welcome to year 1i

Welcome to Year 1I Isy Malik Isy Malik Y1 Curriculum In Key Stage 1 - PDF document

30/09/19 Welcome to Year 1I Isy Malik Isy Malik Y1 Curriculum In Key Stage 1 (years 1 and 2) we have core subjects (reading, writing, maths and science) and foundation subjects. Y1 Y6 follow topics, for example, at the moment, our topic is

  1. 30/09/19 Welcome to Year 1I Isy Malik Isy Malik Y1 Curriculum In Key Stage 1 (years 1 and 2) we have core subjects (reading, writing, maths and science) and foundation subjects. Y1 – Y6 follow topics, for example, at the moment, our topic is ‘The Wonderful World of Me’. Y1 is a mix of whole class learning and child-initiated learning (choosing/free flow). Y1 students have a statutory phonics check in June. 1

  2. 30/09/19 Y1 timetable — Daily reading(DSR); handwriting, phonics, writing, maths and child-initiated learning (Free Flow) — Weekly foundation subjects — PPA is on a Thursday morning (Art – Ellie and P.E – Rachel) — Forest School is on a Monday afternoon. Behaviour for learning — School Rules: Be Ready Be Respectful Be Safe — Recognition Board – recognition of ‘over and above’ behaviour — Restorative conversations for those that need them. 2

  3. 30/09/19 Reading — Please read/keep reading with your child. — Research from Booktrust about ‘importance of quality time reading as a family’. A poll conducted last year found that only 30% of parents read to the children each day. https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and-families/ parents-reading-children-books-uk-roald-dahl-mcdonalds-damian- hinds-a8516436.html — Join the library if you haven’t already, it’s a great resource and free! Home Learning — Reading for 10 minutes every day including Bug Club. Reading for 10 minutes every day including Bug Club. activelearnprimary.co.uk activelearnprimary.co.uk Username: name1 Password: Username: name1 Password: isy isy — Knowledge Knowledge organisers organisers at the start of each topic at the start of each topic — In autumn 2 – weekly spellings In autumn 2 – weekly spellings 3

  4. 30/09/19 Communication — Class early morning routines support a settled start to the day – handshake, 5 a day and then Daily Supported Reading at 09.00. — After school is better for discussions once the class have been dismissed. — Newsletters, Parentmail, texts. — Ashmead blog: myashmead.org — Email address: imalik@ashmead.lewisham.sch.uk (within work hours please) AOB — Your child will get messy in Y1 – please make sure they are dressed accordingly! Messy clothes are a sign of deep learning and involvement. Please bring in spare clothes and appropriate clothes for the weather. — Please make sure children are in velcro shoes if they do not know how to tie laces yet. 4

  5. 30/09/19 SLT info — Safeguarding — Trips/Volunteers — OPAL – Platinum award — Attendance and Punctuality — PTA – AGM on Friday 11 th October at 9am 5


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