Welcome to Parent Night! Miss Jaconetti – Second Grade 2018 - 2019
Miss Jaconetti ● Fifth year teaching 2 nd grade at West Elementary School ● Involved in West Dance Club and West Variety Show ● Attended Elmhurst College ● Bachelor of Arts degree in Elementary Education ● Minor in Spanish
A little bit about my teaching philosophy... ● Instill a love of learning in all students ● Create a classroom community that is safe and welcoming to all students ● Incorporate social emotional and growth mindset lessons in our classroom ● Movement and different seating options are provided for students during the school day ● Open door communication policy with families ● Provide students with the supports they need to be successful while also challenging them to grow as learners
Second Grade News ● Our classroom website: https://www.d47.org/Page/2202 ● You can access my website through the West Website → Academic Teams → Second Grade → Miss Jaconetti ● Our weekly update will be posted at the end of each week under the Jaconetti Journal section ● Weekly updates ● Classroom news ● Changes in procedures/Field Trips ● Unit skills and additional resources ● Twitter: @JaconettiGrade2
Contact Information ● Email: hijaconetti@d47.org ● Feel free to email me but please be aware that I might not have the opportunity to check emails until after school. ● Voicemail: 815-788-5569 ● West School Office: 815-788-5550 ● Notes: please date all notes and send them in your child’s take home folder ● Please send a note or contact the school office if there is a change in your child’s dismissal from school.
Classroom Information ● Healthy, tidy afternoon snack/water bottle ● Our classroom is peanut and tree nut free – please keep this in mind when sending a snack with your child! ● The students eat their snack during our math time, so please try to send a tidy snack! ● Clean pair of gym shoes and Encore shirt (kept in lockers) ● Birthdays - Simple please – NO FOOD! ☺ 20 kids ● No invitations passed out at school
Your Child’s School Day ● Morning Work 8:50 – 9:05 ● Social Studies/Science 9:05 – 9:40 ● Shared Reading/ELA Extension Activities 9:40 – 10:10 ● Guided Reading and Stations 10:10 – 11:10 ● Recess and Lunch 11:15 – 12:05 ● Writing 12:05 – 1:10 ● Encores 1:10 – 2:10 ● Monday - STEM ● Tuesday - Physical Education and Music ● Wednesday - Library ● Thursday - Art ● Friday - Music and Physical Education ● Math 2:10 – 3:15 ● Pack Up and Dismissal 3:15 – 3:30
Homework ● Take Home Folder ● Reading – students are expected to read 20 minutes each night but they will not be required to complete a reading log ● Research from the Journal of Research in Education has shown that reading logs can have an adverse effect on children’s attitudes toward reading. We will have conversations about books students are reading at home and we will have a “What I’m Reading” chart in our classroom. ● Books from home, library books, guided reading books (will be sent home in Take Home Folder) ● Math Homework and Remembering ● Family letters will be sent home as additional resources to assist with new math strategies
D47 Handbook on Homework ● Is used to reinforce and apply previously covered concepts, principles and skills ● Is not assigned for disciplinary purposes ● Serves as a communications link between the school and parents/guardians ● Encourages grade appropriate independent thought, self-direction and self-discipline ● The District recommends that if daily homework is assigned, it not exceed 10 minutes per grade level cumulative (i.e. 2 nd grade: 20 minutes) This does not include nightly reading.
Homework Due to Absence: ● Homework missed due to illness- can be requested after 1 st day of absence. We do not provide homework when a child misses only 1 day of school. Beginning on the 2 nd day of absences, homework can be requested. Please call the office by 9:30 a.m. ● Homework missed due to vacation- Missed class work is best addressed under the supervision of the teacher UPON RETURN OF THE STUDENT. Upon their return, students will be required to complete such work in a period of time equal to that which was missed.
Friday Letters ● Every other Friday, your child will write a letter to you to share about their week in school! ● Students are encouraged to write about their tasks in each subject as well as something new that they learned. ● The letters will be kept in their Friday Letters Folder (yellow) and will serve as great memories and an example of their writing growth throughout the year. ● Please write back to your child each week and return the Friday Letters folder to school with your child on Monday or any day the following week. ● The students keep their folders in their book boxes and they enjoy reading your messages!
Restorative Practices ● Reward System ● Whole class “W” outside of each classroom ● Our class can earn paw prints on our W for following expectations as a class. ● Whole class reward and a “Golden Whiskers” when we fill up the W - students will vote on a classroom reward. ● When we reach three Golden Whisker awards, our class earns a reward with Mrs. Klinsky and Mrs. Cruz. ● Paw Prides ● Paw Pride Fridays and Paws R Us ● Make Wise Choices Chart ● Open communication with parents ● Phone calls/emails about student behavior ● Majors or minors for student misbehavior
P ositive B ehavioral I nterventions and S upports ● Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Safe! ● Classroom and school matrix ● Expectation tours at the beginning of the school year ● Cool Tool Tuesdays - Ongoing lessons about expectations in the classroom ● Focus on Positive Behaviors and rewarding students for following the expectations in the school and classroom ● Paw Prides ● Monthly PBIS whole school celebrations ● Classroom rewards when we fill our class W
Reading ● Balanced Literacy Program ● Shared Reading/Close Reading – Journeys textbooks ● During shared reading, all students have access to second grade level texts in the Journeys books. ● Guided Reading and Daily Five Stations ● Read to self, work on writing, word work, listen to reading, read to someone ● Students will meet in a guided reading group multiple times per week for reading instruction at their reading level. ● Read Aloud
ELA Units of Study ● Literature and informational texts ● In addition to having opportunities to read at their independent and instructional levels, all students will be exposed to grade-level texts ● Academic vocabulary: social language, literature based, and content-specific ● Text-based answers: close reading for answers, analyzing the text, and having to synthesize text before answering questions ● Literacy instruction in all content areas: spelling and social studies integration
Writing ● Traits Writing – Narrative, Informative, Opinion ● Traits → ideas, organization, sentence fluency, word choice, voice, conventions, and presentation ● Instruction includes mentor texts and mini lessons ● Modeled Writing and Shared Writing ● Writer’s Workshop → students are given time to write about topics that they choose ● Independent writing ● Writing process → prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing ● Conferences in a small group with the teacher ● Students have a writing notebook - place to keep their ideas and writing pieces
Spelling and Handwriting ● Spelling is based on high frequency words, awareness of letter/sound correlation, spelling patterns, useful rules, and application in writing. ● Words Their Way - word work curriculum ● Students will be completing word sorts that are differentiated based on student needs. ● EZ Write is used to teach correct stroke and uppercase/lowercase letters. ● Direct instruction and independent practice will be used to complete the EZ Write training sheets.
Mathematics ● Math Expressions ● Focus on the Common Core State Standards ● Students study a small number of math concepts and have the time to build an in-depth understanding of mathematical ideas ● We will spend more time and multiple lessons teaching one math concept so that the students have additional opportunities for practice and mastery of math skills ● Multiple opportunities for differentiation ● Daily Math Routines – each math lesson begins with math routines and quick practice ● The routines provide practice in base ten using the number grid, number path, and money flip chart ● Students will be leading the math routines each day
Math Skills ● Addition and subtraction within 20 ● Word Problems ● Addition within 200 ● Length and shapes ● Subtracting two-digit numbers ● Time, Graphs, and Word Problems ● Three-Digit Addition and Subtraction ● Arrays and Equal Shares
Math Stations ● TIME Math Stations – students go to one math station each day after the whole class math lesson ● Technology – students completing math activities (Seesaw) or games on the Chromebooks or iPads ● Independent Work – students working on math skills, differentiated for each student ● Math with Someone – students playing math games with a classmate ● Extensions – students working in a small group with the teacher to re-teach math skills or to be introduced to more challenging math concepts
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