parent meeting

Parent Meeting October 22, 20 19 Bloomfield Hills Schools Parent - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Bloomfield Hills Schools Parent Advisory Committee for Special Education Parent Meeting October 22, 20 19 Bloomfield Hills Schools Parent Advisory Committee for Special Education Welcome & Introductions Bloomfield Hills Schools Parent

  1. Bloomfield Hills Schools Parent Advisory Committee for Special Education Parent Meeting October 22, 20 19

  2. Bloomfield Hills Schools Parent Advisory Committee for Special Education Welcome & Introductions

  3. Bloomfield Hills Schools Parent Advisory Committee for Special Education Jennifer Perrone Director of Special Education

  4. Bloomfield Hills Schools Parent Advisory Committee for Special Education PAC Purpose

  5. Bloomfield Hills Schools Guiding Pillars Parent Advisory Committee for Special Education COLLABORATION SUPPORT We will share resources, parent perspectives on best We will, in conjunction with BHSD, provide practices in special education to BHSD opportunities for families to receive meaningful administration, and work positively to problem solve peer-to-peer support for their parenting journey. and enhance BHSD's special education services collaborating with administration. REPRESENTATION ADVOCACY & TRAINING We are the collective voice of families whose We will share best practices and resources to help students receive special education services, ages families advocate for their children, and have the 0-26, in the Bloomfield Hills School District, and will tools, confidence and support to understand and ensure we represent in district planning and engage with the special education process. initiatives, in addition to Oakland Schools.

  6. Bloomfield Hills Schools Goal Setting Parent Advisory Committee for Special Education SUPPORT COLLABORATION REPRESENTATION ADVOCACY & TRAINING • In Person • Building out community • Oakland PAC • State of the Community ⚬ Celebrate Hope facilitated ⚬ Awareness and Inclusion • BHSD Planning Committees resources ⚬ Parent Socials ⚬ W ebsite ⚬ Scope and Design • Training & Speaker Opportunities ⚬ Facebook group ⚬ ???? • Online and Topics: ⚬ Facebook page (awareness) ⚬ Kevin Roberts • Disability Awareness ⚬ Facebook group (support) ⚬ Easter Seals (Celebrating Differences?) • Other community-based • Administration • Michigan Alliance for Families • Existing programs • ????? opportunities???? ⚬ Summer camps ⚬ ?????

  7. Bloomfield Hills Schools Parent Advisory Committee for Special Education PAC Structure

  8. Building & Program Bloomfield Hills Schools Representatives Parent Advisory Committee for Special Education PAC Co-Chairs High School Early Childhood Elementary Middle School Lone Pine Early On (0-3) Bloomfield Hills East Hills Kimberley Hamp Carol Blumenstein <<<>>>> Gina Morgan (D/HH) Betsy Pilon Amy Long International Academy SEED (3-5) Eastover <<<<<>>>>> Laura Shullman West Hills Angela Grondz Amira Kalabat <<<<<>>>>> Kim Costis Anthony Geers (D/HH) Post-Secondary Center Programs Bloomfield Hills Way <<<<>>>>> Megan Cooper PREP Wing Lake Shirley Olney Kimberly Cromer Conant Aftab Farooq Megan Koutsoubos Sevan Sanjian Betsy Pilon Angela Grondz

  9. Bloomfield Hills Schools Parent Advisory Committee for Special Education Disability Awareness Day

  10. Disability Bloomfield Hills Schools Awareness Day Parent Advisory Committee for Special Education Current Set Up for 2019: Current Set Up for 2019: ● 4th Grade ● Students rotate through 10 Disability "experience" stations (learning, speech, mobility, etc,) ● Bussed over to Booth

  11. Disability Bloomfield Hills Schools Awareness Day Parent Advisory Committee for Special Education What's Next? Where do we want to go from here? What's Next? Where do we want to go from here? Brainstorming for 2020: Brainstorming for 2020:

  12. Bloomfield Hills Schools Parent Advisory Committee for Special Education Future Meetings

  13. Bloomfield Hills Schools Parent Advisory Committee for Special Education Thanks for coming! Stay connected: C > Teaching & Learning > Special Education


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