west west m middle school


WEST WEST M MIDDLE SCHOOL IDDLE SCHOOL 8 TH TH GRADE GRADE Sailing into the Future TH GRADE 8 TH GRADE ENR ENROLLMEN OLLMENT English 1. Social Studies 2. Science 3. Math Conversation with your teacher 4. PE with Health/RTI/EEE


  2. TH GRADE 8 TH GRADE ENR ENROLLMEN OLLMENT English 1. Social Studies 2. Science 3. Math – Conversation with your teacher 4. PE with Health/RTI/EEE alternating 5. Elective-1 daily or 2 Semester 6. classes Elective-1 daily or 2 Semester 7. classes  Advisory stays the same

  3. CORES CORES 21 2180 80EN EN En English lish 8 8 66 6603 03SC SC Scien Science ce 8 Se Seme meste ster 1: r 1: Earth’s Place in the Universe/Earth’s Systems: Geology Se Semes mester 2: ter 2: Her Hered edity: ity: In Inhe herit ritan ance ce and and Varia ariation tion of of Traits/Ada aits/Adapta ptation tions 41 4108 08SS SS Soc Social ial Stu Studies dies 8 The he Ea Early U y United nited Sta States of tes of Ame America rica

  4. MATH 55 5588 88MA MA Gr Grad ade e 8 Pr 8 Pre-Alge Algebr bra 56 5622 22MA MA Alge Algebr bra a 1 1 Hon Honor ors s 56 5652 52MA MA Ge Geom omet etry y Ho Hono nors 57 5720 20MA MA Alge Algebr bra a 2 2 Hon Honor ors s  Please talk to your current math teacher before making this important decision!

  5. BAND/ORCHESTRA 8318FA Advanced Band 8315FA Beginning Band – Class only happens with enough interest. 8353FA Advanced Orchestra 8352FA Beginning Orchestra – Class only happens with enough interest.  Band Band and and Or Orche hestr stra a ar are e ea each h on one y e yea early y elec electiv tive e spo spot in y t in you our s r sche hedu dule. le.  Mr Mrs. . Sw Swop ope, e, Mr Mr. . Rue uebling, bling, or or Ms. Mad Ms. Madda daleno leno wi will ll ad advise y vise you ou on y on you our cor r correc ect pl t plac aceme ement. nt.

  6. WORLD LANGUAGE 3301FL Chinese 1A 3302FL Chinese 1B 3010FL French 1B 3020FL French 1 (Intensive and Fast Paced) 3515FL Spanish 1B 3530FL Spanish 1 (Intensive and Fast Paced) Should I take it now OR wait?  High School brings the opportunity for German, Japanese, and Latin

  7. COURSE OFFERINGS 8 TH AR ART 81 8113 13FA A – Ar Art Upg t Upgrad aded ed This course will allow students to step into the exciting world and role of artist and designer. Students will experiment and build skills with a variety of media and artistic tools.

  8. BUSINESS/COMPUTER EDUCATION 7201PA – We’re in Business Students will study forms of business ownership, functions of management, budgeting and finance, technology, communications, legislation, leadership and teamwork, marketing, and economics. 7705 7705PA A Intr Introd oduc uction tion to to Comput Computer er Science Science The class aims to demystify computer science and show students that “coding” can be fun, collaborative, and creative.

  9. BUSINESS/COMPUTER EDUCATION 7142PA Financial Fitness Students will explore the world of earnings and taxes, budgeting, banking, credit, saving and investing, and insurance. 7107PA – Computers for the 21st Century Students will expand abilities in keyboarding, presentations, desktop publishing, spreadsheets, Internet research and safety, and digital media and design.

  10. FAMILY AND CONSUMER SCIENCE 74 7404 04PA A FACS CS Rea eali lity ty Coo Cooking king Students will learn how to select and prepare nutritious foods, maintain good health and to be responsible consumers. 75 7541 41PA A FACS CS Sewing Sewing an and d Des Design ign Stu Studio dio Stu Stude dents nts wil will l se sew w an and d do do i inte nterior rior de design sign. 75 7504 04PA A Rea eali lity ty FACS CS Stu Stude dents nts co cook ok, , sew sew, an , and d do do i inte nterior d rior desig esign. n.

  11. INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY 71 7141 41PA A Aut utoma omation tion an and d Rob obot otics ics Stu Stude dents nts lear learn a n abo bout mec ut mecha hanica nical l syste systems, ms, en ener ergy y tr tran ansf sfer er, ma , machin hine e au autom tomation tion an and d compu co mputer con ter contr trol systems. ol systems. A r A rob obotics pla otics platf tfor orm m wi will ll be be use used to de d to design sign and and bu buil ild r d rea eal-wor orld ld ob objects. jects. 71 7150 50PA A Spa Space ce an and d Aer Aeron onau autics tics Students learn about aircrafts, the forces of flight, and the science behind aeronautics.

  12. MUSIC/CHOIR 84 8414 14FA A Cho Choir ir  This his co cour urse is a se is a y yea ear-long long electiv elective. e.  The here e is a is a mi minimum nimum of of tw two o after after sc scho hool ol or or even ening ing pu public blic pe perf rfor orman mance ces s as as pa part of t of thi this s class. lass. 84 8413 13FA A Cr Crea eativ tive e Jam: am: Mus Music ic Tod oday ay, , Tomo omorrow, , an and Bey d Beyon ond d Students will be involved in listening, analyzing, creating/composing and improvising music, as well as playing a variety of instruments and singing.

  13. THEATER 82 8213 13FA A Per erfor orming ming Ar Arts ts Class activities may include: radio theater, stage combat, play reading, reader’s theater, voice production, study of theater history, technical theater and group presentations. **Students will be required to participate in an outside-of-school showcase. 82 8214 14FA A Spe Speec ech/De h/Deba bate te Students will research, organize, and present various types of speeches.  You must speak in front of people.

  14. AVID VID is is not a t a stu study y hall ll! ! AVID VID ha has i s impo mporta tant nt curricu cu riculum and lum and v ver ery y high high exp xpec ecta tation tions s of of wor ork k comp mpletio letion. 1632 16 32EL EL AVID VID This is an a course that prepares students for college readiness and success. Each week, students receive instruction utilizing a rigorous college preparatory curriculum, tutor-facilitated study groups, motivational activities and academic success skills. AVID continues to build on writing, inquiry, collaboration, organization, and reading needed for college. An application and interview are necessary.

  15. Peer eer Ambass Ambassador adors 1405 14 05EL EL Pee eer r Amba Ambass ssad ador ors s  The class is designed for students who show leadership potential and offers support and challenges to help others reach their full potential.  The Peer Ambassadors class is a Character Education class that combines service and a concept known as Teen Court.  Students study leadership skills and Covey’s “7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens”, plan school events, and participate in student-led discussions and activities.  Students will be admitted to the class based upon their application, teacher recommendation, attendance and school performance.

  16. READING READING 2250LA Reading Workshop - Intervention This supplemental reading course is designed to teach literacy strategies to students who ho str strug uggle le with aspects of reading as determined by multiple assessments and teacher recommendations.  If If a a student i student is s rec ecomme ommend nded ed to to tak take e Reading eading, , thi this s wi will ll rep eplace lace elec electiv tive c e cho hoices ices.

  17. Speci Special al Notes: Notes: Electiv Elective e and Class and Class conflicts may occur.  Please make sure to give alternates on enrollment forms.  All core classes taught at West Middle School are year long.  If you have questions about a math placement or world language placement, these need to be addressed with the teacher a soon as possible!  Please do not request a specific teacher, hour, or semester, as we will be unable to meet these requests.

  18. ENROLLMENT TIMELINE Enrollment forms are due by: Friday, February 10th Give to Mrs. Burlis or Ms. Ward! ….or we get to pick your classes for you Choose wisely – after March 3 rd changes become almost impossible to make. All enrollment information for your parents is out on the website under Guidance!

  19. THANK Y THANK YOU! OU! THANK THANK YOU! OU! Thank Y hank You! ou! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!


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