Centre d’Estudis dels Rius Mediterranis – Museu del Ter Where we are? In Catalonia! • Catalonia is a nation into the Spanish State (a small part, in France) • Barcelona is the capital of Catalonia • Ebre is the largest river • Catalonia has 7 million of inhabitants • Catalan is their own language (also for more than 3 million inhabitants from Balearic Islands and Valencia area)
Centre d’Estudis dels Rius Mediterranis – Museu del Ter Ter River L'alta muntanya alpina L'alta muntanya subalpina La muntanya mitja na centreuropea La muntanya mitja na submediterrània La muntanya mitja na mediterrània La terra baixa mediterrània interior La terra baixa mediterrània La terra baixa mediterrània litoral litoral Ter River watershed in Western Mediterranean and in Catalonia N 5 0 5 10 km Biomes from the Ter river basin
Centre d’Estudis dels Rius Mediterranis – Museu del Ter Museu del Ter (Ter River Museum) Opened in 2004, it’s managed by a foundation governed by the Municipality of Manlleu. It belongs to the Catalan System of Museums of Science and Technology. Objectives: Study, diffusion and preservation of the cultural and natural heritage of the Ter River and other Mediterranean Rivers.
Centre d’Estudis dels Rius Mediterranis – Museu del Ter Centre d’Estudis dels Rius Mediterranis – Museu del Ter (Center for the Study of Mediterranean Rivers) Environmental area of the Environmental area of the Ter River Museum.
Centre d’Estudis dels Rius Mediterranis – Museu del Ter Areas: ► “Custòdia del territori” (river stewardship): conservation and ecological restoration of continental water systems. ► Environmental education and community awareness. ► Research in Mediterranean inner water ecosystems (ecological status and river connectivity). ► Museum of natural sciencies: exhibition and collection. ► Museum of natural sciencies: exhibition and collection.
Centre d’Estudis dels Rius Mediterranis – Museu del Ter Study area: Ter river RIBERES DEL TER A stretch of 25 km of river, and its tributaries its tributaries 6 municipalities implicated: Torelló Sant Vicenç de Torelló Les Masies de Voltregà Manlleu Sant Julià de Vilatorta Vic 6
Centre d’Estudis dels Rius Mediterranis – Museu del Ter Study area: Ter river RIBERES DEL TER Natural values: Geomorphology: meanders and river islands; Problems and pitfalls: Habitats: alders, willow and ash trees, temporary ponds and calcareous water spring communities; A total of 20 weirs in 25 km of river Native fauna species (i. e. Mediterranean barbel). (a weir every 0.8 km), often leaving some stretch practically dry. Intensive agriculture and livestock. Intensive agriculture and livestock. Urbanization. 7
Centre d’Estudis dels Rius Mediterranis – Museu del Ter Study sites RIBERES DEL TER 4. La Teula weir (Manlleu) Public (municipality concession) Weir: 90 m large x 2,8 m height Actions Building a fish ramp to improve river connectivity for fish and other fauna (also like an example at Catalan scale)
Centre d’Estudis dels Rius Mediterranis – Museu del Ter Study sites RIBERES DEL TER 3. Espadamala de Baix property (Torelló) Private property Àrea of this agreement: 10,4ha Actions Sustainable grazing management Restoration of riparian vegetation Policy: protection of an important herons Policy: protection of an important herons nesting colony (aprox. 200 nests)
Centre d’Estudis dels Rius Mediterranis – Museu del Ter Study sites RIBERES DEL TER 1. Les Gambires island (Torelló) Private property Area of this agreement: 6ha Actions Actions Sustaina. grazing management Big blocks (83m 3 ; 30mx5mx0.5m) to reactivate a meander. September of 2010 Restoration of riparian vegetation Improve geomorphology and diversificate habitats
Centre d’Estudis dels Rius Mediterranis – Museu del Ter Study sites RIBERES DEL TER 2. El Sorral or Gallifa island (les Masies de Voltregà) Private property Area of this agreement: 26,4ha Actions Substitution of poplar plantation by restoration of riparian vegetation and aquatic habitats
Centre d’Estudis dels Rius Mediterranis – Museu del Ter Study sites RIBERES DEL TER 2. El Sorral or Gallifa island (les Masies de Voltregà) Actions
Centre d’Estudis dels Rius Mediterranis – Museu del Ter WELLCOME TO Gràcies! CATALONIA AND TO THE TER RIVER!
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