planned events  Properties:  Ordered by time  Shows dependencies between tasks  Might show assignment of tasks to personnel  Planned events tied to milestones 4 Drexel University

  5. How To Make A Project Schedule  Identify the individual component tasks for each phase or spiral  Estimate the size of tasks and amount of time required  Identify dependencies between tasks:  What inputs are required for each task?  In what previous task are these inputs created?  Define milestones:  High-level milestones  Intermediate milestones  Low-level milestones (separate personal schedule document) 5 Drexel University

  6. Gantt Charts  A tabular notation to document schedule  Rows represent task ids and names (listed in order).  Columns—many variations and many optional notations:  Start-date column, end-date column  Task duration column (how long? Hours, days, etc.)  Task assignment column (who is doing this?)  Task completion: percentage-complete column, or a line through the task bar 6 Drexel University

  7. 7 Drexel University

  8. Gantt Charts  Columns—many variations and many optional notations (continued):  Timeline—may be in terms of days, weeks, months, quarters, etc.  In the timeline, a task bar indicates duration of task.  Milestones (aka checkpoints) shown like a task and a task bar, but with a special symbol.  Summary “tasks” and bars: higher-level name showing a collection of related tasks (e.g. requirements analysis, or any “phase” or spiral)  Vertical line showing today's date 8 Drexel University

  9. Comments On Example Chart  Two “summary” tasks: requirements analysis and requirements specification (note the yellow triangles on the ends of the bars)  Timeline: days in a month  Duration column: in days, hours  Purple-lines in task bars indicate how much is completed  Vertical line shows today's date (task 3 is late!) 9 Drexel University

  10. Comments On Example Chart  Milestones: black diamonds, duration of zero  “Who” column shows personnel assignments  Task dependencies: arrows from one task to another:  First task must be completed before the second starts  Milestones depend on preceding task(s)  Tool automatically adjusts chart according to durations, dependencies 10 Drexel University

  11. Tool Support For Gantt Charts  Microsoft Project:  Data file standard: MPX Files (“Ms Project eXchange”)  Visio:  Known As “Project Timeline” Diagram  Can Import/export Data In Mpx Format 11 Drexel University

  12. Project Milestones 12 Drexel University

  13. Advice On Milestones  For team projects  Milestones often tied to sign-off (after review) of major work-products, such as:  Project management plan document  Software requirements specification (SRS) document  Design document  Stage 1 code released (stage 2,...)  Final product released Milestones Must Be Visible To Management, Possibly Customer 13 Drexel University

  14. Milestones  Part of top-down approach  Break large project into small problems, each of which can be estimated and planned  A milestone is: An objectively identifiable point in a project  Good checkpoints are:  Clear, unambiguous, crisp, verifiable  Binary: done or not done 14 Drexel University

  15. Milestones  “Coding is 90% complete”:  In terms of time, or loc?  How do you know?  “Program is designed”:  What’s this mean?  In your head, or on paper?  Has it been reviewed, agreed upon? 15 Drexel University

  16. Milestones—Good Examples  Design document reviewed  Design document signed-off by management  System software successfully passes integration test data suite  Specification document approved by customer  All risks determined at last process review addressed and resolved 16 Drexel University

  17. How to Organize Your Team 17 Drexel University

  18. Group/Team Structure  Differences between programmers:  Productivity: 10:1  Program Speed: 5:1  What if we only hire top people?  Efficiency + Conceptual Integrity vs. Large System 18 Drexel University

  19. Group/Team Structure  Democratic Team or Surgical Team?  A Surgical Team  The Surgeon –-Chief architect, Design and Impl  The Copilot ---Impl, Testing, etc  The Administrator ---Version control, plan, testing  The Program clerk  The Editor  Two Secretaries  The Tool Smith  The Tester  The language Laywer 19 Drexel University

  20. Summary  How to plan your project using a Gantt Chart  The concept of milestone  Surgical Team vs. Democratic Team 20 Drexel University

  21. Reminder:  Reading Homework:  "No Silver Bullet: Essence and Accidents of Software Engineering", by Frederick P. Brooks.  "The Mythical Man Month" by Frederick P. Brooks.  Next Tuesday Quiz on papers   Term project presentation 21 Drexel University

  22. Term Project Presentation  Project description  List all the functions of the project  What are the input/output  How will the user interact with it  Web based? Standalone App? Mobile App?  Team member roles  The Surgeon –-Chief architect, Design, Document and Impl  The Copilot ---Impl, Testing, Document, etc  The Administrator ---Version control, plan, testing  The Tester  Project plan in a Gantt Chart with at least 4 milestones 22 Drexel University

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