welcome to year 3

Welcome to Year 3 September 2016 Agenda 1. Who will be working - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Welcome to Year 3 September 2016 Agenda 1. Who will be working with your children 2. Behaviour 3. Attendance and Punctuality 4. Curriculum Overview 1. English 2. Maths 3. Jewish Studies 5. Homework 6. Uniform 7. Food at school 8.

  1. Welcome to Year 3 September 2016

  2. Agenda 1. Who will be working with your children 2. Behaviour 3. Attendance and Punctuality 4. Curriculum Overview 1. English 2. Maths 3. Jewish Studies 5. Homework 6. Uniform 7. Food at school 8. Parents

  3. Who will be working with your children? Class Teachers: Specialist Teachers: Ms. Mifsud – 3EM /3B Art – Mr Anders Miss Meller – 3JM/3C P.E. – Maccabi teachers Ms Black/Mrs Gough – 3BG/3A Morah Ada – Jewish Studies Teacher Teaching Assistant: Mrs. Sorkin

  4. Behaviour  Good behaviour is a necessary condition for effective teaching to take place." (Education Observed 5 - DES 1987)  Aims of the Policy  Sinai Jewish Primary School aims to promote good behaviour through a culture of mutual respect. Jewish Studies, PSHCE, Celebration Assemblies and the Golden Rules provide opportunities for good behaviour to be discussed and promoted.  Everyone is responsible for good behaviour in the school. This includes children, staff, parents and governors. It forms part of the whole school ethos with everyone sharing the same high expectations.

  5. Behaviour • Good behaviour is rewarded with a Class Dojo. Children will be acknowledged for achieving Dojos. • In year 3 we have organised the dojos to be used in a classroom economy. • Children will be able to spend their Dojo’s on individual and group rewards • i.e. 90 Dojo’s allows them to sit in the teacher’s comfy chair while completing one lesson’s work. • We hope this encourages children to learn the value of a currency as well as showing them that good behaviour is always rewarded. • When children have not met the behavioural expectations the following actions will be taken. • Verbal warning(s) and then a Negative Dojo • Time out in parallel class • Lunch time detention (20 mins)

  6. Attendance and Punctuality  This is a successful school and your child plays their part in making it so. We aim for an environment which enables and encourages all members of the community to reach out for excellence. For your children to gain the greatest benefit from their education, it is vital that they attend regularly and your child should be at school, on time, every day the school is open unless the reason for the absence is unavoidable. The DfE expect primary age pupils to attend school for a minimum 95% of the school year.  Principles  A pupil should come to school every day and be on time;  A pupil should only be absent if the reason is “unavoidable”;  Every half-day absence from school has to be classified by the school (not by parents/guardians), as either authorised or unauthorised. This is why information about the cause of each absence is always required, preferably in writing;  The school does not authorise absence for holidays during term time.  Requests for absence during Year 6 will not be approved

  7. Curriculum Overview The general week in Year 3 will consist of:  5 English Lessons  1 SPAG lesson  3 writing lessons  1 comprehension lesson  5 Maths lessons following the mastery scheme.  2 Science lessons  1 History/Geography lesson  1 ICT lesson/ Art/P.E./PSHE/Music  4 Jewish Studies lesson and 1 Ivrit lesson

  8. English  Curriculum Content  Based on the new National Curriculum  Reading  This is assessed through guided reading on a daily basis as well as comprehension activities.  We want to make it very clear that a child’s fluency may not always correspond with their comprehension abilities.  To explain this further a child may be able to decode Topaz level words however, not be able to respond to comprehension questions of that level.  Writing  In writing this year we expect children to write in a variety of genres including fiction, non-fiction and poetry.  Spelling  Spellings will be sent home weekly and children will be encouraged on a daily basis to go through their written work in green pen to correct spelling mistakes by using a dictionary independently.  Children who can spell the word correctly using a dictionary will be assessed as being able to spell that word.  Punctuation and Grammar  In accordance to our 1 SPAG lesson a week we expect children to use this is in all written tasks.

  9. English How to help at home:  Practice spellings with them daily  Read with them as much as possible and ask them comprehension style questions  e.g. How did that boy feel after _____ event? How do you know?  Encourage neat handwriting and presentation in all pieces of written work

  10. Maths  Sinai’s shift to Mastery Maths and what it means:  Sinai’s ethos focuses on “no child left behind” and this is evident in our new Mastery Maths planning  Mastery Maths focuses on deeper understanding of mathematical concepts  Rather than pushing children to higher year levels, we challenge and deepen their understanding of maths in a variety of contexts  How to Help at home:  Regular times table practice  Year 3 times tables focus on the 3x, 4x and 8x tables as well as reviewing the 2x, 5x and 10x tables from prior years  Times table tests are done weekly  Assist with maths homework  Curriculum Content  Based upon new National Curriculum

  11. JS Homework  Receiving on Friday Hebrew reading (well differentiated) and Parasha to be brought back on Monday. Ivrit  One formal lesson per week. Every day the children will converse in Ivrit in JS lessons, during Tefillah and every other opportunity. We will focus mainly on conversation and writing about every day life and our topic this term will be ‘Ani V’humishpacha sheli ’. The children will also learn the meanings of prefixes and suffixes and how to apply these to building sentences in Ivrit. This will also be linked to Chumash. The children will be encouraged to use Ivrit throughout the year and our aim is that the children will be able to write short stories in Ivrit and have conversations with a good level of understanding and confidence. Chumash  Children will be revising and learning more in depth (building on last year’s Chumash readiness) about Hachana l’chumash . Then we will start Units 1 & 2. These will also be linked to Ivrit. As part of the Chumash curriculum, the children will have the opportinuties to enhance their map skills, their history skills. They will learn the text through the eyes of famous rabbinical personalities, such as Rashi. Tefillah  Children will learn many key Tefillot and begin to be familiar with finding their way around the Siddur. We will be emphasising the Brachot before and after the Shema and the Brachot of the Amidah and the meaning of selected Tefillot. Chaggim  We follow a set curriculum for each Chag. We also learn how each Chag is celebrated , including the atmosphere of the Chag in Eretz Yisrael. Through this, we give the children a love for Eretz Yisrael . The children will also experience a variety of artefacts linked to each festival, through arts and crafts activities .  How can you help your children at home – Be sure to read the Hebrew homework with your children regularly and it would be most helpful to read the Parasha with your child. The children should complete the homework and return it signed by Monday.  Please feel free to contact Morah Ada or Rabbi Goldmeier if you have any questions.

  12. Homework  Monday/ Tuesday: weekly Spellings go home  10 spelling words weekly  Children are expected to practice writing the word out a minimum of 3x on the back of Spellings  Below their 1 st , 2 nd , 3 rd try practice chart, children should write at least 3 sentences using as many spelling words as possible  Friday: weekly Homework goes home  A piece of English or Maths homework is alternated weekly (we will begin with Maths)  Children will have up to Wednesday to submit their homework into the correct box/folder so that it may be assessed for the coming Friday  Please understand that if the homework is submitted after Friday, it will not be marked  Mathletics is in addition to our weekly Maths learning  While we encourage them to be completed we understand your busy lifestyles and would prefer the weekly homework to be completed first and foremost.  Children will not be faulted or punished for not completing Mathletics on a weekly basis.  www.mathletics.co.uk (usernames and passwords to come)  Reading Books will be changed as often as possible.  We will aim to change your child’s book at least twice a week.  As we go further into the year we will encourage children to change their own books.

  13. Uniform  Full school uniform (light blue shirt, grey skirt/trousers, navy Sinai jumper, black shoes, white/navy/grey socks, Kippot and Tzit-tzit  Girls must have long hair tied back at all times wearing the correctly coloured head wear  No hair gel/wax to be used in hair  Shirt to be tucked in at all times  School shoes at all times (trainers to be worn for PE only)  PE kits to be in school at all times  Navy school cap for outings

  14. Food at school  We would like to remind you that packed school lunches must be kosher and healthy and ONLY fruit and vegetable snacks should be brought in for break. We would like to remind you that we are a nut-free school.  Some parents like to celebrate their child’s birthday by bringing in treats for the children. Please can we ask that these snacks are either plain biscuits, small items such as pencils, rubbers, stickers, etc


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