30/09/19 Welcome to Year 1I Isy Malik Isy Malik Y1 Curriculum In Key Stage 1 (years 1 and 2) we have core subjects (reading, writing, maths and science) and foundation subjects. Y1 – Y6 follow topics, for example, at the moment, our topic is ‘The Wonderful World of Me’. Y1 is a mix of whole class learning and child-initiated learning (choosing/free flow). Y1 students have a statutory phonics check in June. 1
30/09/19 Y1 timetable Daily reading(DSR); handwriting, phonics, writing, maths and child-initiated learning (Free Flow) Weekly foundation subjects PPA is on a Thursday morning (Art – Ellie and P.E – Rachel) Forest School is on a Monday afternoon. Behaviour for learning School Rules: Be Ready Be Respectful Be Safe Recognition Board – recognition of ‘over and above’ behaviour Restorative conversations for those that need them. 2
30/09/19 Reading Please read/keep reading with your child. Research from Booktrust about ‘importance of quality time reading as a family’. A poll conducted last year found that only 30% of parents read to the children each day. https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and-families/ parents-reading-children-books-uk-roald-dahl-mcdonalds-damian- hinds-a8516436.html Join the library if you haven’t already, it’s a great resource and free! Home Learning Reading for 10 minutes every day including Bug Club. Reading for 10 minutes every day including Bug Club. activelearnprimary.co.uk activelearnprimary.co.uk Username: name1 Password: Username: name1 Password: isy isy Knowledge Knowledge organisers organisers at the start of each topic at the start of each topic In autumn 2 – weekly spellings In autumn 2 – weekly spellings 3
30/09/19 Communication Class early morning routines support a settled start to the day – handshake, 5 a day and then Daily Supported Reading at 09.00. After school is better for discussions once the class have been dismissed. Newsletters, Parentmail, texts. Ashmead blog: myashmead.org Email address: imalik@ashmead.lewisham.sch.uk (within work hours please) AOB Your child will get messy in Y1 – please make sure they are dressed accordingly! Messy clothes are a sign of deep learning and involvement. Please bring in spare clothes and appropriate clothes for the weather. Please make sure children are in velcro shoes if they do not know how to tie laces yet. 4
30/09/19 SLT info Safeguarding Trips/Volunteers OPAL – Platinum award Attendance and Punctuality PTA – AGM on Friday 11 th October at 9am 5
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