WG9 Indicators Damon Stanwell-Smith and Matt Walpole UNEP-WCMC, Cambridge, UK
BIP GEF funding objective 2006... “National governments and regional organizations using and contributing to the improved delivery of global indicators”
“National governments and regional organizations using and contributing to the improved delivery of global indicators” “National governments developing and using indicators relevant to national priorities" Capacity building in 76 Countries South East Asia South Asia Caribbean Latin America Eastern Africa Southern Africa
“National governments and regional organizations using and contributing to the improved delivery of global indicators” “National governments developing and using indicators relevant to national priorities" Capacity building in 76 Countries South East Asia South Asia Caribbean Latin America Eastern Africa Southern Africa
Purpose Production Permanence
Purpose Common start point Production Permanence
Purpose Common start point Found to be a more successful start point Production Permanence
www.bipindicators.net www.bipnational.net
CBD COP 11 Hyderabad, Oct 2012
Indicators and NBSAP updating Indicators and target setting Indicators and implementation
Essential ecosystem services
Preventing extinctions
Launched 8 Oct 2012 (CBD COP11) • Proof of concept for annual indicator reporting • Informative • Hard copy – pocket sized • Smartphone application
Example indicator projections
Example indicator(s) for each target
Download smartphone app... iTunes: http://d.pr/3dKU Google Play: http://d.pr/3z1W Pick up a “passport”... See COP 11 INF doc: UNEP/CBD/COP/11/INF/55
GEO BON WG 9 Representation from all WGs 1-8, in WG9 Relationship with WGs 1-8 Convene early 2013
GEO BON WG 9 Representation from all WGs 1-8, in WG9 Relationship with WGs 1-8 Convene early 2013 Aichi targets (GEOBON mapping?) NBSAPs (NBSAP forum?) IPBES (Supporting assessment?) SDGs (Indicators for 2015...)
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