welcome to st michael s ce school parent teachers

Welcome to St. Michaels CE School Parent Teachers Association AGM - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Welcome to St. Michaels CE School Parent Teachers Association AGM 2017 Working together for the good of all AGENDA Welcome & Introductions A word from the head boys and girls What was the PTA up to? Parent TEACHER Association

  1. Welcome to St. Michael’s CE School Parent Teachers Association AGM 2017 “Working together for the good of all”

  2. AGENDA Welcome & Introductions A word from the head boys and girls What was the PTA up to? Parent TEACHER Association Finances AMG Any other business & Questions

  3. St Michael’s PTA AGM 2017 Welcome & Introductions A word from the head boys and girls What was the PTA up to? Parent TEACHER Association Finances AMG Any other business & Questions

  4. St Michael’s PTA AGM 2017 Your PTA team for 2017-18: Jenaya Molloy & Denise Hagley – PTA Co-Chairs Nicky Vick – Treasurer Emma Voss – Class Rep Coordinator Louise Clarke – Secretary (outgoing) – A massive thank you Ruth Akinwale – Secretary (incoming) – A huge welcome

  5. St Michael’s PTA AGM 2017 Welcome & Introductions A word from the head boys and girls What was the PTA up to? Parent TEACHER Association Finances AMG Any other business & Questions

  6. St Michael’s PTA AGM 2017 Welcome & Introductions A word from the head boys and girls What was the PTA up to? Parent TEACHER Association Finances AMG Any other business & Questions

  7. Remember the 80’s? The Autumn Social

  8. Remember, remember… …the Fantastic Fireworks Display

  9. Oh no you’re not…. Christmas Panto Trip

  10. Ho Ho Ho!!! The Christmas Fayre…

  11. Ho Ho Ho!!! …it’s not just for children

  12. On a hot summers day… …AFTER BEFORE…

  13. We are all the PTA Events are put on by year groups The PTA Committee oversees. Up until the end of the 2016-17 school year the Committee was represented by: Vicky Higgs and Dan Poulson – PTA Co-Chairs Mark & Claire Whitefield – Treasurer (until Apr. 2017) Emma Voss – Class Rep Coordinator Louise Clarke – Secretary Governors AMG

  14. We build community and fill the gap Government funds the essentials Local Authority budgets are tight Extras enhance and broaden school life It is hugely appreciated and fun

  15. It equates to £110 earned per child Pastoral fund School community essentials Crossing Summer Fun! Computing Education resources Library Mathletics Kick London Sports and coaching Sports Week Pantomime Cultural outings Wimbledon Tennis Bocketts Farm …that’s a number to be proud of.

  16. A full calendar of events… AUTUMN 15 th Sep Uniform Sale 3:15pm 19 th Sep PTA meeting 7:30pm 22 nd Sep Cake Sale 3:15pm Year 6 5 th Oct Bad Dads 8:30pm SUMMER 7 th Oct Autumn Social 7:30pm Year 2 20 th Apr 13 th Oct Uniform Sale 3:15pm PTA AGM 9:00am 3 rd May 13 th Oct Bad Dads 8:30pm Cake Sale 3:15pm Year 5 4 th May 2 nd Nov Cake Sale 3:15pm Year 1 Bad Dads 8:30pm 8 th May 4 th Nov PTA meeting 7:30pm Fireworks 5:00pm Year 4 7 th Jun 14 th Nov Bad Dads 8:30pm PTA meeting 7:30pm 15 th Jun 1 st Dec Cake Sale 3:15pm Reception Cake Sale 3:15pm Year 4 23 rd Jun 7 th Dec Fete & Bad Dads 8:30pm 14 th Dec Summer Social 12:00pm Panto Trip Morning 10 th Jul 15 th Dec PTA meeting 7:30pm Christmas Fair Afternoon Year 1 SPRING 4 th Jan Bad Dads 8:30pm 5 th Jan Uniform Sale 3:15pm …for 2017-18 16 th Jan PTA meeting 7:30pm 19 th Jan Cake Sale 3:15pm Year 3 1 st Feb Bad Dads 8:30pm 3 rd Feb Disco 4:30/6:30 Year 5 1 st Mar Bad Dads 8:30pm 9 th Mar Cake Sale 3:15pm Year 2 20 th Mar PTA meeting 7:30pm 24 th Mar Quiz Night 7:30pm Year 3

  17. How do I get involved? • Get a DBS (Disclosure Barring Service) the new CRB check. It’s really quick! • Join an event team for an event you’ll enjoy. • Join the PTA Committee. • Email the PTA with any ideas and feedback or if you’d just like to help …. pta@stmichaels.wandsworth.sch.uk • Remember this is your school, your PTA, any offer of help is never turned away!

  18. St Michael’s PTA AGM 2017 Welcome & Introductions A word from the head boys and girls What was the PTA up to? Parent TEACHER Association Finances AMG Any other business & Questions

  19. Parent TEACHER Association What makes our community so special is the relationship between teachers and pupils and teachers and parents. Our teaching staff are invaluable and give so much to the school and the students, sometimes going above and beyond. Here are just a few of their contributions throughout the year: They attend our functions and events which the children • love seeing them at. At the Fireworks and Summer Fete they provide vital • crowd control and also step up and man stalls and do other vital jobs (some behind the scenes). They run a high number of clubs for free. • • They are present at our PTA meetings providing valuable input.

  20. Parent TEACHER Association Our children benefit hugely by their good will. And in return the PTA acknowledge the work the teachers do by providing: • a free table at events like the Autumn Social/Auction & Quiz night • free tickets for the fireworks • supper on open evening It’s a win win! This year we are working with AMG to incorporate for each year level event a staff liaison person to feedback to the rest of the staff what we are doing. Details to follow.

  21. St Michael’s PTA AGM 2017 Welcome & Introductions A word from the head boys and girls What was the PTA up to? Parent TEACHER Association Finances AMG Any other business & Questions

  22. St Michael’s School PTA Financial Report for Year 2016/17

  23. INCOME An Outstanding Year with a total Income of £42,227 (vs last year total of £29,625) • Summer Fete raised £16,102 ( up £355 on last year) • Christmas Fayre raised £5,075 (up £714 on last year) • Fireworks raised £1,457 (up £1,050 on last year) • Promises Auction made a phenomenal £13,789, with some extremely generous donations from the school community. • All other events were profitable, which contributed to an amazing increase in total income of £12,602. St Michael's School PTA Financial Report for 23 Year 2016/2017

  24. EXPENDITURE TOTAL EXPENDITURE: £46,738 Gifts to School totalled £40,477 £21,939 on a new school climbing frame in the Muga, for all the • children to enjoy. • £2,767 for a new sound system in the school hall. Sport totalled £6,000 for Kick London, sports week and clubs. • £2,000 spent on computers and Mathletics. • £2,000 contribution to the cost of the School Crossing Patrol • • £792 for hi-vis vests for every child • Other expenditure included subsidising School Trips & Workshops, Phase Resources, Summer Fun Day & the Head Teacher’s Fund. St Michael's School PTA Financial Report for 24 Year 2016/2017

  25. EXPENDITURE… PTA Expenses were used for • £382 Year 1 Wimbledon tennis trip • £3,098 was used to subsidise the whole school pantomime trip • £155 for a new freezer • £401 donation made to ‘Help for Heroes’ charity • Remainder spent on general admin items, insurance, printing, photocopying, bunting, refreshments and sundries. St Michael's School PTA Financial Report for 25 Year 2016/2017

  26. St Michael’s School PTA Financial Report for Year 2016/2017 NET ASSETS at 31 st August 2017 Current Account: £16,767 Other net assets: £ 2,183 TOTAL NET ASSETS £18,950 St Michael's School PTA Financial Report for 26 Year 2016/2017

  27. CONCLUSION When we get involved we show our children we value their education, and it sends a positive message that we consider school a worthwhile cause. We are role-modelling to our children and showing them the importance of belonging and getting involved in a community. If you want your child to get involved in clubs etc shouldn’t you do the same?! Your contribution to the different events throughout the year are hugely needed and massively appreciated. 27

  28. CONCLUSION The PTA isn't just about “money”, it's about relationships and communication and shared goals and visions of where we would like our school to be and what we think the needs of our children are. You the parents and teachers are what make our PTA great. THANK YOU TO EVERONE WHO HAS SO GENEROUSLY CONTRIBUTED TO THIS SUCCESS 28

  29. St Michael’s PTA AGM 2017 Welcome & Introductions A word from the head boys and girls What was the PTA up to? Parent TEACHER Association Finances AMG Any other business & Questions

  30. Our priorities for this year Pastoral fund School community essentials School Crossing Patrol Summer Fun Day Computing Education resources Class Resources Activities Week & Mathletics Sports and coaching Sports Week School Trips Pantomime Cultural outings Wimbledon Tennis Multi-media IT Suite, Convert Special projects pond to an outdoor performance stage

  31. Annual budget 2017/18 (Proposed) Subsidising school trips £2000 Subsidising workshop/ Curriculum/Activities weeks £2000 Individual Class resources £1400 (£100 for each class) Phase resource for Phase equipment £1200 (£300 for each Phase) Computing resources £2000 Support towards School Crossing Patrol £2000 Summer Fun Day £1600 (Additional funds raised when extending to families after school) Pupil Choice £300 (Games / puzzle equipment for wet playtimes) Headteacher Pastoral Fund £500 Sports Week £1000 TOTAL £14,000

  32. St Michael’s PTA AGM 2017 Welcome & Introductions A word from the head boys and girls What was the PTA up to? Parent TEACHER Association Finances AMG Any other business & Questions


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